Gapless switch latency


I use gapless switching and I don’t have a gap when switching. But I have a very noticeable delay when one preset switches to another. So the sound doesn’t disappear. But it switches half a second later than I pressed the button. Am I missing something? My switches don’t have a hold action assigned.
Half a second is a long time for FM9 presets to change. Maybe you're overestimating that duration? If not I wonder if it's something in your specific presets. Does it happen on Factory Presets?
Just to be clear, what you are describing has nothing to do with latency... Latency is when the audio signal is delayed compared to what you play.

Is the delay you are noticingreally with the audio or just the display updating?

What is your CPU use like?
If you have a Hold function programmed on that switch, it will fire when the switch is released, not when i gets stomped. That can seem like a delay.
If you have a Hold function programmed on that switch, it will fire when the switch is released, not when i gets stomped. That can seem like a delay.
The OP says there's no Hold function... That was my initial thought, too.
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Just to be clear, what you are describing has nothing to do with latency... Latency is when the audio signal is delayed compared to what you play.

Is the delay you are noticingreally with the audio or just the display updating?

What is your CPU use like?
I know it's not the latency. I was thinking if I should call it a delay, and then was thinking it might get confused with delay effect. And I chose the worse term. My bad :) CPU usage is around 70%.
Half a second is a long time for FM9 presets to change. Maybe you're overestimating that duration? If not I wonder if it's something in your specific presets. Does it happen on Factory Presets?
I have to check it with factory presets. I was on a rehearsal, when noticed it. Will update the post when checked. And I might overestimate half a second. But it was quite noticeable. I would say, it's the same duration as when it was before gapless switching. Just instead of a gap now I have a delay with a roughly similar duration.
This happened to me recently at my first band practice with the FM9, maybe this is what happened to you as well.

I'm using the per preset layout mostly, and then defining the switches for each preset. I was aware of the hold delay thing and need that instant change exactly as I press, so in the per preset section on each fc I did not assign a hold function.

However, still I experienced what you describe.

I think this was because there is still a hold function enabled at the per preset layout itself. These are just like pass thrus to the hold function selected in each preset. But even though each preset had no hold function, hold delay still existed on the per preset layout.

So yeah if you are using PP, maybe try clearing the hold functions out at the layout level.

Maybe even something that's firmware fixable so that the hold function is considered gone if the pp position assigned has no hold function.
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This happened to me recently at my first band practice with the FM9, maybe this is what happened to you as well.

I'm using the per preset layout mostly, and then defining the switches for each layout. I was aware of the hold delay thing and need that instant change exactly as I press, so in the per preset section on each fc I did not assign a hold function.

However, still I experienced what you describe.

I think this was because there is still a hold function enabled at the per preset layout itself. These are just like pass thrus to the hold function selected in each preset. But even though each preset had no hold function, hold delay still existed on the per preset layout.

So yeah I'd you are using PP, maybe try clearing the hold functions out at the layout level.

Maybe even something that's firmware fixable so that the hold function is considered gone if the pp position assigned has no hold function.
Thank you, I will try it <3
So I made a bit of investigation, and that's what I found out. The right bottom switch on the scene Layout (2) acts like it has a hold function. So it only switches, when I release it or hold it long enough. It doesn't have a hold function or PP assigned. All other switches work immediately (on Press). Only this one works as "On Release" or just "hold long enough" switch. I even reset the hold function but it didn't help.
Maybe this can help you to determine what's the problem?
That sounds like it might be the Master Layout Menu switch (MLM). Pressing the top and bottom switches on the far right at the same time brings up a menu of all layouts, so you can get to any of them from anywhere. You can disable that in settings, but it's kind of handy in some situations.
That sounds like it might be the Master Layout Menu switch (MLM). Pressing the top and bottom switches on the far right at the same time brings up a menu of all layouts, so you can get to any of them from anywhere. You can disable that in settings, but it's kind of handy in some situations.
Yes, that's almost certainly the issue.

The key in this case is knowing that's it's that specific switch.
Yes, that's almost certainly the issue.

The key in this case is knowing that's it's that specific switch.
Oh, I see. Then it means, that I have to choose, either I have a MLM or no delay, right? But actually I might not need master layout. I never use it. So I'll just disable it. But if there is any other solution, I would be happy to know.
Oh, I see. Then it means, that I have to choose, either I have a MLM or no delay, right? But actually I might not need master layout. I never use it. So I'll just disable it. But if there is any other solution, I would be happy to know.
Generally any switch that has dual functions for tap or hold doesn't register the "tap" function until you release. That's just to make sure it knows what your intention is. So this will also apply to any switch that has a hold function assigned (besides the MLM shortcut).

(Ex. switch held <500ms: trigger tap function, switch held >500ms: trigger hold function)

The only time I've seen that not be the case is for Morningstar products where you can manually assign the function to trigger on press so it send that command regardless of whether or not you continue to hold the switch and also activate the hold function.

I actually think this would be a useful function in Fractal land as well so you can use the bottom right switch for tap tempo while still using MLM shortcut, but it's probably too small a benefit to add for the potential confusion it could cause the userbase.

But yes, you'd need to disable that to get the bottom right switch to fire instantly. I personally find that shortcut to be easy to remember, so I like it and just don't have anything on that switch that needs to be instant.
Also, I don't believe there's any particular amount of "delay" set on it. It should just be as fast as you let go. When you were unaware of it, you may have just been holding the switch down longer than usual, but if you keep it in mind and tap quickly, you may find it's fast enough for you.
The other option is to use that switch for something that's not time-critical.
I would, But unfortunately, the bottom row is the most convenient one to switch the scenes because they are the most accessible. And I have many scenes :) But thank you all for the good ideas anyway <3
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