Liquid Foot programming help needed

What I am very confused about, and would like you to explain please, is that you would like to have a page containing Axe FX presets, and another page containing H9 presets.

On the other hand, you make reference to behaviors not functioning, such as IA initial states not showing up when you return to the axe fx page you've created, and said in another way, "the Axe FX uses up IA slots 1-60, so I have to use an IA map to get to the H9 IA slots".

Here is my question: DO you have IA instant access buttons so you can engage effects on/off like stompboxes, or do you have Liquid Foot presets "B#001, B#002, etc" buttons programmed, and then you have selected the effects you wish to be turned on and off in predetermined groups of effects within Liquid foot presets?

It is very easy to create gear specific pages, and jump between them, so you can control them separately, if you want to.

That is what I am getting at.
I tried two approaches: 1st i tried using Ias to trigger H9 presets and 2nd i tried using LF presets to trigger H9 preets.
Here is with IAs:
On the Axe fx page i have 6 presets ("Main Song" in song mode) , 6 IA switches: Vol incr/decr, delay, flanger, etc...
On the H9 page i have different IA map so can use IAs 111-123. I program these IAs to load a preset on H9. And it works.
The problem is when i switch to different page i don't see IA states until i press press something. On axe fx page if i press on a preset i can see all IA states again. when i go to H9 page - all IAs(that calls H9 presets) are grey (OFF) then i step on one of them and i can sudendly see all of them show up.

Here's another approach with LF presets.
when you run a sync wizzard on LF it programms all of LF presets to be a coreponding AXE FX preset. So i changed last 100 or so presets to be H9 presets.
Now im thinking how to put H9 prests on different page. I cannot simply put preset 111 on a new page, because LF only supports 60 preset holders. So i have to put this preset in a song mode and group presets in songs. Now i have two choices: to make a new song with H9 presets or to add H9 preset to all my Axe FX songs.
If i make a new song i have to find a way to switch songs on page change - because i want AXE FX song on AXE FX page and H9 song on H9 page. makes sense?
If i add H9 presets to all my AXE FX songs it works fine and probably is the simplest way.

I think it would be very easy if there was more than 60 IAs available, because my 60 Ias are dedicated to controlling AXE FX. And I am forced to use IA maps that make all this trouble.
Alternatively it would be very easy if the Page on LF could force a Song change.
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1. Never put PROGRAM CHANGE commands into your IA slots. Only use your IA slots for CC messages to turn on and off individual effects or Axe x/y states or scenes
2. Set up 12 LIQUID FOOT Axe FX presets and 12 LIQUID FOOT H9 presets. In the first programming line of the preset, specify which program change you want recalled on the unit when you step on that preset, and specify the IA map and page, that preset should be using too. Then specify which IA slots are on or bypassed, when you first step on the preset.
3. If you want 12 axe fx presets, that are simply remaining in one axe fx preset, and sending a scene change or sending the IA initial states of groups of effects, you can actually place the program change command into the SONG programming line for your AXE and for your H9. If you do it that way, your Axe Liquid Foot presets, and your H9 liquid foot presets, should not have program change commands entered into their programming lines. They will simply be pre-determined "effects groups" that trigger many effects changes in an instant with the preset of only one button.
4. Reserve a button on your pedal board to flip between the two pages of the song that contains all the Axe and H9 presets (since you probably have more presets than the quantity of buttons you have on your pedalboard). Or program the 24 song preset buttons on one page, and use the page shift command to make your pedal start at button 1 or button 13, or whereever you need it to, so you can quickly hop between Axe FX's world, and H9's world.
1. Never put PROGRAM CHANGE commands into your IA slots. Only use your IA slots for CC messages to turn on and off individual effects or Axe x/y states or scenes
2. Set up 12 LIQUID FOOT Axe FX presets and 12 LIQUID FOOT H9 presets. In the first programming line of the preset, specify which program change you want recalled on the unit when you step on that preset, and specify the IA map and page, that preset should be using too. Then specify which IA slots are on or bypassed, when you first step on the preset.
3. If you want 12 axe fx presets, that are simply remaining in one axe fx preset, and sending a scene change or sending the IA initial states of groups of effects, you can actually place the program change command into the SONG programming line for your AXE and for your H9. If you do it that way, your Axe Liquid Foot presets, and your H9 liquid foot presets, should not have program change commands entered into their programming lines. They will simply be pre-determined "effects groups" that trigger many effects changes in an instant with the preset of only one button.
4. Reserve a button on your pedal board to flip between the two pages of the song that contains all the Axe and H9 presets (since you probably have more presets than the quantity of buttons you have on your pedalboard). Or program the 24 song preset buttons on one page, and use the page shift command to make your pedal start at button 1 or button 13, or whereever you need it to, so you can quickly hop between Axe FX's world, and H9's world.

