Newbie Has Some Questions. Help Please.

So I've been eying the fractal product line for a while now. I'm in no way a newbie when it comes to amps, effects, and cabs, but I am a newbie when it comes to SS and digital processing. Basically I really really want an Axe-FX. I'm currently on the waiting list for a II. My questions are as follows:

1) Which Axe-FX is the best bang for your buck? Std., ultra, or II? Price really isn't a determining factor, I just want a great product.
2) What should I do about a power amp? Should I go tube or should I go SS?
3) What should I do about a speaker cab / speakers for a live situation? I currently have an orange styled 6x12(V30 and 65's in zigzag) and 2 Emperor 2x12's (weber 65's). Should I buy some higher wattage no voicing style speakers to throw in an empty cab, or what?

Any help would be great.
i would guess that the axe II is the best value

i would definitely try and use that 6x12 you have, that sounds insane. you mightn't even need a power amp, you can use the fx loop on any amp head that you might have. i wouldn't worry about trying to get a "voiceless" speaker.
i would guess that the axe II is the best value

i would definitely try and use that 6x12 you have, that sounds insane. you mightn't even need a power amp, you can use the fx loop on any amp head that you might have. i wouldn't worry about trying to get a "voiceless" speaker.

My other amps are an '82 JCM800 and a Ceriatone HeyWhat!? that I built, neither have fxloops.

The only reason I am debating getting a virtually voiceless speaker is so that I can have faithful recreations of cabs using the cab sims.
The Axe II is clearly the best of breed. Standards and Ultras are available on the used market for significantly less, and offer great bang for the buck. If price isn't a determining factor, the II is your baby.

If you want to use the cab sims, you need a FRFR speaker. The only way to get a 12" driver that's anywhere near "voiceless" is to get a good coaxial one. Otherwise, you'll need to add one or more HF drivers. You'll also need a cabinet that's designed for FRFR that's matched to the drivers you buy. If you just mount speakers into a guitar cab, the cabinet itself will "voice" your speakers. You'll be better off getting a FRFR speaker system ready-built, or a powered monitor.
The Axe II is clearly the best of breed. Standards and Ultras are available on the used market for significantly less, and offer great bang for the buck. If price isn't a determining factor, the II is your baby.

If you want to use the cab sims, you need a FRFR speaker. The only way to get a 12" driver that's anywhere near "voiceless" is to get a good coaxial one. Otherwise, you'll need to add one or more HF drivers. You'll also need a cabinet that's designed for FRFR that's matched to the drivers you buy. If you just mount speakers into a guitar cab, the cabinet itself will "voice" your speakers. You'll be better off getting a FRFR speaker system ready-built, or a powered monitor.

Thanks for the info. Looks like I won't be using FRFR speaker/systems in live settings due to the type of venues I play. Guess I won't be running cab sims unless I'm home plugged into my computer.

Any suggestions on power amps? tube vs. solid state.
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