Is G3 worth risking my gig this weekend?

This reads a bit like the little angel sitting on one shoulder and the little devil on the other. Haha. Sounded like you already decided to wait, so why change your thought. Have a great gig!
I updated last night with a gig tomorrow and over the weekend.

No changes to my main patches apart from the amps sounding and feeling better. The overall tone is pretty much the same, just the characteristic of the breakup etc.
Life is too short to worry. You could get hit by a bus on the way to the gig (not that I want to see that happy to anyone).

What better way to check out a new FW than at a gig. You can sit and home and tweak, tweak, tweak for hours on end, but what it comes down to in the end is how it works when your actually playing a show.

Realistically the Axe really doesn't have a bad sound in it. We used to play shows with 1 or 2 amps and a pedal board, some people with just an amp and cable. Worked fine. Nothing wrong with lots of presets, they are cool and handy, but we shouldn't be a slave to them. We don't "need" 30 different amp models, or 30 parameters per amp to tweak.

Just a deluxe and a brit brown, and nothing more than the basic control page should be able to give nearly anyone plenty of great tones, and great sounds.

Heck, that brit brown sound so good you can just use the default settings and want to jam for hours.

I say just go for it
This thread makes me wanna try the update for Saturdays gig.
The one thing that really frightens me is that sometimes a FW update freezes or bricks a unit as I have seen on the forum several times.
What are the chances of that happening?
I am in Norway so no hope of getting a new chip that fast if something should happen.
I am just so tempted.. :)
everyone's preset config is different in terms of complexity..
so choosing to move would depend on that for me..

if the presets were simple I'd make sure I've have a few hours of loud noodling time first..
make sure the inter-scene / inter-preset levels are good
make sure the EQ and amounts of gain are good
if you're still uncertain, roll back, do your gig and sort out 18 after

in my case I found:
low end was tighter but stronger
5153Red was a little less gainy
my 'cleaned' tones were cleaned a shade too much
my clean amp [65 Bassman Normal] was far dirtier
the amp levels were quite a bit higher overall
I'm gigging this weekend with it, after checking
> patch levels are ok relative to each other
> patch levels aren't clipping
> tone balance is ok at gig volume (which I do by settings a slightly muddy tone at medium levels at home)
> all effects work as expected (including the new rotary)
> no unexpected behaviour (haven't seen any yet)

Exactly! I updated last night, and there were serious changes to the tone of many of my 30+ patches. It will probably take me a week to go through all my patches and adjust. I'm absolutely not complaining, but I definitely wouldn't have made the upgrade a couple days before a gig, if I didn't have time to go through all my presets and make adjustments.
Exactly! I updated last night, and there were serious changes to the tone of many of my 30+ patches. It will probably take me a week to go through all my patches and adjust. I'm absolutely not complaining, but I definitely wouldn't have made the upgrade a couple days before a gig, if I didn't have time to go through all my presets and make adjustments.

And this is why I would not suggest to "a stranger that isn't sure if they should". Because we don't know his setup, no reason to get any more detailed than that, about why one shouldn't upgrade if they're not sure. Of course it can be done, no one said otherwise, but should it? Not always!!!!

People who suggest there is nothing to worry about must of been asleep when the many posts over the years where people updated and "were pissed cuz they lost their perfect tone" So do it at your own peril is the message anyone who is new to the idea should understand.
Hey guys,

Have arguably one of the biggest gigs of my life this weekend, BUT ( a big one) firmware 18 seems so damn tempting. Is it worth it? How stable are we talking here? I've seen a couple people post that they haven't had any problems with Axe Edit either...


I would be way too conscious of what it might sound like or not sound like. A few sayings come to mind, let sleeping dogs lie, if it's not broke don't fix it. Go with what you know and leave the experimenting for after one of the biggest gig of your life, better safe than oh shit!

For those questioning, yes, this is one of the biggest gigs I've ever played. I'm playing a near-sold out show at Irving Plaza, NYC.

Fuck it, threw the update on after backing up and the only thing that I noticed was a bit more shimmer in my clean patches, and some small gain change in my heavy tones. 18 is awesome! Dicking around, the best thing I've heard is the Limelight default preset...absolutely nuts!
The risk is that you will have the best tone of all your gigs!!! :encouragement:
... well... if you know how tweack the mojo inside the box! :lol
It depends on how many presets you have. i have one for each song with a lot of fx so I would not do it. I had upgraded to FW 18 beta just to get a feel for it but downgraded again as it impacted a great number of my presets.. differences in loudness, some clipping etc..I will wait when all amps are converted in a non beta version and then retweak everything when I have time.
But again your call, you could consider if you only have a few presets and time to tweak them before gig.. just my 2c
Exactly! I updated last night, and there were serious changes to the tone of many of my 30+ patches. It will probably take me a week to go through all my patches and adjust. I'm absolutely not complaining, but I definitely wouldn't have made the upgrade a couple days before a gig, if I didn't have time to go through all my presets and make adjustments.

is it possible for you to have Global Blocks come to the rescue??

I use these extensively because all of my principle presets are variations on one preset. After each new fw drop, I dial in the first preset, hit save and from there I know the others will be dialled in too [so they just need a quick check and possibly some minor adjustments in the unlinked blocks]..
is it possible for you to have Global Blocks come to the rescue??

I use these extensively because all of my principle presets are variations on one preset. After each new fw drop, I dial in the first preset, hit save and from there I know the others will be dialled in too [so they just need a quick check and possibly some minor adjustments in the unlinked blocks]..

Wow, this is a great suggestion. I'd say probably more than half of my presets are variations on one preset. Using global blocks is a great suggestion, thanks! Time for me to go in and rethink how my presets are put together. :encouragement:
I'm sure the firmware is stable but with a big weekend coming up here I'd be afraid this is the time my Axe's firmware ROM decides to shit the bed, and then I'm S.O.L. for the show (from an Axe standpoint, anyway). Best to upgrade afterward. Current firmware already sounds amazing.
Go for it! :) Check it out and if you are uncomfortable then revert back.

As a side note I was talking with Dweezil after a Zappa Plays Zappa concert last December and he mentioned that he's upgraded with Beta FW just hours before a show. Of course he has M@ on speed dial so that would no doubt boost the confidence.
You absolutely should do it because your audience will totally know you're on an older FW and miss the beautiful nuances of the delicate crystal lettuce harmonic toanz that can only be provided by FW18; we all know modern audiences do nothing but sit there and listen to guitar tones and pick them apart, so they'll see right through you if your tones are not delivering the absolute most pristine sound technology can offer at that instant in time.

The success of your gig absolutely depends on this one thing.
I did ! and that was an earlier beta, had no issues, now if it was the biggest gig of my life, maybe not ha ha
Wow, this is a great suggestion. I'd say probably more than half of my presets are variations on one preset. Using global blocks is a great suggestion, thanks! Time for me to go in and rethink how my presets are put together. :encouragement:

haa… cool…
another lil' trick is… load without linking

example: in 6 presets amp1=JCM800 and they are all the same [but with different fx combinations etc]
but the 7th preset has the same JCM800 but with less gain..

presets 1 thru 6 are linked to the global amp1
preset 7 is 'load without linking'

you update fw
dial-in preset 1 and save
presets 2 thru 6 get all the globals updated [so from there go check them out and make any little changes you think are needed]
in preset 7, amp1 load without linking [so you get all of the global amp1 settings] and then dial back the gain to taste..

it gives you a little less to do..
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