New DT album

I liked Marco Minnemann too. It would have added some much needed fun to DT.
Marco is awesome!
I knew they would not choose him, especially once I saw what shirt he wore (LOL! I loved that!). Love the music he has done with Paul Gilbert, around whom that shirt would be just fine :).
I talked to Marco after the Aristocrats gig the other night in Atlanta and mentioned I saw him in the DT tryout video. He said that DT wasn't really his type of music and (he actually said he didn't like it) and he's happier doing his own thing. To me, he was the best pure drummer in the auditions, but wasn't the best fit from an image perspective. I think they went with Mangini's passion, which is a good decision.
Yeah, I think if anybody has listened much to Marco's solo records they would be able to tell that DT's kind of music isn't his thing (even though he's capable of playing it easily). His stuff is a very quirky mixture of rock, jazz, fusion, funk, and all sorts of other odd things. Not much prog-metal in there.

Also, if he were in DT we probably wouldn't have the Aristocrats. He's a much better fit in the Aristocrats.
I think it's a case of sour grapes, really. DT would mean an order (if not two orders) of magnitude more money coming in, and he wouldn't be occupied 100% of the time. DT folks (notably Petrucci and Labrie) have in the past easily found the time to do their own things as well.

Mangini was a good choice for DT, too. He's a nerd to the core. Wikipedia says he has a computer science degree and wrote guidance software for the Patriot missile. :)

I just think they should have someone else mix their next album.
Saw Dream Theater last night at the Warfield in S.F. with Trivium so the AXE was well represented. Although the overall mix was muddy for both bands, at least where I was standing, they played great! I'm not into barking vocals but was impressed with Trivium.
As far as the new DT album, it's growing on me and didn't find the mix to be that bad. But man, Mike Mangini is a monster on drums! I really like what he brings to the table, hey don't miss a beat with him on the sticks.
saw them saturday too. great show! trivium was a surprise since i only own the crusade; i'm open to hearing more after the show. i like the way their sound is going, but the mix was indeed a bit off. couldn't hear corey very well at all; too much kick bass. (my wife said, "i feel like the drummer's style sounds the same on all songs." :roll i guess she was not a fan.) i respect their efforts nonetheless!

as for dt & adtoe, i agree wallace's mix is a bit weak. it feels like they're not fully utilizing all of the space of the mix. i think it takes a couple listens through. it's been pointed out in some reviews that there is no "hit single" that stands out, though that's not really how the band says they intended to operate for this album, so perhaps that's just the side effect they were going for. i kind of like the intentionality that the album is not all about the singles.

i liked that they pulled out a lot of classic songs in the show (under a glass moon, endless sacrifice, acoustic silent man) without feeling like they were treading the same paths (e.g. metropolis, take the time, etc.). i was hoping we'd see some dueling solos & jam/improv rather than the ones already present in the songs or the mangini drum solo. more importantly, i was trying to read the vibes during the show and how the guys were syncing with each other and it was really clear that everyone was having a great time. i think i even caught jmx smirking at one point! :shock

and certainly mangini is very promising. it's one thing to hear him on a video teasert or in the record (restrained or what you will) and another thing to see him do something outside, like prior works and improv. imho he really seems like the right guy for the job: he really wants to be there, he loves the music, he plays drums for the sake of the art. all the guys just looked really hungry to be there and be proving themselves again. i think this lineup has a lot of promise and i look forward to further efforts and another tour stop in ca. i hope they film a dvd of the tour this year...
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