Lynch Mob presets added

Mark Day

FAS Artist-in-Residence
Fractal Audio Systems
Here's She's So Evil Intro. I used the AxeFx for the ethereal part, guitars and bass. I did this before but I like my new heavy guitar and solo preset's better so I thought I would redo it and add bass guitar as well. I will post a video soon, in the meantime here's the mp3.
Everything is direct into ProTools.

Re: Lynch Mob

great tones and playing, lynch is my all time favourite.

I too would love those patches, then i would have to learn the crystals intro.
Re: Lynch Mob

Here are the patches from my first attempt, the only really valid one on this recording is the Crystals patch in the zip file. Disregard all other patches in the zip.

The solo and rhythm patch can be found on the Axechange (through the new editor) as patch 713, etc.
The rhythm patch is basically the same but with less delay and rev level.

I guess folks are finding my patches a little bass heavy so here is one I tried to get to sound better's my fav direct patch so far. It can also be found on the AxeChange site near the others :)

that eruption patch i Dl'd of yours has more bass than my uberschall through my
it was farting out my cabs, i didnt think that was possible.
edgeofdarkness said:
that eruption patch i Dl'd of yours has more bass than my uberschall through my
it was farting out my cabs, i didnt think that was possible.

I guess everyone's setup is, the new preset should be a lot less bottom heavy. I'm running it through some crappy PC speakers and it's holding

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