If you could only choose 1...

Since posting, I have switched from the peavey models to the freidmans due to suggestions in this post.

But, I still stand by satan. However, even stana can't make as brutal as a tone I get from my freidman hbe.
The Brit Silver is great for leads. Cuts through very well. Kind of a crossover between Friedman and Dumble.
One... Only one..,. doh.

Personally I really like the CA3+ Lead, and also the Atomica Low. Having said that, the band Im playing in at present doesnt need much and the Badger 18 is my go-to with the Shiva clean (pushed to where it starts to break up) as the only other sim I use for something a little less fat - so I guess at present Id have to go with the badger if I only get 1.
I would never expect me to say this but the Soldano is my cup of tea! ? Dunno
I do layer it with a clean JTM45, home is a warm fire..
All cleans are the Fender variety now though..
Cliff such a terd to make me choose, lol
its all in the fingers anyway but geeze, lets get back to playing and milk the presets you make and tweak, because the the tools he has provided are awsome!!
Thanks Dad!!
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For channel switching, probably the Shiva but i can't just have one, which I why I got this black box of tone in the first place :)
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