In the OP you talk about Kevin's methods but from some of my own in-depth talks to him you are not accurate in your statements regarding his methods; I'd be careful speaking about essentially a competitor like you know how and what he does. I know you think you know everything about what he does... but you do not. No big deal to me personally but you would be better served sticking to discussing your own products and services Mikko. Even if your intent is good; its bad juju.

But I do know. I probably know more about Kevin's methods than anyone besides Kevin himself. :) We've been trying to make it clear to people that we're infact not competitors but on the same team trying to hunt for the best guitar tones out there.
About this test: I said I would post some results in here but I'm starting to feel like it would be best not to. 30 downloads and only three guesses that are all different.

The end result is that my method and mic+di are exactly the same brightness. Match EQ was not a 100% flat line in surgical mode but it measures a 0,0dB difference throughout the full spectrum in a slightly smoothed comparison. In a surgical comparison the variables are peaks mostly in the low to mid range 200-800hz which I also got from shooting two IRs of the same mic position with the same capture method. A speaker is a real life object with small variables. The variables are around +-1dB for the same capture method in the mid range which is the same difference that I got between my method of shooting IRs vs mic+di. So personally I'm super relieved that if there is a difference it's just as big as the variables as shooting an IR with any method f.ex. 5 seconds later. Obviously if using just an SS power amp you will have even more variables as the power amp will not perform exactly the same all the time so it has even more variables.

However I want to make this 100% clear to everyone. If Cliff wants me to use mic+di I will start using mic+di. He is my boss and I have nothing but respect towards all the great things he has accomplished and I feel blessed to get to be a part of guitar tone evolution. :)
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I respect your reasoning in not stating the order but now I will always wonder! maybe in a little wile you can randomly post some tennis results?
In the OP you talk about Kevin's methods but from some of my own in-depth talks to him you are not accurate in your statements regarding his methods; I'd be careful speaking about essentially a competitor like you know how and what he does. I know you think you know everything about what he does... but you do not. No big deal to me personally but you would be better served sticking to discussing your own products and services Mikko. Even if your intent is good; its bad juju.

lul i only recall him saying Kevin uses a flat tube power amp in the op. has this not been a piece of the Ownhammer puzzle and public information for a long time? didn't much mention any details on methods with using the power amp.
lul i only recall him saying Kevin uses a flat tube power amp in the op. has this not been a piece of the Ownhammer puzzle and public information for a long time? didn't much mention any details on methods with using the power amp.

People may not realize this but the "OwnHammer vs Clark Kent" phenomena lives stronger in this community than anywhere else. There was an effort to try and explain this to people in here since me and Kevin were a bit puzzled with all the forum drama going on that neither of us were too happy about. So we recorded this Paramore song with Justin (from Paramore) where I played bass with Kevin's bass IRs. Yes I still beta test IRs for Kevin every now and then. And Justin used my IRs for the guitars: http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii-recordings/98410-fun-friends-ck-jy-oh-paramore-cover.html

I think the message in that thread is pretty clear.
People may not realize this but the "OwnHammer vs Clark Kent" phenomena lives stronger in this community than anywhere else. There was an effort to try and explain this to people in here since me and Kevin were a bit puzzled with all the forum drama going on that neither of us were too happy about. So we recorded this Paramore song with Justin (from Paramore) where I played bass with Kevin's bass IRs. Yes I still beta test IRs for Kevin every now and then. And Justin used my IRs for the guitars: http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii-recordings/98410-fun-friends-ck-jy-oh-paramore-cover.html

I think the message in that thread is pretty clear.

This is the only forum I dwell and I completely don't understand it. A healthy competition for individually trying to create something better than you have before, but that doesn't mean things cannot be all around encompassing.

I spent a small time playing around with the impulses but wanted more time to be able to make a better guess, and possibly look at some visuals of the 3.

Also, after reading about all this Volterra Quantum Wieners I have come up with my own ideas for a personal method for IR capture that employs the Wiener Kernel coefficient for creating an extremely linear Wiener.
This is the only forum I dwell and I completely don't understand it. A healthy competition for individually trying to create something better than you have before, but that doesn't mean things cannot be all around encompassing.

