Liquid-Foot Midi Controller

in Europe today is the 14 th august - :evil:

I must say i´m a bit disappointed about that man.

I wrote several pm´s in the old forum - no reply
I said: "Put me on the list"
Never get an answer
Other Europeans asked here about the shipping costs to Europe - no answer..
I sent a pm again today morning (14.08) - no reaction
Yesterday the Purchase was 599 $, after sending my info today (14.08) he changed
that to 699$ although everybody knows the date 15.08 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, i´m not willing to pay more and i hope this man will keep his promises !
This is an official order again on the 14.08.2008
I concur -- being one of those folks asking for shipping costs to Europe... :(

@U2JustMe, it would be ok for everybody if you just stated you do not currently ship overseas; but the total lack of response is slightly annoying.

No hard feelings, just my point of view.
dongrosh said:
in Europe today is the 14 th august - :evil:

I must say i´m a bit disappointed about that man.

I wrote several pm´s in the old forum - no reply
I said: "Put me on the list"
Never get an answer
Other Europeans asked here about the shipping costs to Europe - no answer..
I sent a pm again today morning (14.08) - no reaction
Yesterday the Purchase was 599 $, after sending my info today (14.08) he changed
that to 699$ although everybody knows the date 15.08 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, i´m not willing to pay more and i hope this man will keep his promises !
This is an official order again on the 14.08.2008

Actually when I was on his website yesterday it said special offer price until Aug 16th... $599 with a long wait... That's been removed. I was about to purchase, just got the approval from my wife!!! Hmm.....
If you sent in an Order Request with your name, and screen name ( and I received it- then you would have received an email to your actual email address included in the order request form. If you DID NOT receive a confirmation email- then either the email address was typed wrong or I did not get the request for some other reason.

I have emailed queue and order information back to 24 people in the last two days. I have responded to every request up until todays.

And OF COURSE I would honor the price- if you are on the original wait list- it will be automatic- just need you to match your screen names to your real name/emails. Do that and you are fine.

Any problems- PM on You WILL receive a response within a day of me seeing it. Everyone else has.

Sorry you had a bad experience. There were a couple people that PM'd and said I didn't respond. we clarified pretty quick.

And yes- the Order will go at $599 if you had PM'd or where on the wait list prior to Aug 16th.
You just gave me a severe GAS attack :lol:

Just sent you a PM with a question,


U2JustMe said:
If you sent in an Order Request with your name, and screen name ( and I received it- then you would have received an email to your actual email address included in the order request form. If you DID NOT receive a confirmation email- then either the email address was typed wrong or I did not get the request for some other reason.

I have emailed queue and order information back to 24 people in the last two days. I have responded to every request up until todays.

And OF COURSE I would honor the price- if you are on the original wait list- it will be automatic- just need you to match your screen names to your real name/emails. Do that and you are fine.

Any problems- PM on You WILL receive a response within a day of me seeing it. Everyone else has.

Sorry you had a bad experience. There were a couple people that PM'd and said I didn't respond. we clarified pretty quick.

And yes- the Order will go at $599 if you had PM'd or where on the wait list prior to Aug 16th.
Will this unit do tap tempo? Also, it's a little concerning the tuner functionality is not already available. I realize the AxeFx needs a firmware upgrade but there doesn't seem to be any guarantees it will be made available to this unit even when Cliff does it for his. Anybody have any confirmation?
Tone Jones said:
Will this unit do tap tempo? Also, it's a little concerning the tuner functionality is not already available. I realize the AxeFx needs a firmware upgrade but there doesn't seem to be any guarantees it will be made available to this unit even when Cliff does it for his. Anybody have any confirmation?
You can assign any of the Instant Access switches to the tap tempo. I cannot speak to the tuner. I am hoping it will all work beautifully!
Tone Jones said:
Will this unit do tap tempo? Also, it's a little concerning the tuner functionality is not already available. I realize the AxeFx needs a firmware upgrade but there doesn't seem to be any guarantees it will be made available to this unit even when Cliff does it for his. Anybody have any confirmation?

There are no guarantees on tuner. It will do tap tempo.
I'd be interested in hearing how you guys are configuring your boards (or planning to) in terms of which IA switches you want readily available. Are you simply going for having an IA switch for each block within the AxeFx plus tap tempo and tuner or are you doing something different/in addition to?
Tone Jones said:
I'd be interested in hearing how you guys are configuring your boards (or planning to) in terms of which IA switches you want readily available. Are you simply going for having an IA switch for each block within the AxeFx plus tap tempo and tuner or are you doing something different/in addition to?

Off the top of my head

Drive-modulation-phaser/flanger-delay-pitch-trem/pan-filter-compression-boost-special-reverb-fx loop (for eclipse) - tuner on/off- Amp A/B- Vol up - Vol down

I have tap tempo on the the expression pedal ports w/ a switch. 2 expression pedals one for volume one for other stuff.
He U2! I keep asking your forum to send me activation mails, but I just get nothing! I 'd like to join!
I am curious if those of you who have the LF are still open to the FA product when released, or are you satisfied that you have what you need in the LF and you need the extra switches that the FA controller isn't going to offer? I CAN'T decide. I can get the LF NOW, but if the FA is going to offer greater sychronicity and upgradability with my Ultra maybe I should wait. I know you can't decide for me, just looking for thoughts from those who already have the LF or in the same boat. Thanks.
creek_devil said:
I am curious if those of you who have the LF are still open to the FA product when released, or are you satisfied that you have what you need in the LF and you need the extra switches that the FA controller isn't going to offer? I CAN'T decide. I can get the LF NOW, but if the FA is going to offer greater sychronicity and upgradability with my Ultra maybe I should wait. I know you can't decide for me, just looking for thoughts from those who already have the LF or in the same boat. Thanks.

