Presets MASTER THREAD - AustinBuddy's 1400+ NAKED AMPS TonePack for firmware Cygnus X2

Third party presets and packs for Fractal Audio products
In case you missed it....

Cliff posted:

<<This is what I've been working on:

Firmware 11.0 introduces our new high-order speaker impedance modeling. We've curated the impedance data from nearly 50 cabinets. You'll now be able to select the impedance curve to use with an amp model (selecting an amp model loads the most appropriate curve for that model).

Why is this important? When you look at speaker impedance curves they look pretty simple. However that data is obtained when the speaker is mounted on an infinite baffle. As soon as you mount the speaker in a cabinet that impedance data changes, sometimes quite radically. The modes of the cabinet introduce significant peaks and dips in the impedance due to the back EMF created. Some of the cabs we measured have deviations from the published curves by 4-5 dB or more.

To understand why this happens the impedance of a speaker is dependent upon the acoustic load. In an infinite baffle the load is constant. Put the speaker in a box and the load is greater at some frequencies and lower at others because the sound waves bounce off the walls and constructively or destructively interfere with the motion of the speaker. For example, consider the sound emanating from the speaker and bouncing off the back wall of the cabinet. When the sound wave reaches the speaker it will either aid or oppose the motion of the speaker. If it aids the motion then the impedance will be lower and vice-versa.

I hope to have a beta this weekend.>>

So I will wait further regarding any TonePack updates until we see what this development brings!

Had a feeling a firmware 11 may be in the air! He did say it would not change existing presets...
Good thing I waited for the firmware update and didn't start.

This new speaker impedance curve thing in fw 11 is excellent. There may yet be another firmware update from Fractal soon, but in next (update) edition of the Naked Amps for Axe-Fx III, I plan to make use of this new speaker impedance tool wherever I can...
Good thing I waited for the firmware update and didn't start.

This new speaker impedance curve thing in fw 11 is excellent. There may yet be another firmware update from Fractal soon, but in next (update) edition of the Naked Amps for Axe-Fx III, I plan to make use of this new speaker impedance tool wherever I can...
Yes , so far Ive had great success applying it to your presets.
Stupid question - brand new to Fractal. Bought the Naked amp pack. Where do I find install instructions?

Use Axe Edit Tool Tab. Use Cab management to install cabs to the proper user numbered slot. Then in the Tool tab the is a preset management to add the presets. All drag and drop. Search Youtube, I'm sure there is a video to reinforce what I've tried to quickly explain.
Once you get it, it will be a palm slap to the forehead AHA moment. Trust me, I've been in your shoes.
Stupid question - brand new to Fractal. Bought the Naked amp pack. Where do I find install instructions?

For the Axe-III, you can load both banks with FractalBot. Save your existing presets first. Check out my YouTube channel for helpful videos. While not Axe-III specific, the concepts apply.
The only advantage to using the editor is that you can import only what you want as opposed to complete banks and put them specifically where you want.
Yes - you can use the “Auto-audition” in the Preset Manager browser to point to and listen to presets in a bank on your computer, before you commit to dragging over and saving to the Axe-Fx, a good option.
Makes perfect sense amigo. I just find it easier to load a bank into B,C, or D and plough through finding what I like and then use Axe-Edit to drag/copy those into Bank A which is my working/favorite bank. Enjoy!
Really, really great amp pack. Well done AB! This pack takes the III to the next level for sure. Especially for a novice like myself
Thank you Seismic! Hoping to make it even better with an update if the firmware version stabilizes around 11 or 12 for a few months!
I'm going to advocate for an update. Even if FAS updates after this....we're getting pretty far behind here. We can kick the can down the road pretty much forever since FAS will continue to update.
I'm going to advocate for an update. Even if FAS updates after this....we're getting pretty far behind here. We can kick the can down the road pretty much forever since FAS will continue to update.
I am pretty much in agreement that firmware 11 will be it. Remember we have not been required to reset the amp block since v5. Just waiting on an Editor update and likely will start on update right after Thanksgiving, will take a few weeks.
The editor was updated a few days ago, actually ;)
Excellent - hadn't seen that -- so I can choose the new impedance curves in AxeIII-Edit now?

If so, will start on firmware 11x update on Thanksgiving afternoon on this/all that weekend, and work to get everything updated (give me a few weeks) and maybe add a few easter eggs surprises in too I think. Hopefully ready before Christmas if not sooner, will do my best. Right now am finishing up a great Dream Rigs ARES 2.0 update for Axe-Fx Mark II and XL/XL+ to get released by next week.

This may make me a fool later (in hindsight) -- but my intuition is fairly confident that if a new firmware 12 comes out soon, that it will HOPEFULLY not require an amp block reset.... so any updated version 11 presets will be fine under next firmware update or two... famous last words of a fool! hahaha
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