MFC 101 update ?

I content myself with the notion that every day that passes without an announcement of the MFC-101's release is another day that the device is being improved upon.

A few more months, and I'm sure we'll be able to control the precession of the earth's axis with it (or at least do word processing).
wnlively said:
a simple update would be nice.

Agreed. Cliff and Tom have apparently given a few lucky individuals status updates verbally, in person. Thankfully some of those people have posted what they heard on the forum. If not for that, we'd have nothing to go on at all. Maybe it's a legal thing, but then they wouldn't be talking at all, to anyone.

I might have missed something, but I think the last official MFC comment on the forum was from Tom, in his post announcing the new Atomic line on Jan 29th. He said:

*A MFC-101 update will announced in the coming weeks. Significant progress has been made.

14 weeks and counting... more coming?

Whenever it does get released, I wonder if we'll ever be told what caused the longer-than-expected release or if it will just remain an unsolved mystery like the Kennedy assassination. :)
While you are waiting for some information from Fractal Audio on the MFC-101, you may wish to amuse yourselves with some selections from this collection of Imponderable Questions.

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guittarzzan said:
While you are waiting for some information from Fractal Audio on the MFC-101 ...

Yes, you're right - I don't wait anymore, insufficient informations about the MFC-101. I've buyed a Gordius now. :D
i quess that factal made so much money on the axe fx that they dont mind losing customers to othe companys
wnlively said:
i quess that factal made so much money on the axe fx that they dont mind losing customers to othe companys

Do you imagine that inane and foolish remarks will hasten the MFC along? If that were true, the controller would be out already.
I've been happily enjoying and learning and using my Gordius.

When MFC comes, I will be happily enjoying and learning and using it.

Cliff lost no customer here...

You should be nice to him.

See 'ya,
jumperboy said:
I've been happily enjoying and learning and using my Gordius.

When MFC comes, I will be happily enjoying and learning and using it.

Cliff lost no customer here...

You should be nice to him.

See 'ya,

Ya, be nice. What if he charged for firmware updates?
another flammer :lol:
The answer is no.
but I would hope that a long as this thread has been alive , the number of post and views you would see that all we are asking for is a update.

Or did you just read the last my last post form an opinion and deside to start name calling.

reddy Kilowatt , i would imagine that name puts us in the same line of work IBEW 1055
How much longer would these debates go on? Tom and crew don't need a thread started to give an update. If they want to give one they will. When BMW shares concept cars and cars that they are going to be realising no one starts asking for an update ever few days.
brokenvail said:
How much longer would these debates go on? Tom and crew don't need a thread started to give an update. If they want to give one they will. When BMW shares concept cars and cars that they are going to be realising no one starts asking for an update ever few days.

That's a terrible analogy. BMW doesn't have to deal with guitar players who have too much spare time on their hands. :mrgreen:
Im sure on BMW forums there are just as many people begging for updates when a concept car is rumored to actually going into production. Probably more.....
brokenvail said:
How much longer would these debates go on? Tom and crew don't need a thread started to give an update. If they want to give one they will.

I feel a little silly checking this thread every few days (OK, fine, I check it every day), as I doubt this will be the thread in which they make the product announcement. :lol:
the MFC will be out in a few days!

How do I know?
Well, I just gave in and bought a Ground Control.... ;)
You can thank me later...

- jonah
jonah said:
the MFC will be out in a few days!

How do I know?
Well, I just gave in and bought a Ground Control.... ;)
You can thank me later...

- jonah

Thanks in advance, much appreciated! :D
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