My Blocks/Channels Library


Have at it!

Note any time based blocks (delay, verb, MTD etc) with the mix at 100% are probably designed for parallel operation.

UPDATE - I put together a video for the G66 "Tuesday Tone Tips" outlining some of the blocks included



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Have at it!

Note any time based blocks (delay, verb, MTD etc) with the mix at 100% are probably designed for parallel operation.
Cool, thanks!

Now I can move to western Australia, get a wig, and start a Ragdoll copy band, called, Dagroll, er..., Dogroll, er..., Bogroll, yeah, that's the ticket.... :D
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Wow. Now I can start my new band , Rage Dowel . All i now need are chops and much more hair, and perhaps a TVA thingamajig to turn my clock back a decade or three
Cheers Leon!
This community just rocks... thank you SO MUCH for sharing these. Signed up for the buck a month Patreon to help support all your hard work and generosity!
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