My first Axe-FX II recording...

I definitely hear some Dimebag in your riffing! Keep it up dude! It's badass!

Heck yeah man!!! The chorus with the bends and harmonics... Slippery. I can play it better I just haven't had the time to devote to it patiently.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

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I was definitely waiting for the "meedely meedely" part, too. ;) That was 5 minutes of heavy rhythm with no lead!

As for the tone, sounds great. :)

The entire end part is going to be the solos. Then some type of connector part then another riff that is sort of a tweaked version of the verse riff. Then it will end with the mother of all chunktastic riffs!!!

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

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I just uploaded a newer mix. I recorded all new guitars. I used a combination of the Uber and Energyball for the chorus (chunk chunk part). It sounds fizzy as hell, and that's AFTER I tried to cut some fizz in PT. I am using the John Tempesta snare (LOVE IT!!!) and Tama Star Classic Bubing 22" Kicks now (LOVE 'EM!!!!!) I used different tracks for each part of the sound and recorded dry tracks for reamping later. (once I figure out a sensible work flow). Overall I feel my performance was much better and tighter. There are some parts where you can totally tell that they were recorded on separate tracks. I may just end up doing it the way I did before. As in NOT having separate tracks for each song section.

I think I have a much spongier tone on the intro now (what I'm going for...) and the main verse riff dealy part. I boosted the mids on the Uber, cranked the master and Sag quite a bit, lowered the treble and lowered the Bright cap value. Oh, DUH, I used a different guitar too. The previous version was tracked using an Ibanez RG-7620 w/ a Dimarzio D-Sonic. This time I used my RG-1527 w/ Dimarzio Crunch Lab. I like the feel of this guitar better, playability I mean...

Let me know what you think.
I just uploaded a newer mix. (new link in OP) I recorded all new guitars. I used a combination of the Uber and Energyball for the chorus (chunk chunk part). It sounds fizzy as hell, and that's AFTER I tried to cut some fizz in PT. I am using the John Tempesta snare (LOVE IT!!!) and Tama Star Classic Bubing 22" Kicks now (LOVE 'EM!!!!!) I used different tracks for each part of the sound and recorded dry tracks for reamping later. (once I figure out a sensible work flow). Overall I feel my performance was much better and tighter. There are some parts where you can totally tell that they were recorded on separate tracks. I may just end up doing it the way I did before. As in NOT having separate tracks for each song section.

I think I have a much spongier tone on the intro now (what I'm going for...) and the main verse riff dealy part. I boosted the mids on the Uber, cranked the master and Sag quite a bit, lowered the treble and lowered the Bright cap value. Oh, DUH, I used a different guitar too. The previous version was tracked using an Ibanez RG-7620 w/ a Dimarzio D-Sonic. This time I used my RG-1527 w/ Dimarzio Crunch Lab. I like the feel of this guitar better, playability I mean...

Let me know what you think.
sounds huge, man....extremely phat! i like the saggy rhythm get that weeeaaaaahhhhhh sound when you hit the bottom string and let it ring....very vocal.

can i put a solo on it?

sounds huge, man....extremely phat! i like the saggy rhythm get that weeeaaaaahhhhhh sound when you hit the bottom string and let it ring....very vocal.

can i put a solo on it?


Thanx for the compliments!!! Sure you can put a solo on it. The entire groove section at the end is where I plan to put the solos. I may borrow some ideas from you if you don't mind. I hVent written a solo in almost 5 years!!! I've got plenty of ideas I just have to figure them out and then learn how to play them. LOL!!!

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

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+1, really LOUD kickass! 8) Is that std. tuning (I mean EADGBE) ? And what about guitar ?

It is a standard tuning Ibanez RG-1527 (7 string... BEADGBE). Loaded with a Dimarzio Crunch Lab in the bridge.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
Dude, it sounds great. I love the harmony that comes in and to me the tone sounds reminiscent of Pleasures of The Flesh era Exodus which I LOVE!!!!!!

Nice job.

PS: I'll try to give you a buzz later about the panel.
I am still working out some issues with my II and Pro Tools 9.0.6. The right track was recorded at a slightly lower level than the left. I compensated this in PT as a quick fix. My performance sux and at times the guitar is out of tune. Let me know what you guys think about the guitar tone. I used the Euro Uber model. I am going for a nice spongy crunchy sound. I am getting close to the tone I had on my Ultra. At times I feel like there is too much gain, but not enough at other times.

Feel free to comment.

Sludge Fest by shotgunn on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

Great SOUND!!! Can you share the patch?
Defiantly sounds more open than the version I listened to last week (and I like that) but what I listened to last week also stands on its own. Not that one is better than the other, just a slightly different texture. Bottom line in your face angry guitar. But besides the tone, great playing & song ideas! You got the whole package!!! Not really a djent fan like a few guys on this thread (BTW are you getting a complex yet??)
But you are turning me into one!
Thane for the mind words!!! Much appreciated. As for the complex... Not quite sure what you mean. That one went over my head. I'm glad you like the tune. I have a few more parts to write if I can ever stop tweaking my II long enough to actually write some music!!! Then I just have to write and record the solos.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

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Kind words. Not mind words.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
New mix in OP.

All reamping issues aside... This is starting to sound REALLY nice. I felt the reamped track had less gain than when recorded from the actual guitar. So I bumped the dry track up 3dB. Hindsight 20-20, too much... I didn't need to do that.

Also, I added some meedely meedely stuff. Nothing concrete, just fleshing out some ideas. I have a feeling most of you may be quite surprised at my lead style. Mainly if you judge me based on my signature, LOL!!! I've got a TON of lead ideas, but for this I was just trying to create some awesome tones and not get lost in my II.

Let me know what you think.
i like the lead tones, especially the first few measures where it sounds almost synthy. that was quite a nice surprise!

i'm not sure if the rhythm guitars sound better than version 8. i think v8 had a bit more clarity and punch, imo... but sounding very good overall...keep going! :)
I'll post some presets later if you're interested. I used the octaver drive into a MKIV for that first section with a tape delay. The rest is a MKIV with a full drive in front. The rhythm tone is I bit too distorted due to my ongoing reamping woes. I boosted the dry track because it seemed not as hot as the guitar. This was unnecessary. I lost some sponginess as a result. I will reamp again with the dry track @ 0.0dB instead of +3.0dB.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
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