How to use Tonex software in FM3 loop?

I ended up cancelling my order as I A/Bd the FM3 and plugin more and felt it was unnecessary - but - BUT - in the words of Yngwie Malmsteen:

"More is more."
If I dealt with analog rigs on a more regular basis (eg I worked in a studio or had a ton of tube amps through my fingers regularly) then I can see a case for wanting/seeing value in capturing things and running the ToneX pedal in parallel to the Fractal.

But if its purely a case of wanting to explore tonex amps and blend the fractal with tonex for a dual stage rig then.... eh. You can just dial it in from scratch or from a preset with the fractal and its all consolidated into one unit with tons and tons of flexibility. Adding tonex into the mix really just adds limitations. To me it only makes sense if I had setup an analog rig that I dont want to recreate in the FM3, I just want "that" sound... ok, lets capture it and chuck it in the pedalboard.

At the same time a lot of people have a pedalboard full of stuff and ToneX is basically the price of a medium to high end single pedal. So if you're a pedalboard enthusiast and used to buying pedals then its probably not breaking the bank and it does add an entire ecosystem of amps. I just think if you're one and only pedal companion is going to be ToneX its a bit eh unless you have the reasons I mentioned.

This is all a long winded way of saying I'm not surprised you ended up cancelling it haha, makes complete sense that its overkill and unnecessary.
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