There is no problem sending pc messages with IA's depending on what you want to do (especially if they are go to presets on the device that you wish to use). In this case I was refering to a page of H9 presets.

Personally, I would just have the H9 Preset changes on page and have a button that flips me to the H9 page on the Axe-fx Page and in the same location have a button the takes me back to the Axe-fx page.
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Let me remind you that the Liquid Foot looks at your pedalboard and the highest B#001 bank preset number to determine bank size. We use page jumping to access more presets than the number of buttons we have, right? So we take page 10, 11, and 12. we set up the bottom four buttons to be bank presets 1,2,3,4 on page 10....Bank presets 5,6,7,8 on page 11, and bank presets 9,10,11,12 on page 12. Then we flip between them, to get to preset 3, than page up to preset 11, then down....back and forth all across the three pages. We use the other buttons on our board for bank up/down, tuner, tap tempo, effect on/offs that we commonly want access to.

here's the part where most of us are making a huge programming error when you use pages as a tool to "get more buttons at your feet". If you intend for pages 10,11, and 12 to work as a team of related pages, so that they give you a massive, imaginary pedal board at your feet, you must place preset 12 on pages 1 and 2 also. You can "hide" "B#012" on one of the page buttons you don't really have. Like, what I mean is, if you own an 8 button pedal board, you can hide "B#012" on button 9 or 37, or 52!!! Each page has 60 buttons! So just hide the largest bank preset number on all of your pages, somewhere out of physical reach or sight!

When you hide "B#012" on page 10 and page 11, and then page 12 naturally has bank preset 9,10,11...and "B012" already on it, and you jump between those 3 related pages, you are telling the liquid foot, "MY BANK SIZE IS 12 PRESETS. DO NOT BANK UP UNTIL I HIT THE BANK UP BUTTON AND GET BANK PRESETS 13-24"

If you set up 15 related pages, and you place the preset buttons across the bottom row of 4 buttons so your first page has "B#001 through B#004" and your 15th page has "B056 through B060", you better hide B#060 someplace out of reach, on the first 19 pages, so the Liquid Foot makes your overall bank size 60 presets. If you hit bank up one time, you'll be in the 2nd bank, which is presets 61 through 120, even though your B-buttons are still 1 through 60. Again, they are BANK PRESET buttons, not PRESET buttons.

If you fail to hide the largest bank preset button someplace on all of your related pages (except for the last page, which naturally already contains your highest bank preset) you will get wildly erratic and funky bank switching behavior, and horribly unintended results.
I ended up using AXE and H9 presets in a same LF song. LF presets 1-12 for axe and LF presets 13-24 for h9 in each song.
Then i can flip pages or shift button display start, both works equally well.
Let me remind you that the Liquid Foot looks at your pedalboard and the highest B#001 bank preset number to determine bank size. We use page jumping to access more presets than the number of buttons we have, right? So we take page 10, 11, and 12. we set up the bottom four buttons to be bank presets 1,2,3,4 on page 10....Bank presets 5,6,7,8 on page 11, and bank presets 9,10,11,12 on page 12. Then we flip between them, to get to preset 3, than page up to preset 11, then down....back and forth all across the three pages. We use the other buttons on our board for bank up/down, tuner, tap tempo, effect on/offs that we commonly want access to.

