Goodbye, & thanks for all the fish.....

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Clark Kent said:
This is just like someone losing his faith in god and you guys are acting like angry priests. Let him be! Axe-Fx = "not for everyone".
Couldn't agree more.

But this wasn't really about the AxeFX not doing what he wanted, it was about feeling the need to come in here and state his case to the free world about his suffering at the hands of FA. :mrgreen:

Even that's fine, but the other posts that may actually be on the local distrubutor dragging their feet and then pointing fingers at FA and accusing them of being unprofessional wasn't really cool IMHO. It may be their fault, but I do question it.
Whilst I dont think taking sides in this matter is worth it....just know that although you may not know Bob, he is a well respected musician in the Australian (Melb) guitar community.

I wouldnt doubt for a second his influence on a many sales here & there.

News flash! Good product sells itself! No serious musician I know would base their decision to buy something on the opinions of another.....especially the opinion of someone with an axe to grind. (pun intended).
Somehow I get the sense that Fractal will do just fine!
mickdoo22 said:
Whilst I dont think taking sides in this matter is worth it....just know that although you may not know Bob, he is a well respected musician in the Australian (Melb) guitar community.

I wouldnt doubt for a second his influence on a many sales here & there.

News flash! Good product sells itself! No serious musician I know would base their decision to buy something on the opinions of another.....especially the opinion of someone with an axe to grind. (pun intended).
Somehow I get the sense that Fractal will do just fine!

Well, good products sell themselves BECAUSE opinions travel via word of mouth, especially with smaller startup style companies with limited advertising budget.
mickdoo22 said:
Whilst I dont think taking sides in this matter is worth it....just know that although you may not know Bob, he is a well respected musician in the Australian (Melb) guitar community.

I wouldnt doubt for a second his influence on a many sales here & there.

News flash! Good product sells itself! No serious musician I know would base their decision to buy something on the opinions of another.....especially the opinion of someone with an axe to grind. (pun intended).
Somehow I get the sense that Fractal will do just fine!

I couldnt agree more..., however certain people are talented at word of mouth, much like Scott's TGP monster thread.

Like I said I wouldnt want to take sides, i'm sure whatever the issue was it could of been either party, or a misunderstanding.

My post was more directed at posts concerning Bob's creditiblity, he is a stand up guy, respected musician & influencial here down under.
OneBaldBloke is a respected guitarist and will be sorely missed. IIRC he had more than one worldwide hit and it certainly seems he has an influence down under.

OBB had quite a bit of bad luck with his Ultra, an experience certainly not shared by the overwhelming majority of users, I think we would read a lot more of that if it was. Also his description of Fractal's support does not mirror most responses we read here.
But also I think this may shed some light: IIRC OBB was a major player if not the originator of the infamous and now deleted "Crack" thread.
Basically, according to OBB his tube amps possess a certain quality he was missing in the Axe-FX. He requested it. A vivid discussion of pro and con arose. Cliff responded that he disagreed with the desirability of said quality and certainly would not incorporate it. It got ugly.

It was a very entertaining read.

Still. I'm saddened OBB decided to take this road.
OBB is Bob Spencer and he is indeed one of the most respected rock guitarists in Australia. Two of his bands - Skyhooks and The Angels are iconic over here...Australian Recording Industry Association Hall of Fame etc. Plus he was mates with Bon Scott! So in anyones language Bob is a legend!!
stevorc321 said:
OBB is Bob Spencer and he is indeed one of the most respected rock guitarists in Australia. Two of his bands - Skyhooks and The Angels are iconic over here...Australian Recording Industry Association Hall of Fame etc. Plus he was mates with Bon Scott! So in anyones language Bob is a legend!!

I have no doubt Bob Spencer is a decent guitar player......that wasn't my point. My point is, I have a ton of respect for John Petrucci and Steve Vai, but I wouldn't run out and buy anything based on their endorsement or lack of. It helps bring legitimacy to a product for sure, but it is not a major factor for me.
With ANY product, you have people who rave that it's the best thing since sliced bread, while others will say how much a piece of crap something is based on their OPINIONS and personal agenda. I once had a guy laugh at me because he insisted my Boogie Mark IV was an overrated piece of junk that sounded like crap.....meanwhile he was playing through a solid state Peavey.
It doesn't matter how famous or influential he is or is not. The only thing that has to do with the OP is the threat at the end. A large part of troubleshooting is to sift through crap like that and get to the meat of the issue, which OBB hasn't made clear to us.
The last support email I have from Bob is 8/18/09 so I'm completely baffled as to what this rant is all about. The last exchange was:
Bob: "Did that EPROM get sent".

Us: "Yes, we sent you two".

If this is condescending and horrific customer service then I'm at a loss.

There was another brief exchange with sales in November 09 where he was asking us to declare the Axe-Fx as a synthesizer so he could get around duties but I show nothing since.

I'm sorry we somehow offended him but I have nothing to go on and no discourse with him for over a year.
Sounds like the ramblings of a madman who can't articulate a thought. The pseudo philosophical twist is pretty funny too. Not to mention the superior Dolphin reference in the title is worth a chuckle. I could be wrong though.

Maybe the problem is how famous he thinks he is and why FAS didn't do more to make him happy.
Did he get his own thread welcoming him? I bet that would have helped with the performance of the Axe-Fx.

I remember the "Crack" thread and there was some communication problems there as well. I think I even know what he means by "Crack" and I can get more of that "crack" than I could ever dream of with the Axe.

Yeah I'm a "fan boy" because it works which is all that's important to me NOT how kind and gentle FAS is to its customers. Being a musician for 35 years and dealing with eccentric (crazy?) musicians even the fluffy Dolphin types, it's difficult for the engineer and musician alike. To me what's important is how the product performs and the support that FAS offers. Works for me but my skin might be thicker than most?

So Bob if you need some presets with "crack" PM me. I promise I'll be nice. Seriously.
And when you leave Earth please forgive us, we're just "Low IQ" "fan boys".
Don't forget to "bid adieu" to your "fan boys" as well.
FractalAudio said:
The last support email I have from Bob is 8/18/09 so I'm completely baffled as to what this rant is all about. The last exchange was:
Bob: "Did that EPROM get sent".

Us: "Yes, we sent you two".

If this is condescending and horrific customer service then I'm at a loss.

There was another brief exchange with sales in November 09 where he was asking us to declare the Axe-Fx as a synthesizer so he could get around duties but I show nothing since.

I'm sorry we somehow offended him but I have nothing to go on and no discourse with him for over a year.

and, the crickets in Australia!
Goodbye, & thanks for all the fish.....

What fish?
How come I never got any?

This makes me really mad, :x
looks like some people here got preferential treatment!
got Nada, Zip Zilch, not even a shrimp!


Manny said:
Not to mention the superior Dolphin reference in the title is worth a chuckle. I could be wrong though.

Well then it should be "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish".

AndrewSimon said:
Goodbye, & thanks for all the fish.....

What fish?
How come I never got any?

G66 includes chocolates. The Aussie distributor includes fish.
I hope he doesn't respond..unless its to fractal and privately..i don't think he was overly wise airing his views and opinions like he did, but i think it will do more damage for everyone to continue reading and posting.

Wouldn't it be more constructive to leave this alone now and focus on the reason this forum was created.
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