New user with a couple of questions?

Andy Ives

Hi Everyone, Andy here from the UK
So Ive been a big fan of the Fractal Audio sound since the Axe FX was released but have been unable to fund
getting one until now.
Sale of a Les Paul a Mountain Bike and my Boss(ahem)GT100 later and Ive just about got the bucks for an FX8.
I'm just a bedroom player and playing through a Blackstar 5w tube amp so the way I understand it the FX8 would be suitable rather than the AX8 as I already have the amp and I would be using the four cable method for the best sound?
Also, and this has probably been answered elsewhere, Can you only use the EV1 pedal with the unit or are other expression pedals compatible?

Many Thanks
1 The FX-8 is built to be optimized for use with real amps.
2 you can use any expression pedal with fractal products, even volume pedals can be used as expression pedals when connecting them with a 1/4 insert cable.
Hi Everyone, Andy here from the UK
So Ive been a big fan of the Fractal Audio sound since the Axe FX was released but have been unable to fund
getting one until now.
Sale of a Les Paul a Mountain Bike and my Boss(ahem)GT100 later and Ive just about got the bucks for an FX8.
I'm just a bedroom player and playing through a Blackstar 5w tube amp so the way I understand it the FX8 would be suitable rather than the AX8 as I already have the amp and I would be using the four cable method for the best sound?
Also, and this has probably been answered elsewhere, Can you only use the EV1 pedal with the unit or are other expression pedals compatible?

Many Thanks
Welcome Andy!

Fractal makes a lot of great products & while I'm in Love with the FX8 in 4cm, don't rule out the AX8!

I play out with some pretty big amp heads in a loud cover band situation.

The FX8 will do what you need, but the majority of your tone is going to come from your 5-watt Blackstar amp. This could be a good thing.....or.....maybe not.

The AX8 gives you over 200 different amp models & would only need a small powered speaker to get you going.

You can't go wrong with either & good luck on your tone quest! #Choosewisely

Peace! X-Mann
Thankyou for the advice!
Yeah I really have gas for those amp sims on the AX8 but it was the extra few hundred pounds and the fact that the FX8 has the global looper (which I do a lot of) that had kind of swung it in my mind.
I do like the sound of my amp and it generally takes pedals quite well. I also get what your saying about the much greater variety of tones I would achieve with the amp sims.
Can you see I'm still torn here
Long and short, Do you think a 5W amp can justify being alongside a machine as powerful as the FX8?

I would seriously suggest considering the AX8 over the FX8, having the amp models is well worth the extra money.

I bought the FX8 just before the AX8 was released and thought about waiting but I liked a couple of the features of the FX8 that the AX8 didn't have. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, I purchased an AX8 and have only played with it in my music room with my amps and studio monitors and I am very pleased so far.

The AX8 may not have amp switching capability nor be 'optimized' for 4CM but I've been able to replicate what I use the FX8 for with it. I've used the AX8 in the loop of a couple of my amps and directly into the front of another, even with amp modeling. Sounds great no matter how I've used it but the presets do need to be tweaked depending upon how it's being used.

The FX8, or AX8, doesn't care what amp it's used with ;), I used the FX8 with a VOX Pathfinder 15R. Your Blackstar will be just fine.
While the AX8 is also a VERY cool unit, I personally prefer the sound/feel of a real tube amp in the room. The modeling accuracy and feel has improved dramatically since the initial AXE FX (which I also owned), but I still prefer the real thing; hence why I went with the FX8 instead. The nice thing is that you can always get a new amp (or amps) and the FX8 is sure to play nice no matter what. The AX8 offers tons of amps and cabs to choose from, but I found myself tweaking things more than playing when I had my AXE FX. It is easy to get bogged down in micro-tweaking (at least for me) so I am a happy camper with my FX8 and Mesa amps. Plus, the FX8 noise floor is SUPER LOW, and it is amazingly transparent. My tone has never been so pristine with any of my other pedalboards I've put together over the years. The true bypass toggle lets you keep your original tone/level in mind as a reference while creating your presets. Very cool feature.

Just my .02!
While the AX8 is also a VERY cool unit, I personally prefer the sound/feel of a real tube amp in the room. The modeling accuracy and feel has improved dramatically since the initial AXE FX (which I also owned), but I still prefer the real thing; hence why I went with the FX8 instead. The nice thing is that you can always get a new amp (or amps) and the FX8 is sure to play nice no matter what. The AX8 offers tons of amps and cabs to choose from, but I found myself tweaking things more than playing when I had my AXE FX. It is easy to get bogged down in micro-tweaking (at least for me) so I am a happy camper with my FX8 and Mesa amps. Plus, the FX8 noise floor is SUPER LOW, and it is amazingly transparent. My tone has never been so pristine with any of my other pedalboards I've put together over the years. The true bypass toggle lets you keep your original tone/level in mind as a reference while creating your presets. Very cool feature.

Just my .02!
Agreed! I'm not a big fan of amp simulators. I prefer tube amps as well. I'm super happy with the FX8 running through my 2 EVH half stacks! (4CM)
Thanks very much for all the input guys! I think its going to be the FX8 as I'm pretty pleased with the tone of my amp and I reckon that with the amp models on the AX8 I would be spending more time tweaking than playing ;)
So, the way I understand it with the FX8, some of the presets are designed to be played through the 4cm whilst others go straight through the amp input and preamp?
Ive listened to pretty much all the clips available on YouTube and cant help being amazed by the sounds I'm hearing. Seriously cant wait to get my hands on this piece of kit.
My only gripe is that, living in the UK its going to cost me nearly £300 dollars more than if I lived Stateside but hey-ho, the best things in life are worth paying for.

