MOAEE - UD Stomp (Holdsworth settings)

I'm very interested in trying these out but no too familiar with AE, how do you load blk files?

In your axe edit folder there should be a folder called blocks, dump them there and restart axe edit. Then when you add a multidelay here there's a little box to the left under the effect type called blocks library. Just select it from there :)
In your axe edit folder there should be a folder called blocks, dump them there and restart axe edit. Then when you add a multidelay here there's a little box to the left under the effect type called blocks library. Just select it from there :)

Seems I don't have or can't find that folder Windows 8 so I just created a folder. Hope it works!

P.S Thank you Simeon for these.

EDIT: Didn't work. Anyone who knows windows 8 that can help me out I appreciate it.
Drop a multidelay into your patch and click on the plus sign next to the little block window bottom left. Save the setting as "test". Then go look for it. When you find it, drop the blk files in the same place. Restart axe edit, select the multidelay and click on the little window and you should see them.
In your axe edit folder there should be a folder called blocks, dump them there and restart axe edit. Then when you add a multidelay here there's a little box to the left under the effect type called blocks library. Just select it from there :)

Just installed latest Axe Edit but no blocks folder in my Fractal Audio/Axe Edit map either. Working with Mac. How come there is no Blocks folder and how do I proceed? Thanks
Yes I have read the release notes. But there is no Blocks folder in my Axe Edit map. So I am not sure what to do. Also in the Blocks Library everything is greyed out except 'save'.
ok, thanks. Followed your instructions and a Block folder was created automatically. Wasn't there before. Now all greyed out items in the Library can also be used. Great!

On topic now: which specific patches from the UD stomp did you recreate with these three blocks?
Sounds great by the way. That's my kind of sound!

And which amp did you use for the lead sound?
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I thought I had found my problem but that wasn't the case. I have these files in the following locations:

........\My Documents\Fractal Audio\Axe-Edit\blocks\Multi-Delay\
........\Documents\Fractal Audio\Axe-Edit\blocks\Multi-Delay\

I start Axe Edit and go to an empty preset.
I select a block and right click.
I go to "Library\Recall".
The only things that show are the blocks I saved a few days ago.
I can save blocks and reload them over and over.
What am I not doing?
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Wow! Those SWELL blocks are AMAZING! That's some seriously wide and deep pad happening there. Thanks for sharing these!
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