G3 modeling thread

I'm glad Cliff is a better man than I...because I'd read threads like this and just never update again, lol.

Seriously. It's not like firmware updates are optional or anything. Oh wait... :roll

When has a firmware update from Cliff ever not been awesome? Retweaking presets is just the price of admission. I mean it's not like G3's gonna be like New Coke or something. I have a sneaky suspicion that Cliff knows what he's doing.
It's funny how some people are already complaining about something that doesn't exist. If you love 17 and hate G3 don't switch. It's pretty simple. Asking to include every past version of modelling is silly. The fact that Fractal Audio used to include this was incredible, but that is above and beyond normal support. Guys we are a little spoiled that they even entertain these type of requests. This all takes a lot of time and work that we receive at no cost. We all need a little perspective sometimes.
It's funny how some people are already complaining about something that doesn't exist. If you love 17 and hate G3 don't switch. It's pretty simple. Asking to include every past version of modelling is silly. The fact that Fractal Audio used to include this was incredible, but that is above and beyond normal support. Guys we are a little spoiled that they even entertain these type of requests. This all takes a lot of time and work that we receive at no cost. We all need a little perspective sometimes.

+1 for respect and perspective!
Cliff, could you please include G2 technology v17 rollback option in FW18? It would be incredible to have the option to instantly go from G2-FW17 to G3-FW18. FW17 is amazing and even though FW 18 is supposed to be way better, some signals may still work better running G2 FW17 for some mixes.
I'm remembering how great in FW10 it was to have the ability to instantly rollback to FW9 and FW8. Those versions were not huge differences so FW18 to FW17 would be even more beneficial.
Thanks and please take EXTRA care in re-creating by beloved 1987x!

At NO time whatsoever in this thread EVER, or have I EVER stated that new Firmware is NOT superior to the pre-existing Firmware, as some of You have Complained about. There has only been one occasion where I felt a FW update did not sound BETTER as the previous version, and I think that was way back in the 'Utra' days(prob '08 or '09). Like I said earlier in this thread, "If I was anymore excited about FW18 my head would EXPLODE!" I freaking live for FW updates! The actual Hipsters are the one's who are complaining about a simple request that they are misinterpreting as complaining. Isn't that what Hipsters do? Jump on the bandwagon based on something that's not even REAL? Where is this SPECIFIC COMPLAINT that you're referencing? You funny Hipsters don't know the difference between a request and a complaint. Where did I once say that new FW doesn't sound better than previous version(besides once with the Ultra way back)?
My entire reason for that horrible request was that just because FW18 will be way better, I'm confident I could find some uses for some of the sounds in FW17 OCCASIONALLY, and having the OPTION to switch on the fly so I can compare the 2 immediately at the flip of a dial would've been beneficial to me, kinda like having two Axe Fx's in one(of course most of the time FW18 being the better choice). Sometimes, during some songs I distort my guitar signal to beautiful mush and what sounds 'Better' usually with clean signals might not necessarily sound better with these signals. Also what I explained in another post is, what sounds "Better" (for me) is often dependent on the entire mix and having more OPTIONS to instantly monitor different versions of similar signals is not a bad thing IMO. If you listened to solo'd guitar tracks of your favorite riffs you might be like WTF, because what works in a MIX often sounds unflattering when Solo'd. Also I use a lot of other gear that influences the end of the Axe Fx chain, Trakkers, Titans, Avedis EQs, La2...So yeah, believe it or not sometimes, just sometimes, older FW versions have the magic for certain tracks. (Now of course this will get interpreted by the hipsters as "OMG he's complaining about New Firmware!") So I'll repeat what I said in my 1st post in this thread nice a clear for the hipsters out there: "Don't know how but Cliff continuously keeps breaking ground and the curve of innovation does not seem to be leveling one bit." Only a hipster would perceive this as 'complaining'!!
And for the record, I am officially withdrawing my simple request for including an OPTION of FW17 switch on the fly. I am SOOO sorry for all those that were offended by this request. I know it was evil and I have wronged you all. No worries, it will never happen again. I actually felt so bad by offending you guys that I pulled a BC (from Evil Dead 2) and started bashing plates over my head. If I ever have an idea for an option in the Axe FX in the future that I think would be beneficial for myself, I will just keep it to myself. I really hope you find it in your hearts to forgive me. Please accept my sincere condolences, for I have learned an invaluable lesson, never Fuk with Hipsters that misinterpret simple requests as 'complaining', and then complain about it.
BTW, You guys should start an Axe Fx Hipster group, Dpoirier can be the Head-Hipster that establishes the agenda for followers like lqdsnddist, Chris@KatsuKuriMedia, rsf1977_again, KittyForHire ...yesterday's little discussion was 'More options are Sooo lame, why would anyone want older sounds'...'yeah man, unless they're lame!"..."Yeah, who would use old stuff, old stuff's so lame"...
Or Nazi Hipsters "Only the most current and up to date Firmware can be used, anyone caught using old Firmware will be shot on sight!" in their German accents. Actually I should pitch this to Tarantino...Inglorious Basterds Part deux! You guys can be stars!

(You guys hopefully know I'm kidding, I love all my fellow Axe Fx junkies!!)
Everyone I meet says I remind them of 'Chop-Top' from TMC2. But no, I'm not tweaked at all. Nice to meet you.
"Hello me, Meet the Real me."
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