Thanks again
Final question, probably a stupid one that's been answered elsewhere....
When using the four cable method must all four cables be Humbusters?
Final question, probably a stupid one that's been answered elsewhere....
When using the four cable method must all four cables be Humbusters?

Humbusters are specifically for Fractal's Humbuster outputs. In four cable method, use a regular guitar cable from guitar to FX8 In 1 (Pre). Use Humbusters from the FX8 Out 1 (Pre) to the amp input and from FX8 Out 2 (Post) to amp FX return. Use a regular guitar cable from amp FX send to the FX8 In 2 (Post).
Humbusters are specifically for Fractal's Humbuster outputs. In four cable method, use a regular guitar cable from guitar to FX8 In 1 (Pre). Use Humbusters from the FX8 Out 1 (Pre) to the amp input and from FX8 Out 2 (Post) to amp FX return. Use a regular guitar cable from amp FX send to the FX8 In 2 (Post).
Thanks very much, that is very helpful
Long and short, Do you think a 5W amp can justify being alongside a machine as powerful as the FX8?

Hi Andy

Long as the amp gets you the sound you want, who cares?

FX8 or AX8? Hard decision because they are both great units I own a AX8 but have worked with a FX8.
I would lean toward the AX8 if you plan on recording. Since you mentioned you are a bedroom player. Allot easier to get a sound with a amp model and cab sim than finding the sweet spot in the bedroom , living room whatever-. But that can be done also.

Routing: the AX8 can run much more complicated routing.
However if you are a pedal guy to begin with and happy with that no real problem there.
Also I have created patches with my Axe Fx II that you might considered complicated but for live purposes I dum them down a bit for they may get lost on the audience. So there gain do you really need all the routing??

Then of coarse there is the bottom line the FX8 is optimized for a real amp. (And does this really well!)

Just wanted to point out a few more things you might want to consider, don't mean to confuse you more (but probally have, ha ha) Sorry!

Hi Andy

Long as the amp gets you the sound you want, who cares?

FX8 or AX8? Hard decision because they are both great units I own a AX8 but have worked with a FX8.
I would lean toward the AX8 if you plan on recording. Since you mentioned you are a bedroom player. Allot easier to get a sound with a amp model and cab sim than finding the sweet spot in the bedroom , living room whatever-. But that can be done also.

Routing: the AX8 can run much more complicated routing.
However if you are a pedal guy to begin with and happy with that no real problem there.
Also I have created patches with my Axe Fx II that you might considered complicated but for live purposes I dum them down a bit for they may get lost on the audience. So there gain do you really need all the routing??

Then of coarse there is the bottom line the FX8 is optimized for a real amp. (And does this really well!)

Just wanted to point out a few more things you might want to consider, don't mean to confuse you more (but probally have, ha ha) Sorry!

Thanks very much John. The financial difference and the fact that I don't wanna be over twiddling has pretty much made my made up
I've pulled the trigger on the FX8, coming late next week and I've got the Boss FV-500H to accompany it. Hope these are gonna work well together
Super excited
Final question, probably a stupid one that's been answered elsewhere....
When using the four cable method must all four cables be Humbusters?

I am using regular cables and have no issues with ground loop hum. So long as all equipment is on the same circuit (sharing the same ground) then you generally shouldn't have any problems.

Congrats on the decision/purchase! There is a bit of a learning curve, but it is fun the whole way. Make use of the FX8-Edit software to fully maximize your experience.
Hey Andy,
Welcome to the Fractal experience

I've been a user for quite some time and still have my Ultra that I use for effects on my practice rig at home. You will not be disappointed with the FX8, it's an amazing machine and a HUGE step from "the old ways." Not that there's anything wrong with the old ways either.

The FX8 has presets available right out of the gate, yet I'll also encourage you to experiment with routing and effect order, etc
It is a ton of fun to play with effects and the Fractal gear gives us opportunities not always available in the "real world."
Anyway, welcome and have a great time...also be sure to check out the Axe Exchange forum, many guys have uploaded presets and there are tons to help you get started.
So the FX8 finally arrived from Deutschland yesterday and after setting it up four cable method I have to say I am absolutely blown away by the quality of the effects. Delays and
Reverbs are quite beautiful.
Quite pleased with my days progress as I've got familiar with Fx edit and managed to download a couple of patches from Axe Exchange (Mysterious Ways is great!)
Haven't quite managed to connect my Boss FVL pedal to it yet. I was hoping to use it as an expression pedal and went through the appropriate instructions in the manual but to no avail. Looking through other threads I've noticed people mentioning TRS Cables to connect from pedal to machine and I've just been trying with a regular patch lead.
Can someone confirm this is the case please?
Thankyou! Fractal Rocks!
If your Boss pedal has an expression output (you didn't mention which of the FV series you have), then yes, you need a TRS to TRS.

If it is just a volume pedal with no expression output, you can still try it as an expression. You would need a TRS to dual TS cable (and plug into the input and output of the pedal).

Bottom line, on the Fractal end, the expression connection is TRS.
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