Here it is - LINE 6 Amplifi

Line 6 gave its loyal users a good slap in the face going with old modelling engine and hot the "HD" engine..... hope intelligent people know what this is and won't be wasting their money.

On the other hand since it is a Speaker, a bluetooth speaker, and if it is looked just like that it seems its a good deal because you can plug lets say the AXE FX and have a flat response reproduction of the sound that is what users of this kind of units want.

So they failed at the reinvention thing and they will be punished by the user base, just read other forums, people are really angry.
But you know there are plenty of people who can make use of such a product. But, as most people seem to agree, expectations were higher.
Actually this is probably smart marketing. I am now a proud owner of axe fx 2 but previously I had purchased line 6 products since the beginning of the axsys 212. I owned the axsys pod pod xt pod xt live pod hd500 vetta 2 This is probably their first test entry into this line using the older cheaper modeling to keep the price down because the price is very low for what this is and I would imagine at summer namm they will introduce the same thing but with the hd modeling and variax input for a higher price. Plus remember all new line 6 are firmware upgradable so maybe they have something else up their sleeve.
It's innovative. And cheap. If you think of it purely as a toy, or a beginner's amp for practice and taking lessons, it's actually a pretty cool product. When you consider it in context of any slightly more pro application you soon see lots of downside.

X3 vs HD seems an odd choice, must be cost-driven. Seems Yamaha/L6 is mainly a hardware company, more about innovating new ways to repackage modelling tech into new form factors with new use cases.

Fractal, on the other hand, is more about advancing the state of the art of modeling itself, in software. You could argue that Fractal lacks innovation on the hardware side, because you can only get it in one very old-school form factor (2U rack with a green LCD).
Line 6 gave its loyal users a good slap in the face going with old modelling engine and hot the "HD" engine..... hope intelligent people know what this is and won't be wasting their money.

Loyal users? A good slap in the face???

Give me a break. This is obviously marketed at beginners, so it has nothing to do with "loyal users."
Lots of snide remarks here from elitist people who wouldn't be the market for this in the first place.

Way to go Line6, this is a great $400 product with some very nifty features. I hope you continue to innovate for the middle-low-end modeling market.
Loyal users? A good slap in the face???

Give me a break. This is obviously marketed at beginners, so it has nothing to do with "loyal users."

Agreed, this is marketed for beginners.....but are beginners really looking for Bluetooth and iOS capability?
I think is too much flash, without enough substance.

Same thing I said to the mackie reps last year at NAMM, when I saw their new DL808 mixer.
I said - this mixer is exactly the same as the 16 channel version...but with half the channels....and almost the same cost- who it going to buy this for $800?!....when they can buy the 16 channel version for $200 more?
The rep said - some people are afraid of 16 channel mixers, and will want something simpler.
I said - I agree, but those people are not going to spend $800 on an 8 channel mixer!!! And if 16 channels scare them, then you can bet your ass an iOS only mix surface is going to scare the hell out of them.
The rep looked like I just told him there was no Santa clause.

Yes, slightly different example....but just another example of people not thinking about the user base before launching a product.
After 12 months I would bet mackie has sold less than 100 of those stupid 8 channel versions of the DL mixer.
(I have the DL1608, so I'm not a hater)
i agree that the DL808 is the dumbest product for the reasons you stated.

but i think Bluetooth and iOS will appeal to beginners because they probably use that kinda tech in other ways. i wish i could more easily send my iPhone music to my RCF speaker for practicing without a mixer or a separate bluetooth device.

i hope that all powered speakers will have some sort of wireless music tech built in someday.
You guys need to realize that this is not marketed towards you or me. And to be really frank none of us are able to gauge this through objective eyes. We could sit here and shoot holes through it all day long and we'd probably have some pretty legitimate points, but it's up to the targeted consumer to decide whether there is value. I'd never own one, but if I was someone who shopped at GC and was looking for what is basically a karaoke guitar player this would get my attention.

I do find it rather interesting that they used the term tonematching though.....not sure if that is a trademarked thing or a direct attempt to compete with the AxeFXII, but to me there is nothing tonematching about it. It just links to user created presets which while it may be convenient doesn't do anything to match the tone actively.

There are some neat things about it. And for some reason anything that runs as an app is big these days. I have more than enough tablets and phones and craps that run mobile OS's and I am starting to become sick of trying to mess with them to do big boy things. But you can't ignore the market because it's massive.
Hey....this is the benefit if you join forces with Yamaha....they now built a 150w THR type amp for home and rehearsal use......what else you could expect from Line6? ;)
Agreed, this is marketed for beginners.....but are beginners really looking for Bluetooth and iOS capability?
I think is too much flash, without enough substance.

Given the adoption of music tech for ios and such, I think they are, actually.

I think what this thing really is is a backdoor way for Line 6 to capitalize on the popularity of Positive Grid's stuff. It doesn't have the HD modelling, who really cares? People can use Bias through it and they're set.
It looks promising for many home and teaching studio uses, but the problem I had was that Line 6 had this huge marketing campaign about how they were reinventing the guitar amp. To paraphrase the great product guru Tommy Boy, "Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it a reinvented guitar amp, I will." I just expected more.
It looks promising for many home and teaching studio uses, but the problem I had was that Line 6 had this huge marketing campaign about how they were reinventing the guitar amp. To paraphrase the great product guru Tommy Boy, "Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it a reinvented guitar amp, I will." I just expected more.

Do you know of a lot of amps that have bluetooth?
Good idea, but sounds like a wet fart. Just like I predicted. Pass.
. It doesn't have the HD modelling, who really cares? People can use Bias through it and they're set.

Exactly what I was thinking.....which means its value is now just a FRFR speaker with blue tooth.
Well, there are lots of blue tooth FRFR speakers in the market.

They didn't reinvent anything.
And their add says their blue tooth FRFR is the best sounding out there. That is a hell of a claim.
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