Just got off the phone... (Reactor FR Content)

Congrats guys!

I look forward to A/B comparisons.

I got the call from Tom as well, but I am going to have to pass on my pair :cry:

for now.
I passed on it as well. The email from G66. I'd love one but just don't have the cash right now. I can imagine in these times there will be more passers. I hope they don't get stuck with a pile of overstock and get into trouble... A year ago would have been better climate for the introduction.

Luckily it's an object of passion and guitarists prioritize their gear pretty highly...
Dutch said:
I passed on it as well. The email from G66. I'd love one but just don't have the cash right now. I can imagine in these times there will be more passers. I hope they don't get stuck with a pile of overstock and get into trouble... A year ago would have been better climate for the introduction.

Luckily it's an object of passion and guitarists prioritize their gear pretty highly...
I seriously doubt they will have much (if any) overstock... It's going to have a great impact since it is essentially tied to the Axe-fx (Fractal Audio) name... and if it really is as good as everyone says it is, then it will definitely sell itself. But you are correct in saying that they did take too long to release it for some folks who had money burning in their pockets. But as it's been said before, I'm sure they know what they're doing.
I have 2 QSC's for the time being....I did have the cash when I got on the list, but not at the moment...getting too close to Xmas time.

I could dump my QSC's and buy a pair, but I don't want to hassle with it right now.

I am anxious to read some reviews and weigh out the options though.
I was so over getting this thing. Got tired of waiting. :(

The day after I get "the call", I ordered one. Who was I trying to kid. :)
Did anyone get tracking info emailed to them?
I thought these would ship today if ordered yesterday I was hoping to get tracking # today..
roodboy said:
Did anyone get tracking info emailed to them?
I thought these would ship today if ordered yesterday I was hoping to get tracking # today..

Not yet but I still need to log into my work e-mail. I am sure he is busy getting them out the door. I thought it was pretty classy that Tom was personally calling people. I am sure he can't call everyone but I thought it was pretty cool.
ok- tom just sent me my tracking #. hopefully i'll have this thing on monday or tuesday at the latest
I had to pass. I bought 2 Dynaudio BM5a's a few months ago and I can't afford it right now.
gittarzann said:
I am anxious to read some reviews and weigh out the options though.

I'll be ordering two when Tom gets to my name on the list. MKEditor and I are talking about doing a comparo between my Atomics and his FBT's...probably will be early to mid November.

We'll try to do it as scientifically as possible, and will probably solicit the participation of a mutual friend who's a superb guitarist, experienced tube amp builder, and has great ears for tone. He'll be able to provide a relatively objective opinion - he doesn't own an Axe, is demonstrably immune to GAS, and while he's a comfirmed tube amp user, he's not really a tube bigot. He's had plenty of exposure to the Axe because he plays with both of us pretty regularly in different contexts, and he's complimented results we've achieved. In my case, at least, he also hasn't been shy about criticizing the results when I didn't have it right.

You can expect we'll post the results, however the chips fall.
No email as of yet... beyond the one stating they have arrived. I honestly don't know what I will do until the moment I get the email. This will cost me a sweet guitar... not sure if it's worth it or needed just yet. But, we shall see... I've been on the list for at least a year I think. :eek:
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