new overwhelmed user

hey guys i just got my axe 2 today and needless to say i am overwhelmed. i know what this amazing unit can do i just have a long road ahead. did yall feel this way at first?
hey guys i just got my axe 2 today and needless to say i am overwhelmed. i know what this amazing unit can do i just have a long road ahead. did yall feel this way at first?

One month later, and I still feel overwhelmed ... I work from home ... I think my fingers are going to fall off; my suggestion, get some hand lotion. Enjoy the endless number of options! The Axe-fx II is Amazing!
Yes, but it will get better. Play through the factory presets, find one you like and just jam on it awhile. Let the machine unfold itself to you. Dont try to eat the whole cake in one sitting, enjoy the process.
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I've had mine for 4 months and it's getting more fun everyday. Just take it slow and keep things simple. Learn to build a simple amp and cab preset then add effects one at a time. This is not something that comes easy but it's solo worth it. Enjoy. Here's a video that I like for beginners and he has alot more.

Axe-FX II Tutorial (en): Introduction - YouTube
DOWNLOAD AS MANY PRESETS AS YOU CAN I think they are better than the ones baked in , in many cases
Honestly, I didn't come from the strictly amp/cab setup. I've always used multi-fx processors, so I had an easier time of it than someone who hasn't spent a lot of time with effects and such. The best thing you can do is to make your own presets and go through each and every parameter and see how it affects the tone or effect. Not only will you quickly learn your way around, but you'll start getting an intuition for what settings to change to get the sound you're looking for. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Just be patient and keep at it, and look at it this way. How many learning processes will be this fun? :)
Learn how to save your presets,take snapshots,back up .nothing like finding the tone of your life,than losing it.After a while if you lose something, you'll know what to wiki, the manual.Nice thing is if you take a preset and tweak the shit out of it and it sucks , hit recall(takes you out of tweak mode)just turn the knob to next preset and back ,your right were you started:D
I'm pretty comfortable with multi-fx units.. been using them a long time...

one thing I'd say about the Axe is that it can take a little while to tune your ear in to..
another thing is.... the amps behave so much like real amps, that it caught me out..
I quickly realised that I knew a lot about signal processing, but my experience with real amps was something I'd lost years ago...

killer tip:
when you start creating your own presets, start simple / minimal
nail the fundamental tone right there
then little by little, layer by layer, add the complexity and the cool tricks..

killer tip number 2:
if you get stuck, come in here and shout...
there's a great big pool of knowledge and know how in here that's well up for sharing and lending a hand..

final killer tip:
learn how to get a preset from your Axe to the forum and forum to Axe..
cos folk in here can help more if they can try out / examine what you're wrestling within their own machines...
I've had my axe for like 2 months now, and I've just now started straying past basic amp cab setups, and fiddling with advanced parameters. But the important part, is every time I fire up my Axe, I have an eargasm.
Yes...I did. But just be patient. Use this forum and the wiki and follow the legions of Fractalites that LOVE this unit. You will get it after time I promise. It's easy and laid out nice. But it does a lot. It's a journey and enjoy the ride....I still learn new things 5 years later.....that's what makes it fun!
I never did feel overwhelmed. I felt excited!

I started slow, editing only 3 presets to suit my needs. Then I played it and had some fun for a few days --- like a water skier not thinking about the depth of the ocean.

Some things that might help:

1. Don't be afraid to overwrite any presets. You can get them all back very easily.

2. Ask not what your Axe-Fx can do for you... Boss it around instead!!! (In other words, not, "What are all these tone parameters for?" but "I need to turn the treble down. Let me find something that looks like it will do that."

3. Check out the manual page called "Axe-Fx in 60 Seconds." Download the PDF and just search for it. Learn those basic front panel buttons before you even try to hook it up to the computer.
When I first got the unit, I wasn't really amazed by the presets. It's not that they're bad. It's just that I now know that there were certain parameters in them that I needed to tweak to get them sounding like I prefer. The trouble was that at that time I had no idea which parameters I needed to tweak.

What really helped me out in the beginning was to download a lot of presets made by other users here on the forum, Axe-Change,, and even Youtube. I singled out the presets that I really liked. Then I started analyzing all the parameters and asked myself, "what's different about this preset vs. all the others that I find lacking in some respect?" I very quickly found which parameters and blocks made a real difference to me and started applying what I learned to build my own presets or modify stock presets/other user presets.

Another suggestion I have is to spend a lot of time reading threads on this forum. There really is a wealth of information here. Some ideas will work for you, some won't, but you'll find tips here that will really open doors in terms of achieving your ideal tone(s).
I've used digital gear for about 10 years now and yes, I was overwhelmed with the Ultra. The II is a lot easier to dial in, but still can be overwhelming.

Start basic: Amp -> Cab

Find an amp that you like or are familiar with in real life, then just cycle through the cabs until you can find something that is generally where you want it. I then use ONLY the basic parameters + Presence and master volume to tweak. Add delay or reverb and you'll have yourself an authentic tone in no time!

Really, the thing that eased my feeling was the realization that I didn't HAVE to use all the parameters. You can get amazing tones with just the basic dials.
I had some anxiety until I found one great sound that made me comfortable. Once I had that, I knew that I could be OK with the box.

Its pretty easy to have a really basic rig that is really easy to operate in the axe-fx. Now it is easier than ever to build a great sounding rig with minimal fuss in there. For me, that meant finding my go-to models.
It took a good six months to "get it", but I still learn more each day.
I agree with what's been said previously. You've just got to take it slow at first. Like other have said, find an amp model that suits your style and just adjust the basic parameters at first. Then go ahead and add in some FX. If you have't already, download the Axe-Edit (there's a link on Fractal's site) - it will make it easier to visualize what going on in your signal chain.

Good luck!

Drew A - Rock Guitar Instrumentals
hey guys i just got my axe 2 today and needless to say i am overwhelmed. i know what this amazing unit can do i just have a long road ahead. did yall feel this way at first?

Look at it this way. You have an imaginary warehouse of every amp you have ever wanted to try, own, tweak, etc. Just because you don't take every amp out to play everyday doesn't mean you don't want it. You'll go thru moods. One night you'll feel like playing Fendery cleans with alot of reverb and other nights you'll put on a Slipknot mask and bleed while thrashing on a Diezel going full bore. It might take me a lifetime to play everything in this unit but it is a great road and keeps me busy. :)

Just think, Cliff is already having folks send NEW amps to him. The madness will never end!!! Muahhhhahahahahahahaha!!!!!
It is pretty much plug and play IMO.
Nothing to be overwhelmed about and you do not have to touch a dial (except volume) if you do not want to.
As noted- download some presets created by others if that is not enough.

Learn as you go and feel like it. Cliff and team did the work for you.
You do not have to know how to make a clock to tell time.
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