Mic or Mix ?

If you have a very nice guitar and pair it up with the Fractal FM9 running through a couple FRFR powered speakers and all the presets and any setting you try to dial in just don't sound good. Is there something on the FM9 that I need to change ? Even if I downloaded a free patch from for example Leon Todd. On my rig it sounds bad. Like a simple IIc+ amp just doesn't sound right.
Sounds good through the CLR and the Xitone...
all the presets and any setting you try to dial in just don't sound good.
what changed?

or are you referring to a different set of speakers? are these the speakers connected to your mixer?

what happens if you connect the FM9 directly to the Full range powered speakers?

you've mentioned a bunch of mixer settings over this thread that could be making your tone through the mixer sound drastically different.
This is the plain presets sent with the FM9 running into a powered FRFR speaker. The earlier stuff was FOH.
without hearing what you're hearing or any description other than "bad" it's difficult to help.

compared to your CLR, what is the difference?
Well it's like everything is lacking substance. Like for example , if I dial in a so called heavy distorted amp. Its supposed to be hot and it's not. I have to push the gain way to much to get the punch that I should be getting. Even just plug and play on the factory presets don't sound good and I know by listening to YouTube videos that even those sound good when someone is playing their rig right out of the box. Weird !
It sounds like you need to simplify what you're doing. Forget about the PA and focus on your tone first using the CLR as a reference as that is a known monitor on this forum. Once you are happy with what you have dialed in then move to the PA! I have the 16ch version of that unit and it works pretty well but first things first.
Even if I mimic someone showing me how to build a certain sound and I follow them step by step it doesn't even come close. I'm playing through the same type guitar and all.
I will get some rest and meet it head on tomorrow. It's probably just me missing something. Thank you for your help. GOD Bless !
Even if I mimic someone showing me how to build a certain sound and I follow them step by step it doesn't even come close. I'm playing through the same type guitar and all.
How are you listening to sound from someone else? If you're not listening to samples and dialing in with the same (or very similar) speakers then that can make a difference.

Also, your guitar, strings, guitar setup, playing technique, etc will also make things sound different.
It's tutorials on YouTube that shows you step by step how to get a certain sound your looking for. I followed it step by step and even single cords didn't come close. I understand the message your sending.
Could someone please help me out. I loaded 5.00 onto my FM9, but can't get the Dyno cabs to load. Keeps saying in window on FM9. Dyna Cabs not installed. What's next to load the cabs. New to FM9.
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