Clark, couldn't you release your IRs using your and Mic+DI? Not sure if it consumes more time for you to do that but gives us more choices, right?
Allright, what is what ... which tennis heroe plays on what racket? Difficult! Very difficult... at least for the CK method vs. kernel volterra...

I say:

Bjorn Borg: FAS MIC+DI with kernel volterra
Fred Perry: FAS MIC Only
Rene Lacoste: CK method

If i`m wrong, the MPT vs. RAW has played tricks on me ... :D
No tension and I am not speaking for Kevin. I am telling Mikko to not speak for Kevin. I am not putting words in anyone's mouth, Mikko is. It's wrong.

That's not what Kevin told me. When did you speak to him Mikko? You are either misunderstanding him or misrepresenting him. You need to speak for yourself and yourself only.

This is getting ridiculous. I'll PM you and let's not sidetrack the meaning of this thread.

The V3 Mix Libraries are shot with a mostly neutral tube power amp.
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Allright, what is what ... which tennis heroe plays on what racket? Difficult! Very difficult... at least for the CK method vs. kernel volterra...

I say:

Bjorn Borg: FAS MIC+DI with kernel volterra
Fred Perry: FAS MIC Only
Rene Lacoste: CK method

If i`m wrong, the MPT vs. RAW has played tricks on me ... :D

Aww man you got them all wrong. :D You can tell which one is my IR by running the Cab Block in stereo and panning both IRs center. Then choose an MPT'd IR as the other cab and switch between these. Which one has a phase issue? :lol
If it helps quell the temperature of the air and from earlier and get the words straight from the horse's mouth, my methods are only intimately known to myself, and is how things will stay for several reasons. I'm all about flavor; I'm an extra-sauce-on-my-sammich kind of guy. ;)

"Mostly neutral tube amp" is all the further I'm gonna be out with it, though. It is an accurate statement, however not telling of all. I apologize to anyone if I have ever been obfuscatory in this regard to the point of confusion. It's one of my secret sauces that have to stay that way for competitive purposes. At the end of the day it is what it is, sounds how it sounds, and of all the options I have tried this is the one I and those involved in testing chose as what sounded best. Regardless of any and all other factors, how it sounds is most important, an what is "best" (or any other synonym) is an opinion, not a fact. Flavor is the spice of life, different is good. :)

Music is fun. Guitar tone is fun. The internet should be fun. :lol

Thanks to Scott for bringing perspective to the table, and apologies to Mikko if in any previous private communication I may have been overly vague or potentially misleading. Things for me have been a whirlwind the last couple years in every facet of life, of late my ability for functional communication has been quite lacking. Sorry if I have indirectly caused any of you any undue bad times this weekend!
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No worries Kevin. I think we're all just sick of all the unnecessary forum drama. Let me just go through what happened here once again:

Which I said based on:

Scott's reaction is way over the top.

"Let me go through what happened here" ignores the core issue I have with you - you spoke for Kevin without permission. Had you not spoke out of turn for others and I would have never posted a thing. My 'reaction' is calling you out for speaking for others when as indicated above, you did so without knowledge you claimed to have had and without permission from the other party. No drama necessary had you not done that. And don't kid anyone, you love forum drama. ;)

You don't do that, I don't post in your thread. Now... back on topic.
If it helps quell the temperature of the air and from earlier and get the words straight from the horse's mouth, my methods are only intimately known to myself, and is how things will stay for several reasons. I'm all about flavor; I'm an extra-sauce-on-my-sammich kind of guy. ;) "Mostly neutral tube amp" is all the further I'm gonna be out with it, to anyone. It is an accurate statement, however additional speculation, argument, wild accusation, demeaning of my methods directly, or indirectly by marketing speak championing of alternate methods - nothing will bait me enough to divulge any more than this. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. :) I apologize to anyone if I have ever been obfuscatory in this regard to the point of confusion. In the end it sounds how it sounds, what spices are in the pot are largely irrelevant, even when discussing pedantics.

I felt like this was implied for the most part to anyone who has followed along with your work, but good to restate. Speculation was not meant to be had here, and was not anyone's purpose. If the problem arises from misinterpretation over what was said then perhaps seeking clarification should have come before accusation. It was understood on my part that Kevin has his trade secrets, but still has a separate but effective method using a tube power amp that is flat in response.

It is quite clear that any method works effectively and the art is in the mic placement (along with owning the right high-end gear).
I felt like this was implied for the most part to anyone who has followed along with your work, but good to restate. Speculation was not meant to be had here, and was not anyone's purpose. If the problem arises from misinterpretation over what was said then perhaps seeking clarification should have come before accusation. It was understood on my part that Kevin has his trade secrets, but still has a separate but effective method using a tube power amp that is flat in response.

It is quite clear that any method works effectively and the art is in the mic placement (along with owning the right high-end gear).

Yup, still all about the source, mic, and mic placement as 99.99% of the sound, and a massive chunk of that is luck of the draw in what you have to work with from the onset. Sometimes you get diamonds in the rough, sometimes you get unusable junk, sometimes you get somewhere in the middle.

Back on topic, if anybody decides to drop files like this in the future, just a heads up that some people like myself may be 100% Cab Lab 3 because of how super sweet it is, and at current it doesn't load .syx files. At least mine won't, but it will load .ir files. I didn't get a chance to check these out, but it sounds like from all the posts here that the differences are not excessive in their deviation or unanimous in their observation of sonic superiority. Good vibes for everyone as a result, I feel. Thanks again to Mikko for putting in the work. :)
Any speaker DI recommendations for the mic/DI method?

I’m running a 500w class G/H bass amp, and I haven’t found anything that will work with it.
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