Looking For A Metronome App


Fractal Fanatic
I tried Bounce; Too complicated. I'd like something that's easy to program the tempo, time signature, and how many measures, then program the same info for the next section of the song. Something that also has a different-sounding click on "one." Working on Dream Theater stuff, if that helps to understand how I'd like it to function.

Anyone know of one that will do this, easily? TIA!
I use the Tempo Advance app. I haven’t dove that deep into it to know if it’ll work out but it may be worth a look.
YouTube. Haven't found any for Windows that I care for, I use Metronome Beats on my tablet and phone.
YouTube. Haven't found any for Windows that I care for, I use Metronome Beats on my tablet and phone.
Yeah, YT doesn't have infinitely-variable tempo though. I can't jump from half-speed to full-speed when learning a difficult song. Does MB have the features I mentioned, and is it available for Android phones/tablets?
The metronome in Reaper is great. It's got a ton of configuration options and you can change the beat pattern at every tempo/time signature change point you define as well.

reaper metronome.jpg

Adding a tempo/time signature marker is super easy. You just move the cursor to the measure you want it at in the timeline and hit Shift-C.
reaper tempo time.jpg
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Yeah, YT doesn't have infinitely-variable tempo though. I can't jump from half-speed to full-speed when learning a difficult song. Does MB have the features I mentioned, and is it available for Android phones/tablets?
It's available for android devices. Don't know about jumping tempos, haven't used it for more than basic practice.

Transcribe! is a great program for learning songs, sound is clear at the slowest setting (15% of tempo), allows for looping of user selected sections and can be sped up to 200% of the original tempo. No automatic metronome, must be created with markers.
I've also been trying to find a good one for Windows. I did ask here: https://forum.fractalaudio.com/thre...ows-metronome-with-tap-tempo-function.174769/

But I am stuck with Keuwl for Android. It is still the best one for me.

And it has that classic look that reminds me the piano lessons of my childhood

Do you mean the keuwl site? https://www.keuwl.com/Metronome/
It works for me

I also use other of their handy applications, like WiFi Analyzer, SPL Meter, Spectrum Analyzer, Function Generator, Pulse Echo Meter, Spirit Level, Compass, Protractor...
I mean this:

Also the site root. Everything I tried there gives there same Django error:

AttributeError at /pro-metronome/
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://eumlab.com,eumlab.com/pro-metronome/
Django Version: 1.8
Exception Type: AttributeError
Exception Value:
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'
Exception Location: /home/wwwroot/eumlab/mainweb/context_processors.py in mobile, line 19
Python Executable: /usr/bin/python
Python Version: 2.7.17
Python Path:
Server time: Thu, 9 Sep 2021 04:17:52 -0500...

Lots more similar.
Metronome Beats free version does have a feature that allows you to increase the tempo automatically or select the percentage of the tempo on the fly.
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