MFC 101 update ?

if you post any info about the MFC-101 .
Please have enough balls to back it up by providing a URL to the source.
Just sold my Ground Control Pro today, so I'm very anxious for official details now! :mrgreen: Can't wait to use my Axe-FX Ultra with the MFC!
might not happen, but i'm going to wait
for a smaller version to be released anyway.
something along the lines of an axess mfc-5
or liquid-foot jr. in terms of size.

i'm too lazy to quibble with IA switches, let
alone 10-20 of 'em. ;)
larry said:
might not happen, but i'm going to wait
for a smaller version to be released anyway.
something along the lines of an axess mfc-5
or liquid-foot jr. in terms of size.

i'm too lazy to quibble with IA switches, let
alone 10-20 of 'em. ;)

Don't hold your breath. In fact, don't waste your time at all waiting for that. We've been waiting 3 years+ for the normal, bigger one. And, absolutely nobody has ever hinted that a smaller version will ever be made.

Also, what's the big deal with the IA switches? You quickly assign them and label them. You basically decide which one is for delay, which one is reverb, which is chorus, etc. In Axe FX mode, it should be incredibly easy to do this. I guarantee it won't be hard.
it's not so much the effort of programming. i just don't need that many
buttons. for most of the songs i play i have 3 or 4 different sounds at the most.
usually a rhythm patch, some kind of clean sound w/effects and a lead patch
with a cheesey amount of delay.

basically set up each bank in my MFC-5 with presets i need for each song.
from what i understand, the convenience of IA switches would allow me to
toggle individual effects in a preset. why tap-dance over IA switches to
get to a certain sound when i can just create a patch for what i want and
load it into a song..err bank?

having that many switches reminds me of when i used to drag around a
bunch of pedals. over time the board got pretty big. so i went rackmount.
setup and teardown went from 10 minutes down to 4 and switching on
stage happend with one or two quick motions. if i had a MFC-101 i'd
most likely use 4 switches at the most for presets and the rest would
be inactive.

a small fractal MFC with 3-6 preset switches, bank up/down switches,
expression pedal jacks, a large bright display and the ability to store a
large number of songs/set lists would be great.

I played a show where a guitarist form one of the bands had a rocktron
all access, it was neat looking but in some songs he had to stop and plot
out his switching.

the MFC-101 looks badass, but a handful of people (myself included) probably
wouldn't mind a smaller version.

larry said:
it's not so much the effort of programming. i just don't need that many
a small fractal MFC with 3-6 preset switches, bank up/down switches,
expression pedal jacks, a large bright display and the ability to store a
large number of songs/set lists would be great.
the MFC-101 looks badass, but a handful of people (myself included) probably
wouldn't mind a smaller version.

Have you had a look at the Little Giant? I don't have one but I'm on the fence vs the MFC (plus, the MFC doesn't exist yet afaic).
The LG isn't cheap but it's smaller than the MFC with tons of features. My only problem with it is that I don't think it fits in a 2U drawer :evil:
And the FCB-1010 does not display the tuner. The answer to this is buy a decent guitar that stays in tune. Tune up before your set and then rock out.

If only it were that simple, I'm still trying to find a guitar that will stay in tune for more than 2 songs. I play at church every sunday and if I don't tune up after the 2nd or 3rd song, well lets just say it won't sound pretty. Maybe its just the way I play. :oops:
Strat-O-Matic said:
And the FCB-1010 does not display the tuner. The answer to this is buy a decent guitar that stays in tune. Tune up before your set and then rock out.

If only it were that simple, I'm still trying to find a guitar that will stay in tune for more than 2 songs. I play at church every sunday and if I don't tune up after the 2nd or 3rd song, well lets just say it won't sound pretty. Maybe its just the way I play. :oops:

Got a spare cable and a pedal tuner?
Hey Strat-O-Matic - Do you stretch out your strings after changing a set?
Jeff Beck plays pretty aggressively (as in plenty of bends and whammy action) and the guitar still stays in tune.
tgunn said:
Hey Strat-O-Matic - Do you stretch out your strings after changing a set?
Jeff Beck plays pretty aggressively (as in plenty of bends and whammy action) and the guitar still stays in tune.
If thats all I needed to do I'm gonna shot myself, I'm thinking about just switching to 10's as well. I don't use a whammy bar but I do alot of bends and play pretty aggressively alteast live. Thanks for the tip :)
I Play a Music Man Axis with a locking tremlo set up for 10s.
It is a pain to change the strings on , but it stays in tune very well.
As soon as I restring and tune I pull the string straight out from the body . This stretchs the string and takes the slack out of string at the machine head.
I play every Sunday at church also and the axis stays in tune extremely well. Probally one of the best guitars I have ever owned. Just goes to show that it doesnt have to have Fender or Gibson on it to be a quality guitar.
Another little trick is always to tune up to pitch. Start below and tighten string until you're on pitch. If you overshoot, start again flat of pitch. Or just buy a Parker Fly. I can abuse it for hours and it stays in tune. :mrgreen:
tgunn said:
Have you had a look at the Little Giant? I don't have one but I'm on the fence vs the MFC (plus, the MFC doesn't exist yet afaic).
The LG isn't cheap but it's smaller than the MFC with tons of features. My only problem with it is that I don't think it fits in a 2U drawer :evil:

yeah i've looked it up. call me superficial, but man is it ugly... and i'm with you on on it's bulky-ness.

PEEWEE said:
Same for me! I am waiting for the Stealthboard. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=13219
It looks the MFC-101 and Stealthboard are made in the same factory. It is continuously being postponed. New month of release is september.
We will see....... :roll:

stealthboard is a very cool concept, but still not my bag. i guess
the LF jr. really set the bar for me. it's size, feature set, functionality
and appearance are exactly what i've been looking for.

i have 2 mfc-5 controllers but sending one in for an expression
pedal jack mod isn't possible now that axess electronics is
currently inactive. :cry:

if i could sit with cliff, jeff and mario to pick their brains
i might get brave enough to build my own midi controller.
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