Has Anyones Marrige survived that Axe Fx??

My marriage has survived the Axe II. we were separated for 200 days this year. Owning the Axe II (and previously the Ultra) has allowed me to sell all my other gear. I've paid off quite a bit of bills and debt with ZERO regrets.

200 days is a long time to be separated from your Axe II.
I had an ultra and my wife surprised me with the 2. Then a couple of months later I was trying to figure out how I was gonna pull off a couple of Satch songs on my Anderson Guitars and she showed up with a premium Ibanez that has been the best Ibanez I have ever owned. And I've owned a lot of em. My wife has good mojo.
GREAT wife, totally supportive. After 10+ years married, she still comes out to most every gig (60-70 a year!), with both of us working full time jobs outside of music. Not surprisingly, she is happy to see me get excited about gear and has commented that I have never been so excited about an amp over such a long period. She knows that gear euphoria fades fast, so she has become as nearly as big a fan of the Axe Fx II as I am.

Neither she nor the Axe FX are getting away from me. Thank God for lasting relationships of all sorts!
The Axe FX has helped my marriage. Before it I had a room loaded with sound proofing and was still too loud for everyone.

Now I can play through studio headphones.

She loves it!!!
My wife loves the axe. In fact, she likes it so much that she bought my ultra to use as her bass rig, which partially funded my axe 2.

She could probably do without the "HONEY, COME HERE! Ok, which do you like better... THIS *play riff* or... *switch to nearly identical patch and play the same riff* that?" She gives me a blank look and I say "you can't hear the difference can you..." She's a good sport though. After almost 9 years of marriage she still comes into the room and listens every time.
The Axe FX has helped my marriage. Before it I had a room loaded with sound proofing and was still too loud for everyone.

Now I can play through studio headphones.

She loves it!!!

this is how it is at my house as well.
I wouldn't say she "loves it" but she's glad I can play at a much lower volume and
there's a hell of a lot more room now in my basement since all of my cabs and heads are now gone.
My wife loves the axe. In fact, she likes it so much that she bought my ultra to use as her bass rig, which partially funded my axe 2.

Let me get this right, you were actually able to get your wife........WIFE, to BUY your Ultra?

I don't know whether I have more or less respect for you after reading that. Nice?

We have seperate personal checking accounts and all of our gear purchases are seperate from that. I've taught her how to manage her gig money so she has cash for equipment when she needs it. Since that money is a totally different account, we don't work it into our everyday expenses and therefore don't become dependant on it. It also creates unique situations when we buy/sell gear. I was selling my ultra and she was going to pickup a used axe fx anyway, so it made sense that she bought mine. We both got our dream rigs, she knows how this one has been treated, and we don't even need to have a single discussion on money. It's been working for us for (almost) 9 years. :)
There's always been a mismatch between the current available version of Wife-Edit and the Wife-Mood-Firmware of the present moment. Someone said "Compatible version coming soon" but so far it's been an eternal mismatch.

Anyway, we've survived the Standard, The Ultra, and hope we'll arrive to Ver.10 of the II soon :D
My marriage is stronger because of the Fractal. My beautiful wife and I have been happily married for 40 years. We have survived kids, job changes, moves, births, deaths, and severe illnesses. I would not change a thing. My wife loves her gardening and I give her whatever space she needs for that because it makes her happy and fulfilled. She knows how I am about guitar and knows it makes me happy, so she indulges my addiction to the Cractal. I am no longer frustrated with my gear (first time in 40 years) so she is thrilled with the Fractal. Now if I was faced with the desert island scenario and could only take one thing, I guess I'd face a tough choice.
Now if I was faced with the desert island scenario and could only take one thing, I guess I'd face a tough choice.

Yeah, but it sounds like she'd understand
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