How to change the Input source of Controllers according to the active physical Input ?

The oldest (and best in my opinion) request related to this problem is, as I said, old, and probably tricky to implement:
Allow Pitch, Envelope, and ADSR receive their input from the input of a grid block instead of a physical jack. Ideas floated have been to specify a block by its row/column, to create a dedicated Detector block, or to assign this capability to a common utility block such as Volume or Filter.
I had this idea sometime ago but did not dare to propose it because I feared it might be somewhat tricky to implement. 😀

@Admin M@ , I would LOVE this function. ❤️‍🔥
Piing said:

Or even more simple: Use the Input of the block where the modifier is used as source

Sorry, @Piing , no, not simple and does not necessarily work.

Imagine a setup like this:

Now, Input is the active Input 1. Input 2 is blocked.
But what and which logic tells the Controller Block which Input Block he is meant to be assigned to ? 1 or 2 ?

And further on, if Block 1 gets bypassed what tells the Controller Block, that now Input Block 2 ist the active one ?
Which logic changes the assignment to the Controller Block from before Input Block 1 to now beeing Input Block 2 ?

The situations gets even heavily more complex if you take all 4 Inputs into account.

Might be programmable somehow but I have my doubts on the reliability.
I still think a good old A/B pedal is the simplest way to go. Velcro that bad boy to the top of your rack, pick up the other guitar, smack the switch and you're in business. Sure it's not fancy, but it will get the job done with no changes needed to any of your presets. As for switching noise, a volume pedal in your presets can fix that or switch the tuner on (with input mute selected) before switching guitars.
Yes, I know ... ;)
Here my feedback.

I tried your proposal. Unfortunately no success. Why ?

The Channel of the Controller Block cannot be changed either by MIDI, an external Switch or Pedal.
The reason: you cannot assign MIDI, Switch or Pedal to the Channel of the Controller Block (on present Firmware 16.04).

The Channel of the Controller Block can obviously only be changed by FC-12 (or FC-6 respectively).

And that gives no solution, too. Why ?

An FC-Switch can only execute one order (beside MIDI and Links).
Only an external switch can be assigned to several commands.

But ...

The FC-12 needs momentary switch types as stand-in switches.
On the other hand, toggling the "Bypass" of the Input Block needs a toggling switch.

So here I am stuck again.
I can on my RJM Mastermind (I just tried it). It might take a system exclusive on another controller but The third party MIDI spec document gives commands for it. I can also change the channel of the multiplexer with it.
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I can on my RJM Mastermind (I just tried it). It might take a system exclusive on another controller but The third party MIDI spec document give commands for it.

I can on my RJM Mastermind (I just tried it). It might take a system exclusive on another controller but The third party MIDI spec document give commands for it. I can also change the channel of the multiplexer with it.
MIDI Sysex format for channel change:

SET/GET CHANNEL (COMMAND 0BH) Sets and/or gets the channel of an effect.
Message format: F0 00 01 74 10 0B id id dd cs F7.
id id is the effect ID as two 7-bit MIDI bytes, LS first.
dd is the channel (0 – 3).
To query set dd = 7F

The id on the Controller = 2
MIDI Sysex format for channel change:

SET/GET CHANNEL (COMMAND 0BH) Sets and/or gets the channel of an effect.
Message format: F0 00 01 74 10 0B id id dd cs F7.
id id is the effect ID as two 7-bit MIDI bytes, LS first.
dd is the channel (0 – 3).
To query set dd = 7F

The id on the Controller = 2
Thanks, @javajunkie for your interesting proposal.

I only own a FC-12.

May your idea via MIDI sysex be possible with a FC ? Do you perhaps already know ?
I’ve never worked with MIDI on a FC and, must admit, have therefor no experience on this combination (up to now). Give your idea a try in the afternoon.

I appreciate your creative ideas.
Thanks, @javajunkie for your interesting proposal.

I only own a FC-12.

May your idea via MIDI sysex be possible with a FC ? Do you perhaps already know ?
I’ve never worked with MIDI on a FC and, must admit, have therefor no experience on this combination (up to now). Give your idea a try in the afternoon.

I appreciate your creative ideas.
I'll have to read up on the current capabilities of the FC12, maybe there is an easy to group 2 channel changes with one button.

