Is Atomic dead?

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I still have this weird "like" towards the Atomic Wedges/Cabs. How come there's not much buzz about them anymore? Are they inferior to all the other options out there like RCF, QSC, Mackie, yada yada?

What's happening with 'em?
Their CLR is taking too long to get to market and several people have had customer service issues documented here and elsewhere. It's hard to be confident with such issues.
I take it the lack of replies means they are indeed a "has been". AKA, "dead".

Sad, I kinda liked that they had going on.

Oh well, off to go look at the latest and greatest...
This seems like strange logic. No one replied (in less than a day) to a topic that has recently been discussed in another thread and this is your conclusion? If you did a quick search, you'd see that I've been active here within the last few weeks. Atomic talk has been slow since we've been out of stock on the old Reactor Series line and the new CLR line hasn't been officially released - although that is soon to change.

If you're actually interested in Atomic (you seem a little quick to give up all hope ;)), hold on just a few more days for the update. Our best performing product ever is right around the corner. I'm confident that those looking for professional level, reference quality amplification to complement their Axe-Fx or other modeler will find it worth the short remaining wait.
This seems like strange logic. No one replied (in less than a day) to a topic that has recently been discussed in another thread and this is your conclusion? If you did a quick search, you'd see that I've been active here within the last few weeks. Atomic talk has been slow since we've been out of stock on the old Reactor Series line and the new CLR line hasn't been officially released - although that is soon to change.

If you're actually interested in Atomic (you seem a little quick to give up all hope ;)), hold on just a few more days for the update. Our best performing product ever is right around the corner. I'm confident that those looking for professional level, reference quality amplification to complement their Axe-Fx or other modeler will find it worth the short remaining wait.

Atomic definetly makes the best tube power amps for the Axe IMO. I am certainly interested in whatever is about to be released......
... several people have had customer service issues documented here and elsewhere. It's hard to be confident with such issues.
I take exception to this comment. There was a unsubstantiated post about a month ago by someone stating something similar to what's being implied here to which I responded:

Atomic has been in business for nearly 10 years and service has always been a top priority. We currently have no outstanding items our cue that exceed our 2 week turn around time (most turn in a week or less). There were a couple of items in the last few months that slipped through the cracks – at least one of which was caused by a customer’s email getting clipped by our spam filer. Another one, I personally dropped the ball on. I felt really bad. I, however, went out of my way to make it up to the customer who told me he was very pleased with the outcome.

Bottom line, no-one’s getting ripped off, intentionally treated poorly or ignored. Certainly there’s nothing that would even remotely constitute a “horror story” going on here.

On the other hand, it is not unusual for me to work with customers and potential customers on the nights and weekends or to go above and beyond what is promised by our standard warranty polices to make customers happy. I enjoy and take pride in it.

If there are any Atomic customers who have an outstanding service issue they’d like to bring to my attention, please contact me directly at I will take care of you personally."

I stand behind my statement 100%. My reply was followed by several customers chiming in to substantiate my position including one of the people who had a delay. He commented that his issue had been resolved and he was very happy with the service he ultimately received.

Currently, there are zero unresolved issues in our service cue.

Furthermore, my appeal to anyone who had an outstanding issue to contact me personally yielded no response to this day.

To your point that it has taken too long to get the CLR to market - While it's subjective and certainly other companies have done much worse, I understand where you're coming from. However, although it may seem like forever, we're only a few months off our initial "unofficial" projection. The good news is that those delays are behind us and "official" release dates will be known soon.

Well those "small delays" took about 6 months to get past, so i really hope you wont run into a "big delay"
6 months ago you were also just a few weeks from release, now a few months.
I think the headline says it all.
Gotta give credit to his products, i own 4 fratomics 2 wedge and 2 normal and absolutly love the combination with the axe.
I tried several monitors but for me the atomics gives my sound the most dynamics.

Sorry for my terrible english :)
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Well those "small delays" took about 6 months to get past, so i really hope you wont run into a "big delay"
I'm sure Atomic hopes that, too. Stuff happens. Sometimes, when you see the end in sight, something rears its head and you have to push things back. I'm sure they're scrambling; no one wants to be without a product to sell. In the world of product announcements, a delay of 6 to 12 months is common.

I've never bought an Atomic product, but if you search the forum, you'll see lots of happy people who did, and almost zero unhappy customers. I've only seen one real customer service issue documented here, and that one was resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

Not hearing recent news is a legitimate concern, but Tom has answered that well, in a way that most music-gear companies never would. I wouldn't count 'em out just yet. ;)
Well those "small delays" took about 6 months to get past, so i really hope you wont run into a "big delay"
6 months ago you were also just a few weeks from release, now a few months.
I think the headline says it all.

When i wrote this (before getting my morning coffee) in my head it didn't sound negative in any way. Reading it now i see it does sry.
I also like The atomic speakers and amps alot, and truely hope they make it.
Was in no way at all meant to be a hastle against Atomic.
When you take into consideration the almost hysterical reaction and speculation to official updates on upcoming product releases around here, I think the 'say nothing until there's something tangible to back it up with' approach is perfectly understandable on Atomic's part.

If you can't afford to wait then don't - buy the best solution that exists for you now. If you can afford to wait then wait. It's like buying a PC or a car .... you know there's always going to be a rival model coming out soon after but you got to jump at some stage.
I've been an Atomic user (and Abuser) for a few years now. Holding out for the CLR. I can't afford to buy what ever wave of product seems to be sweeping through this forum at any given time.
My Atomics work, they work for me and if Atomic got something better coming (CLR) .....then I am waiting for that and nothing else.
FWIW, Tom does always respond very quickly to my questions via mail. And I'm very happy with my Atomic 50/50 amp.

Maybe it's indeed quiet around Atomic. More communication from Atomic would perhaps be wise. OTOH, this isn't Atomic's forum. And you certainly can't accuse Tom of building up hype before delivering.
[...] Our best performing product ever is right around the corner. I'm confident that those looking for professional level, reference quality amplification to complement their Axe-Fx or other modeler will find it worth the short remaining wait.

I'm still forcing myself to wait for it ;)

[...] The good news is that those delays are behind us and "official" release dates will be known soon.

Yeah! 8)

Looking forward to the CLR release. :)


Thanks for the updates Tom.

Looking forward to trying the CLR speakers.


I removed my second post. Perhaps it was hasty of me to assume that - due to no replies - the company (Atomic) and their wares were MIA or DOA.

Furthermore, I rarely visit this forum. I don't usually investigate too deeply into the "search" function as, usually with forums, a question can be presented and its typically met with responses. I know that the protocol here at FAS is a little bit different, there's a level of appropriate conduct et al which adherence to renders "best results". Whatever. I just came looking for some answers and I got them - which is exactly what I was hoping for.

This being said - I'm not going to bother investigating Mackie, or RCF, or QSC, or whatever else is out there. If Jay and Tom have something that's about to be released, and knowing Jay's level of expertise in the field of sound, etc., I'm simply going await the release of these units and buy blind. I have faith in Atomic, and have since Day 1. I'm just not a fervent participant in researching all the intricacies of "everything Axe". Just give me 1 thing to focus on, and I'll make it work for me.

Tom, thanks immensely for your replies and updates. I'll eagerly await the release of these CLR systems.

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