Just finished reading the release notes.
Giggling quietly to myself here at work.
Amazing amount of work gone into this one.
Preemptive thanks to all involved!
Wow there are nearly 400 people online right now milling around for the drop. April 1st was a very stressful day on this forum. I hope this ends soon. I've got to become productive again.

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Hey! Is anyone excited? :shock I'm looking forward to the new Axe Edit the most because the tone is already great. I hope today is the day!
release notes reads well, i'm sure it's just another time-filler though.
going back to the announcement, the few soundfiles and now the release notes,
there was always a fairly big gap between the events.

i'd be happier with some concrete info.

like "it's not ready yet come back in a few weeks"
this would be absolutely ok, if it needs that time, no problem captain.

what bothers me the most is the fact that people act like it's
only a few hours away, even if it's definitively not.

this does exactly one thing, it builds up a hype.

it's very sad if this is actually desired.
FAS always convinced with quality etc. there was
no need for any kind of hype, people bought the product becauce it KICKED ASS!

now, first it seemes like the new AE was causing trouble holding everything back.
then it seemed like AE was ready and waiting for FW10.
then again it seemed like it was all going
to be ok very very soon and then it got pretty quiet again, well until the rlease notes were...uhm...released.

maybe i'm a bit paranoid but this just does not fit together.

just a few thoughts...
Assuming FW10 not be released until all amps are properly modeled -- then the question is how many amps are left?

Few weeks ago there were (I think) 15 left.

Where are we today?
Here's a great hobby to take up while waiting.

I'm sure that its extremely satisfying for the creators of this excellent product to have reached this milestone. I'm almost positive that there is more to this release than 10 and AE. I want them both so bad I can taste it. Thanks cliff and all at fractal for working so hard to bring us this revolutionary piece of gear. Far and away the best investment in gear I've made....even at fw 9 and previous fw.
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