Get Yer 11.0 Beta Here!

I think I like what I'm hearing. It seems I have to make the same set of tweaks on all my high gain patches--generally turning down the gain a bit and adding some more mids.

Thanks for the continuing effort to improve this box of wonders!
I'm actually contemplating that. I don't see any reason to keep the old versions.

It's a no brainer in my humble opinion when you think about it Cliff.

With the speed and convenience using the BOT for FW updates it really boils down to a single click on the front panel versus a couple of clicks with the mouse using the app to change versions. It seems silly to me for you to have to maintain that code and use precious memory so a few that use the global option can save a minutes worth of time.
high gainers rejoice!!!! This is awesome! All the growl I've been dreaming of has finally arrived, and palm mutes seem to cute through so clearly without the tubby low end. I don't know what changed but this sounds great!!!!
I notice compression settings on amp page up to 72% on marshalls and bogners.
Is this the new default?
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Hey Cliff ,

is this firmware more beneficial to the Direct sound or will it help the traditional ss/power amp cab setup to .

you mentioned the amps affected most ,I am guessing the SLO would be one that would have a very noticeable change ,Am I correct
Hey Cliff ,

is this firmware more beneficial to the Direct sound or will it help the traditional ss/power amp cab setup to .

you mentioned the amps affected most ,I am guessing the SLO would be one that would have a very noticeable change ,Am I correct

It will help equally in both applications. The SLO definitely will be affected (in a good way).
I can't help but notice the unnatural tone in this clip. Compressed and congested. I've never heard a tone like that out of a tube rig.

That's exactly how I like it! :) I have spent ages and a fortune buying/selling tube & non-tube gear in order to arrive there.

If you like to hear that tone on a "tube rig", listen to Steve Rothery from Marillion.
I usually do updates when there are new presets released at the same time so I am kind of new to this. A quick Noob question, when you update to a new firmware you just have to switch your amp to another one and back? Does this just change the MV or do other parameters reset? Does one notice much or any change without resetting the amp block?
Fantastic upgrade. It's a whole new world once again. Owning the AxeFX ll is like having your gear go through reincarnation constantly.

Version 11 Beta is astonishing. I spent the last two hours trying out the clean patches. So many of the amps sound actually better than the originals. My current clean favorite is the Bassman 59. Tomorrow is officially set aside for gain.
Can't wait to wake up...
Just spent a couple hours going through several patches/models on 11.0Beta...Incredible! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better. I've been playing for over 40 years and never heard any rig sound this good. Thanks!
I'm freakin' curious as heck as to what's been bothering him for 5+ years!!

I'm just ready to upload FW11.beta and most likely playing will home in on the answer.....but sure would like Cliff's story on the issue not necessarily the fix!

5 years of constipation, ouch, then the clock fell, boom boom!
I officially give this a rating of "tripping balls"...I own a Friedman HBE and have loved it all along. I have even liked the older HBE sims for what they were. Still cool, but this is a new level for sure.

Finally the warmth and fizzy crunch of the original amp is here even with full amp/cab sim through my studio monitors! Wow this really is a first...
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