Large Font for Axe III

If we're making wishes here, I would like wish 1.0 to be external monitor support from the USB port. Then wish 2.0 would be for that same video support to include touchscreen capabilities.
If we're making wishes here, I would like wish 1.0 to be external monitor support from the USB port. Then wish 2.0 would be for that same video support to include touchscreen capabilities.
The USB-B port is not capable of that by definition and design and cannot be made to do that.
I hope you all get what you want heh I don't use the front panel ever so it's never been an issue.

I did appreciate the larger fonts on the FCs which is all I need to see live though Axe Edit is always running.
It would be great to scroll left and right to pick scenes when you are without an FC or computer. You can go from 1 to 4 with one push.
Been away from the forum for some time while on the road.
Has this improvement been implemented at some time in the past six months, and if so, what firmware version? Thanks!
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