Latency Compensation Measurement

thanks for coming back to me - it is much appreciated that features from the Axe3 are being ported to the FM3, but it doesn't help when users are not able to use the FM3 as an audio interface as advertised on your website!
even if I'm almost a fanboy of the Fractal world... in this specific case I'm a little bit upset for the lack of a USB fix.
I get that most people uses the FM3 as a gigging device, but not everyone can afford the price for the main Axe...
even if I'm almost a fanboy of the Fractal world... in this specific case I'm a little bit upset for the lack of a USB fix.
I get that most people uses the FM3 as a gigging device, but not everyone can afford the price for the main Axe...
To be fair, it's not a showstopper for most people. the USB audio works fine, but is offset by a few ms in the DAW. I will bring it up again.
To be fair, it's not a showstopper for most people. the USB audio works fine, but is offset by a few ms in the DAW. I will bring it up again.
thank you and we appreciate that - as you pointed out recording is offset by a few ms (12ms that last time i measured) it makes recording/reamping very difficult which as per the fractal website is a selling point.
This should work for FM3 owners. Use your FM3 as the audio device in your DAW, and...

View attachment 90550

1) Use the I/O settings to direct USB 3/4 playback to the input 1 block
2) Use a patch cable to connect out 2 to in 2.
3) Play a click track from your DAW out to usb channels 3/4.
4) Record that to a new track which has usb channels 1/2 as input.
5) Measure the lag between your recorded click track and the original click track and use that for your DAW's latency compensation preference.

There are other ways to do it, but this way has the advantage of being nearly identical to the way one would normally record a guitar.
does anyone have detailed instructions on how to do this in Reaper?
Could you tell me about this in detail?
I'm no expert, but I think I got it figured out. I set up my preset and followed the setup instructions. After that I opened a project in Reaper, added a track, and added ReaInsert as FX. I think it comes with Reaper but if not you can find it on the Cockos site, I bet. Pictures to show the test:
Screenshot 2024-02-20 110623.png
I set up the hardware sends and returns to this and clicked ping detect. It gave 727 samples. I went to preferences:
Screenshot 2024-02-20 110703.png
In the recording section I added a manual offset of what the plugin gave me of 727 samples. I went back to the plugin and ran it again:
Screenshot 2024-02-20 110715.png
Now I have zero delay to compensate for according to ReaInsert.

After this I changed my setup options back to normal, went back to a preset I use and recorded myself playing with a backing track. Night and day compared to before, but I've only tested it for a couple minutes 🤣 . One thing I noticed is that I did get different ping results between tests. They only varied by 3 samples which seems negligible to me. Huge thanks to @marsonic !!! I need to test it a bit more so please let me know if I did this incorrectly.
1) Here is my preset and audio settings
preset and audio settings.png

2) connected out2 to in2 with one cable
fm3 out2 to in2.jpg

3) Audio preferences in Reaper
reaper audio settings.png

4) and ReaInsert settings
reainsert settings.png

Ping detect always displays 0. What am I doing wrong?
I got Ping Detect = 355 samples. But I did another test. I inserted the click track into the Reaper. I connected the headphones to the FM3 and put the headphones on the guitar pickup. And recorded a click from the headphones into the guitar pickup. The resulting track had latency. In Reaper, I switched the display from seconds to samples. And it showed that the latency is 439 samples.


After manual latency compensation (439 samples):
I got Ping Detect = 355 samples. But I did another test. I inserted the click track into the Reaper. I connected the headphones to the FM3 and put the headphones on the guitar pickup. And recorded a click from the headphones into the guitar pickup. The resulting track had latency. In Reaper, I switched the display from seconds to samples. And it showed that the latency is 439 samples.

View attachment 135606

After manual latency compensation (439 samples):
View attachment 135607
Nice, I'm glad you were able to figure it out too. I liked using ReaInsert because I had no idea how to properly measure between the click track and the recorded track other than eyeballing the ruler. Like I said, not an expert! 🤣

Thanks to @GlennO and @marsonic for the help!
Just to follow up on this...I know there are many FM3 owners out there who have been hoping for a firmware update to the FM3 which will enable it to achieve the same kind of tightly aligned recording that is possible on the Axe-FX III and FM9. And, I'm sure there are many more FM3 owners out there who are unaware of this problem, and only know that their FM3 recordings don't sound very tight for some reason which they don't understand.

However, for various reasons, a solution in the FM3 firmware is unlikely, perhaps even infeasible. That means the manual adjustment as described in the OP is still the best way to work around this problem when recording the FM3 via USB.

I've updated the recording guide to include this information.
FYI - I got 303 samples with above test in Logic Pro. Definitely audible! FM3 MKII Turbo Firmware 9 Beta. FM3 Buffer at lowest setting. MacBook M1 Pro.
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