I spent a small time playing around with the impulses but wanted more time to be able to make a better guess, and possibly look at some visuals of the 3.

Also, after reading about all this Volterra Quantum Wieners I have come up with my own ideas for a personal method for IR capture that employs the Wiener Kernel coefficient for creating an extremely linear Wiener.

I wonder if it's the same idea I had because my Wiener was also more linear than ever before shooting these IRs.
Finding it very hard to choose a favorite, but in order of preference I think, based on the FAS Modern preset I hijacked to test with: Fred Perry most favorite overall, Bjorn Borg second, Rene Lacoste last. Though if I had to choose which one I was using without knowing first I probably couldn't tell you.
Clark, Thanks for the post and here is my choices. Rene was my fav, Born was 2nd and then Fred. I had a hard time deciding, but Rene just seemed more well rounded, having both girth and bite. Hope that helps.


Clark, Thanks for the post and here is my choices. Rene was my fav, Born was 2nd and then Fred. I had a hard time deciding, but Rene just seemed more well rounded, having both girth and bite. Hope that helps.


Hah exactly opposite to what I said. This may not end up being conclusive [emoji14]
Melten- yeah, I went through them a minimum of a dozen times, playing different sections of the neck, different passages, even using different amp choices. It almost came down to a "feel" thing. Perhaps that in itself shows how close each are to the other?

Johnnyh64- dude, too funny...
But I do know. I probably know more about Kevin's methods than anyone besides Kevin himself. :) We've been trying to make it clear to people that we're infact not competitors but on the same team trying to hunt for the best guitar tones out there.

No. Wrong. You don't speak for him. You don't know anything Kevin doesn't want you to know. I know what I'm talking about from firsthand knowledge. Let Kevin speak for himself and don't put words in his mouth or make claims about what he does or how he does it. You are not shy talking about Mikko and what Mikko does - stick to that.

lul i only recall him saying Kevin uses a flat tube power amp in the op. has this not been a piece of the Ownhammer puzzle and public information for a long time? didn't much mention any details on methods with using the power amp.

Exactly. There's more to it. Always question information, especially when someone like Mikko 'speaks' for competitors. Mikko does not speak for Kevin.
Exactly. There's more to it. Always question information, especially when someone like Mikko 'speaks' for competitors. Mikko does not speak for Kevin.

Scott, I'm questioning why you're attempting to speak for Kevin, and in the process bringing bad blood and tension to this thread? CK could have almost just as well have said Ownhammer uses SM57 microphones and you would be here trying to ascend the tension among the conversation. Please let this end peacefully.
Scott, I'm questioning why you're attempting to speak for Kevin, and in the process bringing bad blood and tension to this thread? CK could have almost just as well have said Ownhammer uses SM57 microphones and you would be here trying to ascend the tension among the conversation. Please let this end peacefully.

I agree. Me and Kevin have talked about this thread also and he didn't have any problems with what I said. It's weird that Scott has.
Okay let's put this thread to rest. I have to admit that there was a slight fail in this comparison because I thought the Axe-Fx IRs were not MPT'd which they infact were. So my IR is raw where as the Axe-Fx shot IRs are MPTd so that smears the whole comparison in that sense. A raw IR will sound a tad smeared and phasy (=sounds more realistic) in comparison. So to put this thing to bed here's an audio clip comparison of these methods side by side with all the IRs MPT'd.

About me using MIC+DI: I don't make IRs for myself. I make IRs for Fractal Audio. If FAS wants me to use MIC+DI I will use MIC+DI.
Scott, I'm questioning why you're attempting to speak for Kevin, and in the process bringing bad blood and tension to this thread? CK could have almost just as well have said Ownhammer uses SM57 microphones and you would be here trying to ascend the tension among the conversation. Please let this end peacefully.

No tension and I am not speaking for Kevin. I am telling Mikko to not speak for Kevin. I am not putting words in anyone's mouth, Mikko is. It's wrong.

I agree. Me and Kevin have talked about this thread also and he didn't have any problems with what I said. It's weird that Scott has.

That's not what Kevin told me. When did you speak to him Mikko? You are either misunderstanding him or misrepresenting him. You need to speak for yourself and yourself only.
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