Well, I have what I need from the liquid foot and am using all the extra switches. No one can really say anything about the fractal foot controller (other than the specs that have been given). Obliviously, The Fractal Controller will be tightly bound with the Axe-fx and will be in the position to integrate new features very quickly. The Liquid foot has done a good job thus far at integrating itself w/ the axe-fx.
Tone Jones said:
Will this unit do tap tempo? Also, it's a little concerning the tuner functionality is not already available. I realize the AxeFx needs a firmware upgrade but there doesn't seem to be any guarantees it will be made available to this unit even when Cliff does it for his. Anybody have any confirmation?

Tap tempo of course, but the tuner display is an Axe proprietary feature, not standard MIDI protocol so there's no guarantee. Correct me if I'm off base, but unless Cliff offers up the tech information it would seem that for LF to display tuner it would take some sort of reverse engineering / hacking to figure out how to interpret the tuner data on the wire and code to render it on the controller display. No idea how hard that will be.

IMO and just guessing, really.. but if I were Cliff I would want the Fractal controller to be the only one capable of Axe tuner display. He could take steps to protect the code, then even if LF hacks it and implements, Cliff could update his code so that the feature will break on the LF on later Axe firmware.
Robboman said:
Tone Jones said:
Will this unit do tap tempo? Also, it's a little concerning the tuner functionality is not already available. I realize the AxeFx needs a firmware upgrade but there doesn't seem to be any guarantees it will be made available to this unit even when Cliff does it for his. Anybody have any confirmation?

Tap tempo of course, but the tuner display is an Axe proprietary feature, not standard MIDI protocol so there's no guarantee. Correct me if I'm off base, but unless Cliff offers up the tech information it would seem that for LF to display tuner it would take some sort of reverse engineering / hacking to figure out how to interpret the tuner data on the wire and code to render it on the controller display. No idea how hard that will be.

IMO and just guessing, really.. but if I were Cliff I would want the Fractal controller to be the only one capable of Axe tuner display. He could take steps to protect the code, then even if LF hacks it and implements, Cliff could update his code so that the feature will break on the LF on later Axe firmware.

He hasn't done that with the rest of the features (pulling patch name, effects states, etc). or w/ the firmware renamer. He could also just tell U2justme to not do it and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't. He is also developing a tuner system that uses the rig module to send tuner info to the liquid control (at least he was at one point).
I just wanted to comment that I got my LF last Friday, the same afternoon that our band was to open for the Guess Who. I tried to quickly see if I could get it set up so I could use my whole rig: Ultra, VHT 2502 and a pair of Bogner Cubes (the controller being the last piece of the pie) but had to give up and use the standard, analog rig, which doesn't suck BTW, for lack of time. Sometimes it does pay to RTFM. I did, however, have a chance to get it set up this week with a little bit of help from Jeff via email. I had emailed him with a question which he promptly answered and even offered to call me and walk me through my issue. Turned out is was a simple fix that installing the latest firmware (1.07) took care of so the call was not needed. So, customer service is first-rate from what I experienced. Very much like Fractal so you are not giving up anything on that front.

With that preface, let me just say that I see absolutely no reason to wait for the Fractal pedal. This one is nicely built, well though out and works extremely well. Plus, now that I have assigned the IA switches, I can't really imagine not having them. I use the 6 button preset mode which gives me 16 switches for effects. It's like having a giant pedal board without all the hassles, noise and weight. Once you get the hang of the logic, which is pretty simple, it is easy to sync the presets in the Amp-FX to the LF and just start using it. I have not yet set up a continuous controller pedal yet but that is not a big deal for me since I rarely use a wah or volume pedal, preferring to just use the volume on my guitar for control. There are some really cool effects that can benefit from a controller so I will be investigating that probably this week. Let's just say that I have barely scratched the surface of what it can do today and I know with future updates it will be able to do even more. More that I will likely ever need as well.

I just did a gig last night that was two full sets over three hours and everything worked just fine. This was the first time I used the whole set up so I was understandably a little nervous. I fed the FOH with a mono send and another to the VHT and the cabs for me and the sound guy commented that it sounded really great out front and that he much preferred the direct feed over a miced cabinet for the additional control and clean sound. Also got some nice comments from both the band and the audience over the guitar sound plus it sounded good to me so I can now relax and just enjoy playing. Still need to tweak some presets here and there but basically, I have all the sounds I could ever need right at my fingertips. Cool!

Bottom line? It just works. This is such a liberating feeling that I don't know that I have fully registered it just yet. The whole system is really synergistic and simple to set up and sounds great. What more do you need? As far as the LF is concerned, there will be no trading it in. It is a really great piece of kit that will have a permanent place in my rig. Now all I need is to find a suitable carrying case for it and I am set.
Sorry for the long post but I just needed to let everyone know how great this all is. What a revolution in versatility and control for guitar players. Simply amazing.
How can I get in touch with the maker of the Liquid Foot? I tried PMs here and in the Liquid Foot forum, and also contact through his site, over the past week with no success. Anybody have an email address or phone number? Could you PM it to me?
I did the PM route initially on the old forum and did not get a response. I waited a couple of weeks and then PM'd him again on the new board and got an email response within a couple of days, if I recall correctly. He did say then that he had been travelling and had not had access to his email. Since then, I have gotten a couple of email notices regarding updates for firmware and as I mentioned, when I had a question, I got a response in a day or so.

I can't say for sure, but it would seem that this is not yet a full-time gig for him and as such, email responses and other communications along with ordering, assembling, shipping, etc. a product, not to mention software development may be stretching him thin for now. I don't know how long you have been waiting, but I would try again and see if he gets it. It may also be that the original message did not get through or was lost.
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