Liquid Foot programming help needed


Fractal Fanatic
Posted this on LF forum, but i thought i'd try here too

I am using AXE FX and i just got Eventide H9.
problem is i cannot figure out a way to quickly jump from "AXE FX" page to "H9" page. With Axe fx presets on AXE FX page and H9 presets on H9 page.
I want to be able with one button press to see 12 H9 presets ready on my LF12+.
This seems easy, but when you try to actually program it it starts to mess up, because i don't want to lose my axe fx programming.
Ideally i would like to jump to a new "H9"page where there are only H9 presets, but how to do that? it is impossible to do it with one button press. And when i come back to my main page i want to see Axe fx presets and IAs.

Im using Song mode on LF for my axe fx progrmming.
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You just set up an ia in one page that changes the page to h9 page and then in the h9 page you have an ia in the same location the use the last page function to take you back.
Changing page is not the issue.
The challenge is to have axe fx presets on one page and h9 presets on another page when using song mode.
I need to change the page and change song at the same time, and i need to go to previously selected song when leaving H9 page so i can have axe fx presets again.
I cannot figure out how to do it with one button press to toggle between these two pages witch different presets and different songs.
Changing page is not the issue.
The challenge is to have axe fx presets on one page and h9 presets on another page when using song mode.
I need to change the page and change song at the same time, and i need to go to previously selected song when leaving H9 page so i can have axe fx presets again.
I cannot figure out how to do it with one button press to toggle between these two pages witch different presets and different songs.
Have the initial page of one preset start on the h9 and the axefx page on the others.
In every preset on LF+ you can define the initial page to use. When you switch songs, you will be switching presets. Since you can set the initial page a preset starts in, you can set the LF+ to switch from the axefx page in one song and the h9 in another.
I think i want it the other way around. I want a page to change a song.

On page 1 i have axe fx presets in song mode and ias.
On page 2 i have h9 presets in song mode.
I want to use external switch to go to page 2 and see h9 presets. Then use the same external switch to go back to page 1 and see axe fx presets and ias.
I don't see how i could do that with your solution.
I think i want it the other way around. I want a page to change a song.

On page 1 i have axe fx presets in song mode and ias.
On page 2 i have h9 presets in song mode.
I want to use external switch to go to page 2 and see h9 presets. Then use the same external switch to go back to page 1 and see axe fx presets and ias.
I don't see how i could do that with your solution.

I really am not understanding what you are trying to accomplish?

Why do you need to switch to another song to do this?
What is your philosophy here?
I want a page to change a song.

I want to use external switch to go to page 2 and see h9 presets. Then use the same external switch to go back to page 1 and see axe fx presets and ias.

what do these things have to do with each other?
Because presets are grouped in songs. Axe fx presets are on songs #1, #2, #3 and H9 presets are in song #4.
I could simply switch to another song on my axe fx page, but that page only has 6 preset holders. I want to have all 12 presets of h9 available, so i have to switch pages.

Am i missing something here? Is there a better way to do it?
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Because presets are grouped in songs. Axe fx presets are on songs #1, #2, #3 and H9 presets are in song #4.
I could simply switch to another song on my axe fx page, but that page only has 6 preset holders. I want to have all 12 presets of h9 available, so i have to switch pages.

Am i missing something here? Is there a better way to do it?

Songs are groups of LF+ presets. Those LF+ presets can contain Axe-fx presets AND H9 presets. One of the points of pages is that you can assign the page to do all H9 presets, regardless of the song or preset you are in .
This is a possible solution, thanks.

Only downside i have to put my H9 presets to all my axe fx songs.
This is a possible solution, thanks.

Only downside i have to put my H9 presets to all my axe fx songs.

