Guthrie Govan tone

Wow, that was amazing. Thanks so much for the patch and also for your great lessons on your YouTube channel. You're a very good teacher and very inspiring. I look forward to more. Thanks again.
Hi Sam great great playing...what speakers are you using with the Axe ? direct? what other outboard stuff are you using? i notice on one of your vids what looks like some sort of workstation roland ? how do you record....? equiptment..

I cannot get the syx file to load in my unit... is the file corrupt? Anyone else have any problems with this?
Great playing and tone! Forgive my ignorance, as I am a new Axe Fx/forum user, but how do I open the attached .syx files? Can I open it with Axe-edit? Every time I open it with that program the layout comes out blank...Thanks in advance!
Hey guys, I completely forgot this thread exists!

The link Caligula's Horse now leads to my website, which now has the entire album I've been working on for almost a year now, called "Moments From Ephemeral City", the Guthrie Govan tone in question can be found all over said album.

I'll have a look in my backups (I no longer use the same tone, it's much less top end-y these days), and see if I can pull a new .syx file for you guys. While you're on my site have a listen to the other tones on my album (it's "pay what you want" download so you don't have to pay a cent) and if there's anything else there that you like hit me up!

Here's the thread I started for the album:

Now quadorocks99: I'm not sure what the problem you're running into is from, but it could be as simple as the .syx files being corrupted seeing as they're from the old forum (everything from the old forum no longer works), I'll hook my Axe FX up and see what I can do tomorrow;) Thanks for the interest guys!
....And I've finally updated the first post with the current version of the tone. Enjoy!

quadorocks99: You'll find that loading the new one up in Axe Edit should work just fine;)
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