How to use Tonex software in FM3 loop?

Can anyone help me figure out how to use Tonex (software version) to replace the amp in my FM3 chain? I want to try it out. I am able to use the Tonex software by itself by using the FM3, but no idea how to use FM Edit to replace the amp with Tonex.

Am I just going to have to buy the pedal? Would be nice to save money.

Thank you!
Can anyone help me figure out how to use Tonex (software version) to replace the amp in my FM3 chain? I want to try it out. I am able to use the Tonex software by itself by using the FM3, but no idea how to use FM Edit to replace the amp with Tonex.

Am I just going to have to buy the pedal? Would be nice to save money.

Thank you!
You will replace the typical amp block in the FM3 with a send and receive block for Outs 3 or 4 and insert the Tonex in that space.
Can anyone help me figure out how to use Tonex (software version) to replace the amp in my FM3 chain? I want to try it out. I am able to use the Tonex software by itself by using the FM3, but no idea how to use FM Edit to replace the amp with Tonex.

Am I just going to have to buy the pedal? Would be nice to save money.

Thank you!
The FM3 doesn't really have enough I/O to do this by itself. You have to plug your guitar into Input 2. Then use Out 2 and In 1 blocks for your fx loop. Receive and send usb channels 3/4 on your computer. The problem is input 2 expects line level. You might be better off buying the pedal and using it in an analog fx loop of the FM3. Alternatively, you could use analog I/O like you normally would for an fx loop and use an audio interface to connect to your computer instead of the FM3.
Based on the standard FM3 4CM setup my FM3 patch would look like this (this is across 2 lines)

In1 --> <whatever fx you want hitting the front of the amp> --> Out2
In2 --> <whatever fx you want hitting the loop of the amp --> Out1

Out2 hits the input of the ToneX Pedal, Output of ToneX pedal goes to In2 on the FM3

For my usage I would prefer the ToneX model not have a cab baked in so that I can start adding FX post Amp on line2 like delay / reverb and then finish it off with a cab block to simulate a traditional signal flow (Also the Cab block is insanely powerful and I like a bunch of features there so I'd prefer to use that where possible). But I think realistically even if the cab is baked into the ToneX model you'll probably be fine chucking reverb and delay in there anyway.

If you're all digital then Out1 will also feed the output to SPDIF which is awesome for a studio setup. Otherwise you just take OUT1 to the next step in your analog rig whether thats a powered FRFR/PA or a Poweramp thats going to go into a cab.

As a side note I run high gain stuff and having gates on In1 and In2 is 'mandatory' :D
I am mebbe just lacking upstairs, but the question "why" springs to mind time and again..

Capture amps you own that maybe aren't modeled, or the tolerances between ones own amp and the model differ.....

Ability to run dual amp rigs with one FM3 model, one Tonex amp and mix them together, add reverb, additional IR etc over what the FM3 allows...

Plenty of reasons
Capture amps you own that maybe aren't modeled, or the tolerances between ones own amp and the model differ.....

Ability to run dual amp rigs with one FM3 model, one Tonex amp and mix them together, add reverb, additional IR etc over what the FM3 allows...

Plenty of reasons

Plus some of the Tonex captures/profiles simply sound/feel/react very tube amp like!
I own the plugin/standalone versions, and use it with the AXE/IO audio interface.
Well, mine arrived today. Best $299 I've ever spent. Does it sound as good as the Axe-FX III? Hell no. Do I give a shit. Nope. Carry on.
I would be curious when anyone gets a chance to put it in the loop of the FM3 if there’s any distinguishable longer latency or just not mixing with the FM’s Amp Block well. Seriously.😃
I would be curious when anyone gets a chance to put it in the loop of the FM3 if there’s any distinguishable longer latency or just not mixing with the FM’s Amp Block well. Seriously.😃

Wouldn’t be surprised if it adds a few ms, but generally when using dual amps a lot of people like to add a little delay etc, run things like a Mimic pedal, give a double tracking effect etc, so even if there is latency, I don’t think it would be a bad thing.

