How do two FC-6 pedals compare to a single FC-12?

I am in a situation of deciding between one FC-12 or two FC-6s. I was using an Axe-FX III and an (original) FC-6. I am now using an FM-3 with the FC-6 but am considering going back to the Axe-Fx III, for more power and to consolidate into fewer presets (by using more scenes that can alternate between different amp blocks, reverbs, etc.).

When I was still running the FX3 rig, I did this. Made it easier to stick my pedals in the center, where I wanted them, with 6 buttons on either side....

From a layout perspective, it sounds like I could use either configuration--one FC-12 or two FC-6s. I understand that the second FC-6 would have to be independently powered.

Yes. Either will work. Depends on how you want your playing space organized, really. I use the controller pedals most, so I like them in the middle of the array of switches.

If I went with two FC-6s, would I be able to use all of the pedal and switch jacks--so, I could have eight pedals and eight switches? I'm not interested in more pedals, but I can see utilizing the extra switches without resorting to using them through a MIDI controller. Is this supported?

Yes. I have an FM9 + FC6 rig currently, and all of the pedal jacks and switch jacks are in use, as well as an ExpressionIO MIDI unit set up for two knobs and two pair of switches. :) It looks like it needs a pilot's license to operate, but it's really easy, and I have buttons for all kinds of useful stuff....
I can't answer most of your questions, since I've only used an FC12, but two things:
  • The big cool thing about 2 fc6s over an FC12 of that you can switch layouts on them separately. You may not care right now, but it's a cool possibility.
  • Ask @Joe Bfstplk about 2 fc6s, that's what he uses I think.
I can't answer most of your questions, since I've only used an FC12, but two things:
  • The big cool thing about 2 fc6s over an FC12 of that you can switch layouts on them separately. You may not care right now, but it's a cool possibility.
  • Ask @Joe Bfstplk about 2 fc6s, that's what he uses I think.
Did that a while back, but sold one when I got the FM9 and was running FM9/FX3/FC6 for a while, until the FM9 firmware got through its first few "figuring out the hardware" firmware iterations.

Dual FC6es:


Was ready to change to FM9 only by about FW 3 or 4, but waited for FW 5 to get the Dyna-Cabs. Now running FM9/FC6 and friends.... :)
Yes. I have an FM9 + FC6 rig currently, and all of the pedal jacks and switch jacks are in use, as well as an ExpressionIO MIDI unit set up for two knobs and two pair of switches. :) It looks like it needs a pilot's license to operate, but it's really easy, and I have buttons for all kinds of useful stuff....
Right, I figured I could use the jacks on a master unit--like an FM-9 or my Axe-Fx III, but I wasn't sure whether I could use all of the jacks on two remote units. If that works, I could use all of the jacks on the two FC-6 units as well as the Axe III.
Right, I figured I could use the jacks on a master unit--like an FM-9 or my Axe-Fx III, but I wasn't sure whether I could use all of the jacks on two remote units. If that works, I could use all of the jacks on the two FC-6 units as well as the Axe III.
Yes, correct.
Did that a while back, but sold one when I got the FM9 and was running FM9/FX3/FC6 for a while, until the FM9 firmware got through its first few "figuring out the hardware" firmware iterations.

Dual FC6es:


Was ready to change to FM9 only by about FW 3 or 4, but waited for FW 5 to get the Dyna-Cabs. Now running FM9/FC6 and friends.... :)
That's a big ol' fuzzy foot you've got there. Must be hard to hit just one footswitch at a time.

Also, you dropped your bone.
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