I'm Back!!!

Xavi Garci

Hello, Fractal friends! I haven't posted anything in the last months, many things have happened in my life, many changes, for good, Ï hope! Sometimes life takes you through some tough moments to teach you something.
I will make some new recordings as soon as possible, can't wait to try some of the acoustic and violin IRs Shawngee posted.
I put some of my "old" Fractal recordings again in soundclick, some of them remixed, just in case anyone wants to listen to them again. Some new music very soon! http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default ... dID=972135
Still around, Xavi?
A question: which recordings on Soundclick were made with the Caroll-Ann sim?
Welcome back Xavi.

I'm glad to hear that you are getting through the trials that came your way and am hoping that these things will have a positive impact on you and those around you.
Your very tasteful playing, style, and compositions have been a true inspiration to me here on this forum and I'm glad you're here to bless us all.

I was especially impressed with the very well done orchestral piece that you posted some time ago, "fractal symphonic orchestra" (July 2009 ) along with the instrument presets. If you could repost that clip to 'Soundclick' that would be awesome.

Thanks, and God bless
Hello, Fractal friends! Yek, I made several recordings with the Carol Ann sim, which was and still is one of my favourite sims in the Axe. There were two recordings which received very nice compliments from Cliff Chase and from Carol Ann designer himself, I suppose those are the recordings you ask me about. I will try to find them and post them again.
Thank you very much JohnnyRockit for your kind words. I deleted that recording from Soundclick because it was written by Luis Bacalov (he received an Oscar for it) and I didn't want any copyright issues. I can send it to anyone who wants it, just PM me with an address where I can send it to you. I think it really shows the amazing possibilities of Fractal Axe's synth.
Thank you very much! Simeon, my patches are usually very simple, I just think of the amp models as if they were a real amp, I trust my ears. With the Carol Ann model, I usually turn down the bass, and I'm careful with the gain, I like to have lots of dynamics (from ppp to fff). Even with higher gain I like to be able to have a great dynamic range without having to touch the volume knob. That's what the Axe does best, you can play with all the nuances you would have with a real amp. Other modellers can sound decent, but they don't feel right, you just don't have enough dynamics.
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