Input 1 Rear static noise normal?


Is it normal that I getting a lot more static noise at Input 1 on the back than insert my preamp to Input 2 with the fxloop?
I run all the time with my wireless into the rear input 1 and have virtually no difference in tone and sound as opposed to the front input, nor any hiss or static. I'd suggest checking your levels, both input and output.
Do you mean hiss?

Yes, its like usual amp hiss, iam just wonder why it get so much when using the Input 1 rear at stereo, it also affect my signal of the Front in my preset, Can get it away when set the In/GTE very high up to -40db. But in the end i don't know if its normal against Input 2. I've done a comparision, will post it shortly
With the gate off, the rear inputs should be the same if the gain structure settings and routing are the same. where are you placing the effects loop block?

This two Presets I have compared, in both I insert my real Pre, It's actually the same setup but different ways to put my preamp to the grid, I just noticed that Input 1 Rear is pretty hissy

Preset 1

Ohne Titel3.jpg
Inst In 38%
Input 1 Level 20.8%
Input 1 Left Front
Input 1 Mode Stereo
Row 2 In/GTE -75,6dB Ratio 1.8 - Vol/Pan, Left Only - Drive Level at 6 - Amp -15.1dB - cab 0dB- Output Level 0dB--> Output 1 Analog L --->Preamp--> Input 1 R
Row 3 Vol/Pan, Right Only ---> FXL Output 2
USB/Digi OUT Source Output 2

Preset 2

Ohne Titel5.jpg
Inst In 38%
Input 1 Level 20.8%
Input 1 Left Front
Input 1 Mode Left Only
Row 2 In/GTE -75,6dB Ratio 1.8 - Drive Level at 6-Amp -15.1dB- cab 0dB- FXL Level 0dB--> Preamp--> Input 2 L -Output Level 0 dB
USB/Digi OUT Source Output 1

Recorded S/DIF Mono in Pro Tools
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The gate doesn't work if you are just plugging into fx loop or Input 1 R. It only triggers off input 1 L or the front input.

what does the preset look like?
What are your input 1 and input 2 level settings?
What are your input 1 mode settings?
What are your input 2 mode settings?
What are your effects loop settings?

Are you using the same output to compare (I am unclear from your description above)?
I'm really not following what you are doing here look at that preset and comparing to that to the description you gave?

This two Presets I have compared, in both I insert my real Pre, It's actually the same setup but different ways to put my preamp to the grid, I just noticed that Input 1 Rear is pretty hissy

Preset 1

View attachment 23616
Inst In 38%
Input 1 Level 20.8%
Input 1 Left Front
Input 1 Mode Stereo
Row 2 In/GTE -75,6dB Ratio 1.8 - Vol/Pan, Left Only - Drive Level at 6 - Amp -15.1dB - cab 0dB- Output Level 0dB--> Output 1 Analog L --->Preamp--> Input 1 R
Row 3 Vol/Pan, Right Only ---> FXL Output 2
USB/Digi OUT Source Output 2

Preset 2

View attachment 23617
Inst In 38%
Input 1 Level 20.8%
Input 1 Left Front
Input 1 Mode Left Only
Row 2 In/GTE -75,6dB Ratio 1.8 - Drive Level at 6-Amp -15.1dB- cab 0dB- FXL Level 0dB--> Preamp--> Input 2 L -Output Level 0 dB
USB/Digi OUT Source Output 1

Recorded S/DIF Mono in Pro Tools

I hope thats a better description what I 've done
Iam not sure where there's the Gain overload that introduce the hizz to the Pre insert part, is Output 1 hotter than Output 2? I had both Front panel knobs at the half in the presets, another difference is i go out of Output 2 unbalanced TRS-XLR to the Pre in Preset 2
If you are putting anything before the inputs and then adding gain you will get hiss. This is basic physics. Every piece of gear you add before the inputs reduces the S/N ratio at the output since you are applying gain AFTER the added gear.

Your guitar has a self-noise equal to about a 10K resistor typically. If you put a preamp between the guitar and the Axe-Fx you will effectively increase the value of that resistor due to all the electronics in the preamp. The higher the effective resistance, the more noise AT THE INPUT. When you then add gain you increase that noise.

Simple solution:
Plug your guitar into the front input. Plug your speakers into the rear outputs. Enjoy.
Alright,thanks for explaining, it makes sense. But so far I always insert the Preamp at the end of the processed rows, not adding gain or level after the loop-in, it works well with the Fxloop Output 2 to Input 2 without hiss, why not for Out 1 to Input 1 Rear actually would be good to know, is Input 2 specific built to decrease outboard gear hiss?
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