Mic or Mix ?

Could someone please help me out. I loaded 5.00 onto my FM9, but can't get the Dyno cabs to load. Keeps saying in window on FM9. Dyna Cabs not installed. What's next to load the cabs. New to FM9.
why "can't" you get dyna cabs to load? what have you tried?
I've went to tools and brought up the Fractal bot but don't see anything about Dyna Cabs or how to load.
Could someone please help me out. I loaded 5.00 onto my FM9, but can't get the Dyno cabs to load. Keeps saying in window on FM9. Dyna Cabs not installed. What's next to load the cabs. New to FM9.

I loaded the 5.00, but don't know how the load the cabs.
You have to load the Dyna Cabs after loading the new firmware. Use Fractal-Bot to do so. If Fractal-Bot will not do anything when trying to load the dyna-cab file, you probably do not have the newest version of fractal-bot. Try downloading that, and then try again. Good luck!
But where do I find that on the FM9 edit ?
You need to either go to the link Chris or I supplied to download the file from the internet. The zip file will have four things in it per Chris' screen grab above. Since you have already downloaded and installed the firmware, you just need the fm9_dyna_cabs_1p05.syx file. Save that to a location of your choice and use Fractal-Bot to install it on the FM9. Per my earlier post make sure you have the newest version of Fractal-Bot or it might ignore the file and not attempt to install it.
I'm using the bot in my unit.
The bot isn't inside the FM9, its embedded in the FM9-edit. You need to point the fractal bot to where the file is on your computer. This great video by Cooper Carter, while out of date, shows you step by step on what to do when uploading files with fractal-bot. [This is not for firmware 5.0 or dyna-cab, just shows you a similar process.]

FYI - If the embedded fractal bot in the FM9 edit software will not do anything with the dynacab fille, go to downloads at fractal audio and download the newest stand alone fractal-bot. [That is what I had to do]
My wife and I both tried to load it and it wouldn't take it so that's going to be my next step. Why did it accept 5.00 but not the Dyna Cabs file ?
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