Let's see those FM3 rigs!

@bishop5150 , how do you like the Line6 wireless ? Currently shopping for a unit; either this one or the Shure GLXD series...

I have the G30, a step below what bishop5150 has. I bought it mainly because I hate stepping on my cords. I've used it for over 3 years with no issues with my signal. It has effected the wifi on one of my computers at home, but nothing else. I have friends who use Line 6 & the Shure unit. Never heard of problems from any of them. With the Shure, you're also paying for a tuner as well.
@bishop5150 , how do you like the Line6 wireless ? Currently shopping for a unit; either this one or the Shure GLXD series...
This is an old one I’ve had for years. Works great.
But I bought a new one last year for my Axe-III rig and it was terrible. Constant dropouts. Totally unusable. I had to switch to a cable 3 songs into a show at the House of Blues. Returned it and bought the G90 rackmount instead.
I currently us the G10S and absolutely love it. Haven't had any problems with dropouts. Just plug the transmitter in during breaks and no more worries about replacing batteries. I had problems with the previous G10 as it selects the channel for you. It kept selecting the channel that the bassist was using on his G50. I would come through his bass amp as well as my rig. There was no way to correct on my end so he had to change his channel to fix the issue. Bu the G10S lets you select the channels to use so not problem with that anymore.
Alright guys...my latest report on getting my setup to work.
FC6 was too big for me so I explored alternatives...all I needed was fx on/off.20200624_144916.jpg
I have 2 exp pedals going into the FM3 which left me no jacks for switches.
Enter the Midi Baby 3. I now have 10 switches and 7 from the Midi Baby 3 work via midi.
As of now from left to right is chorus on/off, pitch on/off, drive on/off, tap tempo, yet to be determined, verb on/off and delay on/off.
The FM3 switches are drive, boost and master volume boost so I have redundant switches at this point...too many switches!
I have right angle midi and power for the Midi Baby en route but everything is tested and works.
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Hi, I have the same as you, I have a Shure GLXD16 and I would like to know if you have had problems with loss of signal having it under the pedalboard ... what tests have you done? have you tried it in open spaces? I appreciate the answer
Hi, I have the same as you, I have a Shure GLXD16 and I would like to know if you have had problems with loss of signal having it under the pedalboard ... what tests have you done? have you tried it in open spaces? I appreciate the answer
I haven't really had a chance to see what the useable range is now. I'm sure having it upside down in a metal cage affects it, but I haven't had any problems yet. I've been using it indoors up to about 20 feet away, sometimes through an interior wall with no drop outs.
Here we go - first new rig since 2016 (centered around the never fail AX8) featuring the FM3 and FC6. The exceptional power of control and tone have me beyond gobsmacked now that everything is sorted and I've worked out the board layout and now gig tested it. I'll be doing some in-depth discussion of what I do with it but for now... here we go. I did the vinyl wrap... because it's cool. LED lights under the board shift between colors randomly. You can see this rig from space. I did a crappy but effective screen protector I cut from a cheap iPad protector I bought. This thing will be out there doing the work every week for me moving forward.

(LOL - excuse the dog hair and my ugly mug reflected on the screen. Both are unavoidable at my house!)


Scott, which pedalboard are you using?
Also wondering about the Temple boards, anyone using their hardcases and if so you have enough clearance for the FM3/FC6 to fit?
Here's my new board:

Signal Chain:
Guitar --> Dunlop 535Q Wah --> Sonic Research Tuner --> Orange OD Pedal --> FM3 Input 1 - FM3 Output 1 Mono Send to --> Eventide H9 Max Input --> Eventide H9 Max Stereo Sends to --> FM3 Input 2

The One Spot Pro is overkill for this board, but I do not have the Current Doubler cable that I need for my Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+ to run the H9.FM3 Rig Top.jpgFM3 Rig Bottom.jpg
Here's my new board:

Signal Chain:
Guitar --> Dunlop 535Q Wah --> Sonic Research Tuner --> Orange OD Pedal --> FM3 Input 1 - FM3 Output 1 Mono Send to --> Eventide H9 Max Input --> Eventide H9 Max Stereo Sends to --> FM3 Input 2

The One Spot Pro is overkill for this board, but I do not have the Current Doubler cable that I need for my Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+ to run the H9.View attachment 68108View attachment 68109

Assuming the 535Q is going straight into the front of the FM3, no tone suck there? And what are you using the H9 for?
Assuming the 535Q is going straight into the front of the FM3, no tone suck there? And what are you using the H9 for?
I'm not a HUGE wah user, but when I've tried it out, it sounded fine to me. I will eventually swap it out for a Fractal EV pedal. I'm not really using the H9, but more or less just have it there in case I run out of FM3 processing power - I can always use the H9 for pretty much anything that I want and cannot run on the FM3 (due to running out of processing power).
Simple but is sounding great. Just pending to add the ME expression pedal I left on our rehearsal space


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