here's the part where most of us are making a huge programming error when you use pages as a tool to "get more buttons at your feet". If you intend for pages 10,11, and 12 to work as a team of related pages, so that they give you a massive, imaginary pedal board at your feet, you must place preset 12 on pages 1 and 2 also. You can "hide" "B#012" on one of the page buttons you don't really have. Like, what I mean is, if you own an 8 button pedal board, you can hide "B#012" on button 9 or 37, or 52!!! Each page has 60 buttons! So just hide the largest bank preset number on all of your pages, somewhere out of physical reach or sight!

When you hide "B#012" on page 10 and page 11, and then page 12 naturally has bank preset 9,10,11...and "B012" already on it, and you jump between those 3 related pages, you are telling the liquid foot, "MY BANK SIZE IS 12 PRESETS. DO NOT BANK UP UNTIL I HIT THE BANK UP BUTTON AND GET BANK PRESETS 13-24"

If you set up 15 related pages, and you place the preset buttons across the bottom row of 4 buttons so your first page has "B#001 through B#004" and your 15th page has "B056 through B060", you better hide B#060 someplace out of reach, on the first 19 pages, so the Liquid Foot makes your overall bank size 60 presets. If you hit bank up one time, you'll be in the 2nd bank, which is presets 61 through 120, even though your B-buttons are still 1 through 60. Again, they are BANK PRESET buttons, not PRESET buttons.

If you fail to hide the largest bank preset button someplace on all of your related pages (except for the last page, which naturally already contains your highest bank preset) you will get wildly erratic and funky bank switching behavior, and horribly unintended results.

Excellent point
I use song mode to avoid all this mess
That way i only put presets that i actually use in LF songs.

Let me remind you that the Liquid Foot looks at your pedalboard and the highest B#001 bank preset number to determine bank size. We use page jumping to access more presets than the number of buttons we have, right? So we take page 10, 11, and 12. we set up the bottom four buttons to be bank presets 1,2,3,4 on page 10....Bank presets 5,6,7,8 on page 11, and bank presets 9,10,11,12 on page 12. Then we flip between them, to get to preset 3, than page up to preset 11, then down....back and forth all across the three pages. We use the other buttons on our board for bank up/down, tuner, tap tempo, effect on/offs that we commonly want access to.

here's the part where most of us are making a huge programming error when you use pages as a tool to "get more buttons at your feet". If you intend for pages 10,11, and 12 to work as a team of related pages, so that they give you a massive, imaginary pedal board at your feet, you must place preset 12 on pages 1 and 2 also. You can "hide" "B#012" on one of the page buttons you don't really have. Like, what I mean is, if you own an 8 button pedal board, you can hide "B#012" on button 9 or 37, or 52!!! Each page has 60 buttons! So just hide the largest bank preset number on all of your pages, somewhere out of physical reach or sight!

When you hide "B#012" on page 10 and page 11, and then page 12 naturally has bank preset 9,10,11...and "B012" already on it, and you jump between those 3 related pages, you are telling the liquid foot, "MY BANK SIZE IS 12 PRESETS. DO NOT BANK UP UNTIL I HIT THE BANK UP BUTTON AND GET BANK PRESETS 13-24"

If you set up 15 related pages, and you place the preset buttons across the bottom row of 4 buttons so your first page has "B#001 through B#004" and your 15th page has "B056 through B060", you better hide B#060 someplace out of reach, on the first 19 pages, so the Liquid Foot makes your overall bank size 60 presets. If you hit bank up one time, you'll be in the 2nd bank, which is presets 61 through 120, even though your B-buttons are still 1 through 60. Again, they are BANK PRESET buttons, not PRESET buttons.

If you fail to hide the largest bank preset button someplace on all of your related pages (except for the last page, which naturally already contains your highest bank preset) you will get wildly erratic and funky bank switching behavior, and horribly unintended results.
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