Here it is - LINE 6 Amplifi

After watching the video, for the audience it targets it seems pretty cool. Obviously Fractal has nothing to worry about, but again, that's not the main audience for this amp. They did speculate on an Android version of the editor later this year, which will certainly expand their customer base since the review states you can't do a whole lot without it. Pretty cool concept overall though - hopefully it will do well.
I've used line6 stuff for years and I think their gear sounds great for the money, but their technology has been stagnant ever since they released the x3. Even the hd series line sounds like the same processing, only the unit's exterior changes. They are disappointing in my opinion.
As a guitar instructor, there is tremendous value in this product. Students don't always have a way to play along with songs, exercises, backing tracks, etc. (which helps so much when trying to learn).

The price is absolutely right for many people (even though there are other products which will be relatively comparable and still allow you to connect an mp3 player, at a low price point).

No, this is a great product. Most of my electric students are happy with the sound of the Fender Mustang Floor. I was happy with the Digitech RP500/1000 years ago, until I learned.
IMO, this is pretty cool. No, not the studio quality or live unit that competes with the axe fx, but it's pretty brilliant as far as convenience. Sitting on the couch, semi-watching TV with an iPad next to me is pretty much the norm in my house. I even talked about wiring an XLR and MFC jack to the wall next to the couch to plug in my Atomic wedge and MFC just so I could have access to some sounds.

I have what most people would consider a strange relationship with my wife. We spend literally every moment together (work, home, sleep, shows...) and have for 10 years. Consequently, neither of us likes to go to a different room to practice... This product is basically perfect for me at home. Streaming audio to the amp is pretty much amazing for practice. Currently, I'm using a little 1-channel 20w Jet City, but it'd be nice to have something with that can change from clean to dirty and has a headphone jack for when the wife is actually watching the show on TV.
I don't know man, I have recordings from 6 years ago using my XT that sounded better than my HD did after my usual tweaking.
Yeah, my experience as well. My favourite Line 6 product to date was actually my Line 6 Spider Jam. In a way, quite similar to this product. The Spider Jam had the Spider 3 modelling but it had a tweeter to make it full range:ish. It had a Microphone input and a separate guitar/aux input, and builtin drum/jamtrack looper. Easy to play and jam with. Super practical - I played one a wedding with another guitar player with two acoustics and a mic plugged in to the Jam. Later we used it as a PA with an iPod plugged in to the aux and the Spider Jam was the only sound system on the wedding. Worked great.

Last year I bought the Pod HD 500 and struggled like crazy just to dial in some basic decent tones. I never had those kind of problems with the Jam even though the modelling wasn’t as advanced, most of the time it actually sounded better than the HD 500.
ok, this was a let down. Not that I need anything new but intrigued. They hyped it to be major and even redesigned their website to introduce it. Was expecting the next series to surpass the HD. So I already have the IV amp so not sure if anything is new here. Then thought could be a good practice amp to jam with, but wait, I have android and no iphone or ipad with no intention of getting one. So what does it even have to offer me? nothing more than my Spider IV. Might be the next flop to archive in their legacy list within a year. So Ill move on.
All you have to do is read the Amplifi website's text and know its targeted at kids. No further investigation required.
I am buying one for sure. Guitar center will be receiving them next week. I have my axe fx 2 but the fact that this does so many things makes it a perfect backup and practice amp. It is a Bluetooth music streamer and you can hook it up to your tv like a soundbar. I am sure the streaming music part of it sounds fantastic. I think they have hit on an untapped market here with this
Having been a Line 6 customer for many years until I discovered Fractal, there's a big difference between the X3 and HD modelling quality. HD stuff has been around since about late 2010 - very strange that they'd incorporate an older modelling scheme into a brand new product. The iOS app is obviously useless of someone is using an Android-based product.
I'm pretty sure that they didn't want to cannibalize on their hd pod product line.

So far, I can see this thing getting a success as their marketing is great as always. It definitely hits the customers they are aiming for.

Would I recommend it to beginners that ask me what to buy? Probably not. Reason for that is that it's loaded with way too much features to actually deliver a good price-to-quality ratio. Why for example pay extra for bluetooth if you want to dial in your tones directly? There's so much unneccessary stuff in this product that nobody ever needs (like the advertised 5 speaker system... why is that in there? To mask the crappy amp sims with an overloaded stereo image?)...

Looks like I will keep recommending the Fender Super Champ to beginners. Missed opportunity, L6!
when i saw the teaser video with the tweeter, i'd figured it was probably some jam-along amp, sort of like boss's eband js8 type thing.
but now that the product is revealed, i thought it was a pretty nifty all-in-one box.
if not for the fact that i've no excuse to give the missus for getting another amp after the axe fx, i might just get one, for shits and giggles.
nice time to be a guitar player..
It doesn't seem such a bad product to me. Its just an all in one practice amp, the hype was a bit too much but it really is a new concept right?

man the andertons guys try too hard to be cool :eek:
Not a fail... tell it to their bank account. will sell tons, I'm even interested as a practice tool, or grab and go.
The reason IMO this is fail is because I think they merged two products that are a mismatch.
They took a sonos blue tooth speaker and merged it with their iOS no new concepts....just piling a lot into one box.
The mismatch I see is in amp quality vs tech capabilities.
They didn't go high quality on the amp sim software, which means guys looking for high quality amp modeling, will be underwhelmed.
So this would tell me the target is a beginner level.
If this IS a beginner level product....then the iOS software is overkill.
I wouldn't think a beginner would need (or know how to use) a lot of the routing options, etc.
I would think you'd want to keep it simple for a beginner....thus I would think the iOS software is just going to be confusing.
I can imagine a kid walking into GC and trying to figure out the iOS (assuming they have a demo station set up), getting confused....and the walking over to try a spider amp instead.
Just my opinion.

This same rig can be accomplished with a sonos speaker and an iPad with the 'bias' app.....

'Reinventing the guitar amp'......really???
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