Get instant answers WITHOUT reading the Axe-Fx manual

Jason Scott

Fractal Fanatic
New users with questions are sometimes told to "RTFM". While the manual is obviously an excellent resource, it's also fairly large and can be overwhelming for a lot of users with questions. In my opinion, that's where the site comes in. It’s a free tool that lets anybody upload a PDF and ask questions about it using natural language. In a nutshell, the site analyzes and extracts the core contents of a PDF and uses a conversational interface, much like ChatGPT, to allow users to ask questions and get answers fast. In fact, it's powered by ChatGPT, so in essence, you can upload a PDF (e.g. the Axe-Fx III manual) and ask for specific information in the manual without having to dig through it. In my opinion, it's ideal when you need a quick answer to a simple and specific question that's covered in the manual. It's basically like being able to question someone who's already read the manual.

I've taken the liberty of uploading the Axe-Fx III manual to their site. Simply click this link to start asking questions.

Are the answers always 100% accurate? No, but in my experience they're often on point, and I can see how this would definitely be useful for new users.
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In all seriousness though, this is cool.
It works pretty well. I asked it some normal questions and it quoted the manual, and then asked some obscure questions and it didn't come back with garbage. I think it'd be worthwhile having all the manuals in it, though, because *Edit isn't well documented it won't be able to describe how to do things in Edit's context, which is unfortunate since we use it as the main interface.
I found something really really cool! It's called an index! It's like a hi-tech intelligent navigator co-pilot. Lets you go right to the specific subject of interest within a manual. 😁
While you're still thumbing through the index, most people who use this would likely already have the answer...
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