MKii beyond Preset 384?


Is there a way i'm able to go past stock preset 384 on my MFC-101 MKii using my Axe-fx XL? I'm not able to go beyond that number without it jumping back to preset one, the only way i'm able to go past 385 is if i manually preset up on the Directional keys. Any suggestions?
I believe the MFC is limited to the 384.. I have same issue on my XL.
You can get around that by bank management - as in loading your most used presets into a bank < 384.
+1 on the presets moving to a sub-384 location. The nice thing about the XL/XL+ is that you can move a whole bank of presets out of the way without losing access to any of them... plenty of room!

I just cleared a bunch of space by moving presets out of the area I wanted to use, moving the presets that were there to unused locations. Works like a charm.
thanks for the feedback guys! I think i have an idea on what i'm thinking of doing.. I might end up just having the first 384 presets as my own and literally move everything else over to the rest of 385+ space lol it'll be a tedious task i think.
thanks for the feedback guys! I think i have an idea on what i'm thinking of doing.. I might end up just having the first 384 presets as my own and literally move everything else over to the rest of 385+ space lol it'll be a tedious task i think.
The Manage function in Axe-Edit makes it easy. Just select the last half, drag to 1 and they will swap. It will take a while to process, just be patient and don't touch anything!
Exactly what I did, I moved the 3 banks of factory presets to the last 3 and do my stuff in the first 3.
Yes, ok, all is simple BUT????? when this fantastic and most expensive controller will handle all 768 presets???

Tnx ;)
Azz, bad bad bad news!!!!
I think we may have a solution so that we can access presets beyond 384 with the the MFC-101. You won't need any firmware update. The caveat is that you will only be able to do it if you're using MFC-Edit. The same way there was a longstanding request to have Song names longer than 7 characters we were able to implement 25-character Song names ("Friendly Names") with a little editor magic. I think we can do the same for the Preset numbers. Let me think it over a bit this weekend.
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The real trick is going to be switching between widely dispersed presets. For example, if I'm in Bank 2, and I've selected Preset #23, and the next Preset # I want is Preset #415, the number of "Bank Changes" to get there just isn't practical. Can someone explain how you would expect to use access to 834 presets in the Axe-Fx? Banks contain contiguous Preset numbers, and even if you could have noncontiguous number you could never remember which banks contain which Presets. So how would you use the MFC-101 to traverse and select 834 presets?
As a compromise, I did this. It's not great but it does use the MFC-101's built-in Axe-Fx Preset Transmit Map making it seamless to use and you don't have to change the way you use your MFC-101. It's probably wise to drag/drop the Axe-Fx Preset Name from the name into the MFC-101 Preset name (upper left) so you don't have to remember which MFC-101 Preset maps to which Axe-Fx Preset. I'll release it the weekend of December 12th if testing goes well.

You can now select any Axe-Fx Preset number in the PRESETS screen, even those numbers above 384. The Axe-Fx Preset is displayed in red color if it differs from the MFC-101 Preset number.
@bwanagary that's pretty cool. Does using this introduce any additional lag in switching presets? I rarely go above 128 with the MFC so I've never noticed if there's extra bank offset commands that need to be sent or anything like that.
I just program the mfc to load presets above 384, simple. Just as you would with any rack system. Eg., preset 1 on mfc = preset 401 on axefx.

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