HELP ME do a live guitar lesson ELECTRIC EYE...TONIGHT Axe2

Great broadcast! Thank you Mark, found it pretty informative just to watch your style of bends. Sent you a question at your regular email about your pickups
Once again guys, thanks a ton for joining me in this test. I'm going to have to do this again soon and who knows if people are having fun maybe we can make it a regular thing :)
I have to iron out some bugs but I think I'll do it again next week.

Shit. Missed it. You're videos have been cracking me up. Will you do these on a regular schedule, so I know it's coming and can set aside some time?

Ustream is a free service and does serve ads. Their watershed offering is where you pay for the service and they remove the ads. I believe they even have a set up where you can serve your own ads. I am not sure if ustream ever implemented pay per view but believe they did. Many CDNs will allow you to set up a PPV stream. Viewers can pay whatever you determine as the price. You'd be surprised how many people are making a business out of 2-5 buck webcasts.
Once again guys, thanks a ton for joining me in this test. I'm going to have to do this again soon and who knows if people are having fun maybe we can make it a regular thing :)
I have to iron out some bugs but I think I'll do it again next week.


If you start getting enough traffic you can even make a few bucks while doing it. Various ways. You could get sponsors like FAS and Suhr etc. PPV, using a CDN that serves ads and gives you a cut. . . .
I missed this! Darn. I would love to check out the next one Mark. I love the idea and the fact that you are taking steps to put your idea into practice. Thank you.
Once again guys, thanks a ton for joining me in this test. I'm going to have to do this again soon and who knows if people are having fun maybe we can make it a regular thing :)
I have to iron out some bugs but I think I'll do it again next week.


That would be great Mark. Really appreciated by all I imagine. Missed the first, look forward to the next.
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