At some point, I am going to get and FC12 so I can better help others with it.
I'll have to read up on the current capabilities of the FC12, maybe there is an easy to group 2 channel changes with one button.

At some point, I am going to get and FC12 so I can better help others with it.
Yeah, this doesn't seem possible with one button on the FC-6/12 at this time. There would need to be a away to link 2 channel changes to one button (or something similar). Scenes are the way to do that now. But since that is not viable for you, I see your issue.

With a MIDI controller that is compatible with Axe-fx III or capable of sending sysex messages this is not difficult.

Maybe someone with a FC-12 can think of a way to link 2 channel changes to one button on the FC12. I'm not seeing a way.
Yeah, this doesn't seem possible with one button on the FC-6/12 at this time. There would need to be a away to link 2 channel changes to one button (or something similar).

Maybe someone with a FC-12 can think of a way to link 2 channel changes to one button on the FC12.
There is a way to fire two channel changes with one external switch if you assign them the directly in "Setup => MIDI/Remote => Channel" of AXE-FX III.

But, unfortunately you cannot assign anything to the Channel of the Contoller block because this item - by mistake ? - does not show up in the "Setup => MIDI/Remote => Channel" list on AXE.

If it did, my life would be so easy ... ;)
There is a way to fire two channel changes with one external switch if you assign them the directly in "Setup => MIDI/Remote => Channel" of AXE-FX III.
That is for midi... The FC doesn't care about those settings, which is why it works fine with none of those values defined.
That is for midi... The FC doesn't care about those settings, which is why it works fine with none of those values defined.
Thanks, @unix-guy , I‘m aware of that the FC doesn‘t care about those assignments.

But as far as I can see, beside MIDI I can assign external pedals and switches to channel changes.
Am I assuming correctly ?

And that would give me a way to settle my aim, except for the fact that channels of the controller block don‘t appear in that menu list.
Thanks, @unix-guy , I‘m aware of that the FC doesn‘t care about those assignments.

But as far as I can see, beside MIDI I can assign external pedals and switches to channel changes.
Am I assuming correctly ?

And that would give me a way to settle my aim, except for the fact that channels of the controller block don‘t appear in that menu list.
External switches also cannot do that as far as I'm aware.

Only midi controllers.

The only way an external switch can work is either as a Control Switch (which can't change channels) or a Stand In Switch (which behaves the same as built in switches).
External switches also cannot do that as far as I'm aware.

Only midi controllers.

The only way an external switch can work is either as a Control Switch (which can't change channels) or a Stand In Switch (which behaves the same as built in switches).

Simple external switches can do the job.
Triple checked it today:
  • I can assign an external Switch to "Setup=> MIDI/Remote => Channel".
  • I can assign external switches attached to FCs, say "FW 1 SW 1....4" to "Setup=> MIDI/Remote => Channel".
  • I can setup this switch(es) to type "Virtual Toggle".
    (Of course, toggling type switch(es) attached to FCs cannot simultaneously be used as stand-in switch(es)).
  • At at last the most important point intended in this setup:
    I can switch channels with those switch(es).
    On every push the switch toggles between channel "A" and channel "D"
So my intention is almost done .....

... except ...

... the only remaining problem is that the "Controller" Block - probably only overlooked - is not contained in the Menu "Channel".

Simple external switches can do the job.
Triple checked it today:
  • I can assign an external Switch to "Setup=> MIDI/Remote => Channel".
  • I can assign external switches attached to FCs, say "FW 1 SW 1....4" to "Setup=> MIDI/Remote => Channel".
  • I can setup this switch(es) to type "Virtual Toggle".
    (Of course, toggling type switch(es) attached to FCs cannot simultaneously be used as stand-in switch(es)).
  • At at last the most important point intended in this setup:
    I can switch channels with those switch(es).
    On every push the switch toggles between channel "A" and channel "D"
So my intention is almost done .....

... except ...

... the only remaining problem is that the "Controller" Block - probably only overlooked - is not contained in the Menu "Channel".
I stand corrected! I totally did not remember that option was there.
Since the Envelope Follower currently only follows Input-1, when you use the Looper or the USB Input (reamping) it doesn't respond.

This is the case that always messes things up for me. I'll turn on a looper at the start of the row to help me adjust a preset, and then all my envelopes, compressors, gates, etc. stop working. Any improvement that can help the situation would be appreciated.
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