Matrix XT-800 Review, and up against a VHT 2:50:2

Have to remember that there really isn't a totally flat, transparent power stage.
The XT800 in combination with my Axe FX and speaker cab produced results that I was unhappy with.

Raising the SAG (and other patch tweaks) did improve it (a bit) but switching back to the VHT produced a much more pleasing tone, with less work.
In the end it wasn't worth the tonal trade-off I would have to make for the convenience of less weight.

I also didn't have any faith that further tweaking of the patch would address the issue and actually part of it came down to time management.
I need to work quickly and the VHT gives me the tone I want with a minimal amount of editing.
Weight is an issue but if it comes to choosing between tone or weight, I choose tone.
YMMV fo course.

You're going to get a bunch of opinions on this.
I was not making the decision for anyone but myself.
The other guy who was here with me when we did the test (who owned the Matrix) seemed happy with it.
I wasn't.
I agree with James. ive had much more time tweeking the Matrix/VHT combination and Im fairly happy as it stands. Increasing the Sag, decreasing the damp and maybe decreasing the Transformer HF setting - all along with a broad EQ in the Global - is getting me very very close. The thing is that i have to make slight tweeks on every patch. thats not an issue long term of course as you would tweek the patch for the amp method.

uThere is something between the two though (VHT and Matrix) and if yo have very good ears (like James) and very exacting standards (again like James) then the VHT is prefereable (at present). However, I would suggest for 99% of users out there, the Matrix is just fine and a fantastic bit of engineering. If you dont actually own the VHT to compare the Matrix too (or indeed any good quality valve amp) you wouldnt in all probablity notice.

The thing for James, he is a professional player needing to get what he wants quickly, and with quality. As he already has the VHT why change? For me its less clear cut. It is my hobby/obsession and my ears arnt as good as James's. However, I also have the VHT and am thinking "why change". Now weight is a biggy - and the money I get back from the VHT is twice what the Matrix costs, but were all guilty of wanting the best - or we would have/want an Axe.

i can say if I didnt own the VHt I would be all over the Matrix - and I owned the Art SLA prior to the VHT. The Matrix is considerably better that the Art.
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well wouldn't the matrix amps damping not matter? Even if it was 10,000 it could still only reflect the power amp modeling it's given. Basically, I mean wouldn't it be impossible for the matrix to make the amp stiffer since the axefx has already modelled a tube pweramp response and created all the "give" and "sag" before it hits the solidstate amp. I think the power amp could make it mushier by having less damping then optimal by adding additional sag etc. Unless the matrix is negatively effecting the signal i'm not sure it's really doing anything but faithfully recreating what it's given. Jay is the man on this stuff, I'm just guessing here

Another anaology would be if you think of it like photoshop. If i give a printer a blurry photo (the axefx signal) and print it on a 1 million dollar printer (say the matrix amp) it's only going to give me the most accurate blurry photo possible it's not going to sharpen or make it clearer in any way.

Yes your 100% right. it all depends if you think the Axe is 100% there. for James (I believe Im right in saying) the Axe isnt quite there. its 99% - and he finds it works best (currently) with a valve amp because that gives him the extra 1% - and explains why the Axe/Matrix combo didnt quite work for him.

For many - including all the frfr guys I would think - the Axe is as close as makes no difference. If that is the case then the Matrix will totally live up to your expectation.
i'm sure compared to my carvin it's brilliant hahah. I wish i had the loot to have a VHT to worry about ;) I guess if you are even close to tossing the VHT it's gotta be pretty good.
it all depends if you think the Axe is 100% there. for James (I believe Im right in saying) the Axe isnt quite there. its 99% - and he finds it works best (currently) with a valve amp because that gives him the extra 1% - and explains why the Axe/Matrix combo didnt quite work for him.

In general terms, yes this is where I am at.
I'm not sure about 99% as an estimation of how close they are.
To be honest I am not sure I could put a number to it.

Suffice to say that if they can find a way to address the very obvious response issue then I'd be willing to purchase it and then see how it goes for a few months.
I'm wary of drawing a line in the sand and saying 'yes they definitely nailed it' because more data becomes available the longer it is in service.
We'll see.
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