Internal Controllers Overview - Video

Scarlett Johansson.

+1 on that.

Ultimately, this may prove to be your finest tip on this forum ever. Just watched the Avengers last night and googled the actress playing the spy in the movie, just out of appreciation for the way she fits into a jump suit. It was her. Didn't recognize her with the dark hair.
Simeon, just wow, tying that frequency knob of the synth block oscillator to the pitch controller and pulling it off must've been a stroke of genius on your behalf. I actually thought of this idea a couple of years ago but never was able to work out the settings for it – I simply wrote it off as a thing that couldn't be... But wow, you really nailed it – it glides perfectly. Love the granular synth stuff too. Great stuff here, Simeon! Well done mate!
hi, can anyone know how meassure the percentage inside the sequencer to change notes for a synth.
ex: D 0% ......D# 8%?????
don't forget tht you can also use the arpeggiator in the pitch block placed after the synth to get a similar effect
This was originally posted over 2 years ago and I'm only just now discovering it. This answered a number of questions I didn't even know I had about controllers. Thanks again Simeon for all you do for the Fractal community.
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