Now it’s if 180 out of phase, maybe, but slight latency for a second amp, that’s just “thickening” lol
I got one of those Tonex pedals in yesterday. My very first reaction was: This noise gate on it is horrible compared to the noise gate on the AF3.
I figured this little guy could come in handy to add other amp models to the AF3 if I wanted to do so. For example, my Marshall DSLs and a modified 1987X.
I wonder if FM3 users could Tonex model an amp in the Fractal and then have the ability to have a dual amp setup?
Wouldn’t be surprised if it adds a few ms, but generally when using dual amps a lot of people like to add a little delay etc, run things like a Mimic pedal, give a double tracking effect etc, so even if there is latency, I don’t think it would be a bad thing.

Now it’s if 180 out of phase, maybe, but slight latency for a second amp, that’s just “thickening” lol
Yeah I agree on this aspect. I was more referring to adding overall latency to the whole system. I guess if it’s placed on the same grid in parallel it should be as you suggest. I had also wondered about complete 180° phase inversion, but I guess that would be unlikely.

Still curious how it works out and sounds. I never place 100% certainty on something until it’s actually working.
I am mebbe just lacking upstairs, but the question "why" springs to mind time and again..
When im noodling/recording on a computer I dont mind the option of the ToneX (because with ToneX I record a DI and then can easily audition tones whereas I have to actually reamp on the FM3... not a big deal but its definitely quicker as a vst).

If I had a FM3/FM9/Axe3/QC/Kemper, I personally prefer those for a complete solution. ToneX on its own is not a complete solution so it will generally always need to be part of a pedalboard or piped into a power amp --> cab (or FRFR). And if you're not piping it into a cab solution then you could just use tonex on a computer or ipad.

To me the pedal makes sense if you run a pedalboard where the amp modelling/profiling could be improved. Or maybe you run an fx only pedalboard and this is a cheap enough way to add profiling into a pedalboard without needing to cart something like a kemper around. It can make sense to some rigs and not make sense at all to other rigs. The use case of buying one of these is pretty limited in my eyes but I guess there's people out there who see the value.

I personally think the pedal has a lot of shortcomings and IK is exactly the type of company to bring out a better ToneX pedal in 12 months to be more of an all in one solution. That would be a more exciting prospect. At the same time the unit does a lot for a relatively small amount of money so it probably made business sense to get the market saturation with something like this... People just hear "its a kemper for 399".
I would be curious when anyone gets a chance to put it in the loop of the FM3 if there’s any distinguishable longer latency or just not mixing with the FM’s Amp Block well. Seriously.😃
Have measured the latency of my tonex pedal between 2-3 ms or less. I don't remember what the fractal loop adds, but probably similar or maybe less. I think you will certainly need to account for phase variance if you want to blend them, but I haven't tried hooking that all up yet. Will in the next few days
Did you try adjusting all the noise gate settings? I thought there was only the single parameter knob until I dig deeper.
Yes, it is horrible. I have never liked gates until I used the one on the AF3. I can't stand to hear a gate opening and closing. With the Axe I can set it up to where it is really only attenuating the sound so I don't hear that awful open and shutting gate noise.
Yes, it is horrible. I have never liked gates until I used the one on the AF3. I can't stand to hear a gate opening and closing. With the Axe I can set it up to where it is really only attenuating the sound so I don't hear that awful open and shutting gate noise.
I’m able to set the gate so it doesn’t close so abruptly adjusting the other parameters.
I did a capture with the Tonex today capturing my Axe Fx III on the JMP-1 model.
It sounds close but not exact. I had to do the "Fast" training because I didn't want to spend all day.
I guess the speed of the training depends on what GPU yes, GPU not CPU your computer uses. Mine must be really slow! I tried the first capture on the "Default" setting and it took 1 Hour and 11 minutes for the training part!
You can check it out on the ToneNet...named "MR JMP-1 OD1 w/Klon.
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