Lincoln Brewster still using AxeFx?

last i heard he went to the X3 live, said he didnt like explaining to the kids that come up that he's using some 2k worth of gear they can never afford
That sounds like Lincoln. He's a cool guy. Plus, he already had a good tone going using the Pod stuff. His tone on his live recording (which I think was the Pod) was killer. I liked it better than his studio tone even.
last i heard he went to the X3 live, said he didnt like explaining to the kids that come up that he's using some 2k worth of gear they can never afford
No the x3 live is what he used before the axefx. He is playing the hd500 now I believe.
last i heard he went to the X3 live, said he didnt like explaining to the kids that come up that he's using some 2k worth of gear they can never afford

Doesn't make any sense to me. How many kids can afford a Fender Stratocaster Custom Shop Edition?
Can't ever afford an axe-fx? You mean "probably aren't disciplined enough to save up for".

right on.
I know plenty of young keyboarders that bought gear in that $$$ region and higher.
this is the dumbest 'reason' not to play an Axefx I heard so far...
IMO, play what sounds how you want it to. Doesn't matter if it's a gorilla amp (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little) or a dumble. If it's a squier affinity strat or a 59 burst. People get that stuff by working hard and saving money. That's how I've gotten everything I own. Even when I was in high school. I mean if you want to play something that doesn't cost as much (regardless of what you can afford) because of what someone else thinks, you're just hurting yourself...wasn't he the one who went on the record saying the pods just didn't do a couple things he needed?
Anyone know? Sean?
I haven't heard him mentioned wrt the AxeFx II or at all lately. Love his work.

My buddy went and saw him and talked with him after the show. I beleive he is using the Line6 HD unit because he had problems with 2 different Axe units.

That is why I started the thread about playing live with the Axe. My Axe is it for me. The response was great and I am not to worried about durability.
That's too bad.... I noticed recently he was missing from the artist page, so I searched the forum and found this thread... I think he's great, but I'm sad he's using POD stuff, if indeed he still is. I'm sure his band is using many 10s of thousands of dollars worth of gear, so having an axe-fx is nothing.... also, compare it to many touring bands that have walls of amps and racks full of stuff...... not to mention a case of guitars..... I don't know about y'all, but I've found that a live Axe Set up that rivals anything (duh) costs far less than any other professional set up.... I don't have to have a rack full of crap, I don't need one or more nice tube amps, a 4x12, etc.... Just the Axe, a case, power conditioner, powered monitor of my choice (k10s in my case) and a simple pedal board. I think I'm about $4600 into my setup COUNTING the speakers, which I don't even bring to every gig. One really nice tube amp and cabinet could set you back that much..... Anyway, I hope Lincoln comes to his senses.
It's pretty funny that he said he didn't like telling the kids it was a 2k box etc... has he even watched youtube before? I've been playing for 20 years and held down steady jobs in all that time to try and pay for the toys I like... youtube is full of kids who have the most amazingly high end equipment for their bedroom ever! I don't think there's been a moment in time (even in this financial dire straits) like this where kids have soo much disposable cash for gear.
Pete;545728 I don't think there's been a moment in time (even in this financial dire straits) like this where kids have soo much disposable cash for gear.[/QUOTE said:
That's because 1, They don't have any responsibilities 2, Mommy and Daddy are more then likely helping them buy it and 3, They probably sill live at home. Sheesh... Rent, food and utilities, car payment and insurance, gas if I didn't have to pay all those bills every month I would own every amp guitar stomp box and rack processor I could get my hands on.
That's because 1, They don't have any responsibilities 2, Mommy and Daddy are more then likely helping them buy it and 3, They probably sill live at home. Sheesh... Rent, food and utilities, car payment and insurance, gas if I didn't have to pay all those bills every month I would own every amp guitar stomp box and rack processor I could get my hands on.
thank you mom and dad for not charging me rent :D
Sixstring - That's true to a point... but even as a kid I had to work to get the gear I had and it wasn't until I was 18+ and banks suddenly saw me as worthy of a loan that I could by my first USA strat. I do find it a little funny at times when you see bands claiming to be struggling in the cut throat music industry yet the insurance value of the guitarists gear alone out weighs the value of a new car. :)
There's struggling and there's struggling.
Sorry for the When I... but doing something bad/naughty when I was a kid meant a slap round the back of the legs... these days you get an expensive present :)
It's pretty funny that he said he didn't like telling the kids it was a 2k box etc... has he even watched youtube before? I've been playing for 20 years and held down steady jobs in all that time to try and pay for the toys I like... youtube is full of kids who have the most amazingly high end equipment for their bedroom ever! I don't think there's been a moment in time (even in this financial dire straits) like this where kids have soo much disposable cash for gear.

I'd be careful before drawing any hard conclusions regarding social trends among the general populace from anecdotal youtube evidence. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of young adult guitarists are dirt poor and have shitty gear just like many of us did as kids, they're just not posting as many youtube vids as the "my dad just made partner at his law firm check out my new Bogner" kids. Also you're probably not searching them out and watching them or both.

That'd be like watching a bunch of adult videos to try to determine what "typical" human s*xual behavior was.
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The rationale about the 2k box is crazy. Does some kid walking up to Steve Vai's rack (when he still had a huge one or more) really think they should be able to own that from day one as a player? In all good conscience he could tell the kid that if he got good enough and really wanted to invest in good gear that the Axe would be the best $-to-return investment you could make in guitar gear. I think too much gear and too many choices can be a huge impediment to learning how to play until you have a really solid foundation.

Not trying to do an "I walked 5 miles in the snow to school" story, but I grew up with a silverface Princeton reverb which I felt REALLY fortunate to get (thanks Grandma) when I was 17. I played that for several years before even understanding anything about drive pedals or any other kind of pedals. That forced me to try to get a good sound out of just a guitar and amp. Sure, it frustrated me when trying to get driven sounds, but by the time I really needed them, I had pretty decent tone. When people start with all the gear from the start, they often don't figure out that the biggest component in good tone is your hands.

When I hear about people getting an Axe who never had a tube amp and/or never had a bunch of pedals, it's no wonder to me that they sometimes struggle with finding the sounds they want. Every pedal I ever had required some learning - figuring out what the interrelation of changing various parameters did as well as the interactions between the pedals, and the pedals and amp. With the Axe, not having physical controls for the parameters of various effects can make someone much less prone to tweak them all and/or to get overwhelmed by all the choices. The A-D knobs on the front really help me in regaining some of the sense of immediacy in tweaking that pedals give.
I bought my axe fx when I was 18. Saved up about 1200 through working, then used my graduation gifts to help fund the rest. I would much rather have something to work towards then have a quick, easy, mediocre thing. This case being Axe vs Pod. Its sad to hear that he stopped using it because of his lack of faith in kid's determination. If they are REALLY passionate about their instrument and tone, then it doesn't matter if its 2$ or 2000$. I was raised not to accept mediocrity in anything. I take that to my tone as well.
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