No, you don't. If the presets are all defined in the Page, any time you bring up the page it will have the H9 Presets you have defined in that page.
Im kinda confused here.
Im using Song mode, so this means i group presets in songs. Song can contain 24 presets, so im thinking 1-12 will be axe fx presets and 13-24 can be h9 presets.
And then on one page i put preset holders 1-12 for axe fx presets and on another page i put preset holders 13-24 for h9 presets.
Thats the only way i can think of, is there a better way?
Im kinda confused here.
Im using Song mode, so this means i group presets in songs. Song can contain 24 presets, so im thinking 1-12 will be axe fx presets and 13-24 can be h9 presets.
And then on one page i put preset holders 1-12 for axe fx presets and on another page i put preset holders 13-24 for h9 presets.
Thats the only way i can think of, is there a better way?

How many H9 presets are you going to use? If you are not going to use more than a dozen or 2, then using presets on the page may not be what you want to do.
Again, song mode is about Liquid Foot presets not Axe-fx or H9 presets. A liquid foot preset can trigger an Axe-fx or H9 preset, but it doesn't have to.

You can define a button to always trigger a particular H9 preset. So you can set a whole page of H9 presets. Regardless of whether you are in in song, set, preset mode the H9 presets on those pages will be the same.
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I know that preset can be any prest axe or h9. But it is not true that you can define a button to alvays trigger h9 preset.
If i program a preset button on LF, say preset 6 - it will act differently on song mode and on preset mode. And it will act differently depending on which song i am. So you cannot permamently place a preset in a page that would not change depending on a song you are in.
I know that preset can be any prest axe or h9. But it is not true that you can define a button to alvays trigger h9 preset.
If i program a preset button on LF, say preset 6 - it will act differently on song mode and on preset mode. And it will act differently depending on which song i am. So you cannot permamently place a preset in a page that would not change depending on a song you are in.

you are incorrect here. You can program any IA to do a preset change on any channel regardless of the mode you in. You can absolutely do that.

P.s. I just did it.

Program an I ti midi command - MIdi ch - and PC change.


That IA can now be assigned to a button on a page (just like turning a drive on/off). It will be there whether I am in song, set, ot preset mode.
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Yes Ias can do that.
That brings another trouble to me. Since all 60 Ias are taken by axe fx functions i would have to use IA maps.
I tried this:
Setup one page with axe fx ias and axe fx ia map and another page with h9 ias and h9 ia map.
Problem is i want to see my axe fx Ia states when i come back to axe fx page. But they are gone. When you change to a page with different ia map and then come back to your default page with default ia map - your axe fx ia states are gone.
Example: I load a preset on axe fx page - then switch to H9 page- engage a h9 effect and want to come back to my axe fx page - my axe fx page suddenly does not show ia states anymore.
What I am very confused about, and would like you to explain please, is that you would like to have a page containing Axe FX presets, and another page containing H9 presets.

On the other hand, you make reference to behaviors not functioning, such as IA initial states not showing up when you return to the axe fx page you've created, and said in another way, "the Axe FX uses up IA slots 1-60, so I have to use an IA map to get to the H9 IA slots".

Here is my question: DO you have IA instant access buttons so you can engage effects on/off like stompboxes, or do you have Liquid Foot presets "B#001, B#002, etc" buttons programmed, and then you have selected the effects you wish to be turned on and off in predetermined groups of effects within Liquid foot presets?

It is very easy to create gear specific pages, and jump between them, so you can control them separately, if you want to.
Yes Ias can do that.
That brings another trouble to me. Since all 60 Ias are taken by axe fx functions i would have to use IA maps.
I tried this:
Setup one page with axe fx ias and axe fx ia map and another page with h9 ias and h9 ia map.
Problem is i want to see my axe fx Ia states when i come back to axe fx page. But they are gone. When you change to a page with different ia map and then come back to your default page with default ia map - your axe fx ia states are gone.
Example: I load a preset on axe fx page - then switch to H9 page- engage a h9 effect and want to come back to my axe fx page - my axe fx page suddenly does not show ia states anymore.

Have you thought about moving the Axe-fx IA functions that you do not use frequently to another IA map and getting the H9 on the same IA map?
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