MIDI output voltage: WIDI Master is getting hot

I think this is a known issue with the midi power on the FM3. There was a another post where someone installed a current limiting resistor on the pin to fix this issue
Well, I wouldn't say it's a problem on the FM3 side. As I mentioned above, this midi adapter works without any problems. https://www.quicco.de/en/
I think there is a problem with the midi adapters from Yamaha and WMI.
Well, I wouldn't say it's a problem on the FM3 side. As I mentioned above, this midi adapter works without any problems. https://www.quicco.de/en/
I think there is a problem with the midi adapters from Yamaha and WMI.
No, a spec'd current limiting resistor for the MIDI circuit is missing on the FM3, though it seems some external devices have better voltage regulation than others. Adding the resistor to the circuit or cable can cure the problem.
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No, a spec'd current limiting resistor for the MIDI circuit is missing on the FM3, though it seems some external devices have better voltage regulatoion than others. Adding the resistor to the circuit or cable can cure the problem.
Interesting. The topic is not so relevant for me except for the fact that it would work if I needed it, which I don't. I've had the mi1.II lying around for a long time and just tested it.
It doesn't heat up.
So I might consider this product.
Interesting. The topic is not so relevant for me except for the fact that it would work if I needed it, which I don't. I've had the mi1.II lying around for a long time and just tested it.
It doesn't heat up.
So I might consider this product.
Yeah, if it works without problems, no need to fix.
Just a quick tip, when you're pasting/sharing an Amazon link, you can rid of "ref= ..." and everything after that. Makes for a more manageable link for pasting.
I tried that same one and it became hot immediately upon powering up the FM3. I wonder if this is an updated version
I connected the WIDI unit up to 5v on my benchtop power supply. It overheated immediately.
Then I thought to connect it through a 220ohm resistor, which is what the official midi specification calls for.
With the 220 ohm resistor in series with the 5v supply, the WIDI Master runs fine and cool.
So now I'm wondering how the FM3 powers the MIDI Out?
Perhaps it uses a different method that omits the current limiting resistor?

I tested the current available from the Midi Out pin 4 of the FM3 and it shorted the unit.
Then through a 220ohm resistor I get 22mA, which is expected using Ohms law.

I don't know much about alternate ways to power MIDI, but I'm guessing the FM3 is
not using a 220 ohm current limiting resistor before the 5v pin.
This allows the Widi Master to draw too much current and overheat.

Full Disclosure:
I design and build guitars for Visionary Instruments. These guitars are specifically designed to control the AxeFX and FM3 with midi.
I'm absolutely in love with everything Fractal and I want to see all this gear play well together.
would you happen to know if FM9 works with CME products?
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