
hi folks,

can anyone tell me if there is a CC for the LFO1 Run parameter? and what it might be? i've been searching, with no success.

thanks so much!

I don't think it has a dedicated CC number assigned to it. I believe you have to assign a controller to it via a modifier and then use a pedal or switch to control it like amp or effect parameters.
thanks for the replies. what i am looking to do is have the run parameter stopped and started via ableton, so that i can keep a tremolo/chop effect in sync. this has been something i've been trying to tackle for some time. no matter what i do, it drifts. from everything i've read, it seems that the answer is to have the run parameter stopped and started via ableton. so i figured there'd be a cc. hmmmm, maybe not...

thanks again!
not everything has a CC. but you can assign a External Controller to it, which has a CC.
It can be any CC you want really. As people have stated, assign the run parameter to one of the 12 Ext Ctls in the Axe-fx. Then either use the defaults CCs assigned to it or change them to a CC# you want.

Another way to keep them trm sync'd is to have the run parameter triggered by the Envelope Controller so it syncs up every time you start playing (that is good for live).
also - do you have the speed of the lfo set to a tempo value? and when you hit the tempo button on the front of the axe, is the "tempo to use" parameter set to global? and are you sending midi clock to the axe?
thanks for all of your responses.

java: currently, i've got the envelope assigned. i'm going to try the external cc today. thanks for that tip.

simeon: yes on all fronts.

most of my patches have modifier stuff going on, but for some reason i've had problems with this particular preset/track. it's a dance track, where i'm playing to a sequencer. i originally recorded it with my old ultra, several years back (though now i play it on the II). i actually posted this exact problem back then. i had resorted to buying a boss slicer for live. that locks in perfectly, but i'd rather not use it, for several reasons. the envelope approach works, but i'd love to get this to be rock solid.

this is the track in question:

juno | doppio
update: i tried assigning an external controller and then its CC to be controlled in ableton. i still run into the same problem, which is when i start the sequencer it is quite likely that the tremolo/chop won't be in sync (the tempo will be). it seems that the envelope controller is currently my best bet. if anyone else is aware of something i'm missing, i'd be much obliged!

thanks again, and on a different note.... 15+...OH MY GAWD!


If you use the run parameter and sync to tempo, then it will be in sync. The problem is it might not be in phase. Use the sequencer to control a volume block instead
thanks simeon. i'm using a saw down waveform, though. so i guess the sequencer wouldn't work. yeah, it's the phase. it's a bit unpredictable. the envelope approach works the best so far, but there even seems to be slight tempo drift as well. with every approach i've taken. i wonder if it's an ableton thing? have you ever used the clock sync delay in ableton? i've fiddled with it, but not hit the nail on the head as of yet.
are you sure you're sending clock to the axe? if you change tempo in ableton, is the axe following? there shouldn't really be any drift at all.
This should work if you set things up correctly. Some more information about what you've tried would be useful here. Or post a preset if possible.

Do you have an External Control assigned to LFO 1 or LFO 2 run in the Control menu, and that LFO assigned as source for a level modifier in a vol/pan or similar block?

Set damping to 0 ms on the run modifier. If you place a 0 value followed immediately by a 127 value for the run modifier's CC#, it should reset the LFO position. Do that a few times throughout a short test track, at different spots within the beat so the reset will be obvious. Does anything seem to happen with the tremolo pulse after each 0, 127 value group? It might be resetting how you have it now, but using a different start point than what you're expecting, so the pulse doesn't align with the sequencer as desired. To adjust for this you need to use the LFO's "B" output and find the B phase value that does what you want. Or alternatively, find the spot within a beat to place those CCs and make the "A" LFO align how you want.
yeah, it's synced to clock. actually, the way i get it to lock back up is by hitting the tempo button and then it readjusts.

bakerman: i just tried setting damping to 0 (i had it at default - 10). this seems to help. assigning envelope to "run" works pretty well, in that i can reset it myself. i'm using a trem block sync'd to LFO1. i've also had an external modifier controlling "run", which is then reset via a clip in ableton. i've tried numerous positions within the clip. the tempo syncs just fine. but oddly, sometimes the actual trem/chop effect will be faster then the tempo. maybe this is just the phase issue appearing to be faster. i'll keep fiddling with the CC placement. once i've got it aligned, it typically works pretty well. the ultimate problem i have is that when we actually start the sequencer, i never know whether it's going to actually be accurate.

i appreciate all the effort. sorry for any confusion!
i just tested it again. worked great the first few times and then it didn't. i'd start the sequence and could see the tempo light on the axe-fx being a bit out of sync. i'm guessing that i'm just missing something. i'll try to post the patch a little while (i've never done that so it might take a minute to figure out).
The Axe tempo LED alignment will be random, but that doesn't matter. You just need the right tempo and consistent restarting of the LFO. I'll try setting up the same thing later today.
yes, midi clock doesn't send any info about bars or beats...it's basically just a click, so the axe fx tempo light will most likely not be in sync. one thing you could try is going to a different patch and then back again. i run into sync problems sometimes, especially when using multiple controllers and when editing presets. reloading the preset seems to reset and re-align everything...no idea why...
another problem i found in the past, is sending pc and cc messages down the same pipe as the midi clock can actually interrupt the clock and cause drift. i used to have massive problems years ago when trying to sync multiple fx units and loopers together via midi clock. changing patches and operating cc pedals always used to give me sync problems....
just finished rehearsal. same dillema really. the light typically is in sync, but either way the pulse is still unpredictable. using the envelope controller at least gives me a way to get back on track quickly. i'm gonna spend more time trying the CC approach, as detailed by bakerman.

as i mentioned above, i was using the boss slicer for a while. that just plugs in and stays on the beat at all times. i'd just rather not use it cause it doesn't quite do the waveform i'm looking for and my patch is weird, in that i have an expression pedal which crossfades into an additional trem block so that i can do the sputter effect (as in the track posted above). that's hard to get right using the efx loop.

the axe-fx is easily the best piece of gear i've ever had, but if it could nail this, i'd be ever so elated :-D
Seems like a lot of work to get a simple effect to sync. Major problem with the axe...lfo's and seq should be able to sync up to external clock. Please Cliff!!!! make it so:). Since your already using ableton why not just use the pan effect to sync it up? The pan effect (in ableton) will always sync in phase if you set it up correctly.

i wanted to update this thread.

bakerman, you were right about the cc approach. i'm embarrassed to admit it, but i did not have the output of the CC channel (in ableton) routed to the axe-fx. i had all the preference/sync stuff set, but didn't realize i needed to set the channel. DOY!

anyway, thanks so much!

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