new axe fx owner. i need some help please

hiya all.

my axe fx standard arrived yesterday from g66. ive never had contact with such a helpful company before, i even got a free box of chocolates ;) amazing service and real fast to answer emails,

ive spend a good 10 hours experimenting with the axe. so far and made some patches that are quite good but not quite what I'm after yet. there's two things i cant get so far, ill try to explain the best i can.

there's a glassy type tone that i hear and feel in all the presets and the patches i made from scratch, now i actually like that glassy tone and like its feel for many things, but not everything. is it possible to completely dial it out?,

i have a unusual picking style and i like the pick to be almost silent (the glassyness is kinda making the note jump out instead of swell in) so its mainly a fat sound without the pick noise I'm after ive always achieved this by touching the string instead of picking it yet even when i touch it I'm getting like a glassy type tone that's making the initial contact too clear instead of a warm non glassy attack,because its kinda hard to explain here's a link to one of my songs so you can hear the sound i need to replicate from the axe

the other thing I'm hoping some can help me with is i cant seem to add any fizz to the overall sound is there a way of adding top end subtle fizz? if i add it via eq top end or adjusting the presence frequency it kinda does it but not as much richness as I'm trying to get.

thank you in advance for any advice you may have.

I enjoyed your piece and you certainly do have an unorthodox picking style. Sounds great though. Unfortunately I don't have a solution. I wonder if that glassiness is the AD/DA conversion process. I don't notice it remotely as much with the Axe as with other simulators, but just a tad under the right/wrong conditions. I don't really operate in the tonal palette you're using, so hopefully someone else will chime in the some ideas.

You really have some beautifully controlled high gain sounds. Very enjoyable and good luck with the Axe. I certainly love mine, even moreso after another great gig with tonal control I never had before now.

You might try dialing down the pressence. I used the tone stack location in combination/ tone stack frequency / and warmth. I also liked using the damp/ depth adjustments for my sound control, to create a good distortion. You could also try throwing in a paremetric Eq to shape the high end frequency's the way you like them. But what do i know im a newb with mine as well but have spent the last three weeks adjusting alot of the advance paramenters lol.
It sounded like you had a sustainer or if you were standing close to the cabinet, getting sustain/feedback from a loud amp. If so, try it in a similar way.
Continuity! While you appear to play continuously you seem to have a cigaret magically appear and disappear and reappear in the video. :lol: ;)

Cab selection is key in the Axe-FX.
In the Ultra there is a multiband compressor that can be used to eq very subtly, or to go very unsubtly, use a filter block set to lowpass and plainly kill everything above it.
your not mean to notice the cigarette :lol:

after a lot of tweaking i finally got the results i was looking for today, the answer was using the ir cabs i downloaded from here and EQing after them, I'm so happy with this thing, i expected it to be very good but not this good. its incredible and ive barley touched the surface :)
I love the song, Chris. I'm glad you managed to solve your problem. Like you, I'm pretty new to the AFX, but every few days it'll blow me away in some new way... so expect your amazement to continue ;)
The multi band compressor is the bomb i finally got arround to using one for the first time the last few days and it really tightened up my sounded and brought my double amp's levels together much better. I had a studio compressor prior to it and it really deadened the highends to much. I finally after that thought i had a good enough sound to get one of the bands songs up to see if i could make it work, and with just a few more tweaks i was able to get what i was looking for. I agree the money and the time spent tweaking this axe fx gadget is totally worth it :). There is just know way in hell i could of did the sound i was looking for with out it. Well im sure i could of but i would of had to have a massive double amp rig to do it.
Dutch said:
Continuity! While you appear to play continuously you seem to have a cigaret magically appear and disappear and reappear in the video. :lol: ;)

Cab selection is key in the Axe-FX.
In the Ultra there is a multiband compressor that can be used to eq very subtly, or to go very unsubtly, use a filter block set to lowpass and plainly kill everything above it.

How observant..... are you a detective or something?

Even after you said it, I had to look really hard to find it!

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